The Rise Of The Human Spirit And The Fall Of The New World Order

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)



Whilst I fully appreciate the many beautiful people within our societies it saddens me to see that as an entity, civilisation has been utilised as a tool of control and subjugation. It has been harnessed as a machine that mows across the world and uses our fellow man as the fuel in the engine of our own demise. Indigenous communities evicted from their lands, forests cut down, rivers poisoned and entire communities relegated to a life of servitude. Removing the last free men from the earth in order that we forget what it ever meant to be free.

Within the waxing and waning of the ages, ever greater power and wealth has been manipulated into ever less hands. Those with darkness in their hearts and the lust for power in their veins have always sought dominion over man and the riches of the world. Equally those with freedom in their hearts have sought to emancipate themselves from the shackles that have been placed upon them. Today these two opposing forces appear to be rising in a race to the finish line, a race where the stakes have seldom been higher.

Borrowed Time

Whilst people baulk at the idea of a shadowy elite attempting to take over the world, a cursory glance at the rise and fall of civilisation will reveal this to be a historical constant. Alas, a society that’s built for the few to control the many is built upon crumbling foundations of inequality. The truth is that in a world of division equality is the path to unity and unity is the greatest threat to the architects of divide and conquer.

Big brother6.jpg

We have given blood, sweat and tears to build a civilisation that used it's people to mask an intent of power and control. As the veil begins to lift, the eye has come full circle and now has us all in it’s sight. I wonder when people will see it? When they will see that one day they too are destined to become a stranger in the land of their fathers. Our transient wealth and happiness was simply a means to an ends, the bait we naively took. We took it for granted that in a world of plenty; starvation, brutality and war were facts of life. But my friends none of this is a fact of life, it is a gross perversion of the very concept of normality. A perversion we have been manipulated to blindly accept, but to see the world with open eyes is to never close them again.


Power To The People

We have been born into a system of infinite growth on a finite planet. An age where the banal and the vapid seek to occupy our every waking thought. An age where people have been taught to placate themselves with gadgets and to buy happiness without ever giving them time to ponder the void they’re subconsciously attempting to fill. Signed onto a system that systematically rapes the world for the benefit of the few and then attaches the guilt of it’s destruction onto the many. Teaching us we’re weak, insignificant and a cancer upon the planet.

The truth is, away from the machinations of government and within a free society I believe we would have already solved many of the problems that face us. The U.S patent office alone has over 5,000 private inventions that are held under secrecy orders. Equally we also have mega-corporations with entire departments dedicated to buying up patents that may impede their business practices. It certainly makes you wonder where we would be and indeed what we could achieve if we weren’t being strangled by an ever increasing noose of red tape and regulation. You see I whilst have no problem with progress and I relish a civilisation that works towards the betterment of mankind, I also understand that our current societal structure is impeding our growth as a species.


It is not us that are a cancer upon this world but those that leading us all into a blind alley. In attaching the guilt of their greed onto the collective they teach us to hate ourselves for hatred is their fuel. Hate breeds hate and every unjust anger and cruelty is an outward expression of an often subconscious inner self loathing, for without hatred how could we ever allow this to happen? How could we allow children to be killed in senseless wars? How could one half of the world be talking about flying to mars whilst a mother cradles her starving child as they die in her arms? Even though the majority of us are unaware of it, we each pay the price for every murder, brutality and abuse. You see this isn’t just about control it’s also about imbalance for a world out of balance unbalances and weakens the psyche of humanity.



I have written about this aspect extensively and from multiple perspectives so I’m not going to dwell upon it too much; but alongside the aforementioned greed and lust for power, I also believe we are being deliberately and systematically removed from our connection to the earth. This process has been occurring for a very long time and as I wrote in a previous posts our current calendar and perception of time forms a key component within this removal.

The first steps towards our disconnection was born out of manipulation and an ignorance regarding the very nature of time. Humanity has constructed a calendar whose very implementation was one of the first steps in our disconnection to natural law, this is sometimes referred to as the error in time. To keep balance with the natural order and cycle of life the calendar should be (roughly) divided into 13 months of 28 days (adding an extra day in the year), this is known as higher time. A higher time calendar would ensure a perfect balance between our body clock and the natural time cycle of the earth and the associated lunar cycles. It’s my belief that the modern calendar and concept of time has removed us from the interconnected bio-cycle of life. In doing so we have externalised the concept of time and enslaved ourselves to the clock.

The concept of linear time is a relatively new thought process. I believe the very nature of reality, matter and life work within a series of interlocking cycles, indeed our very bodies are an embodiment of these universal laws. If the natural order of the earth indeed universe works within a cyclical construct, why should time be any different?


It is my profound belief that our disconnection from the earth weakens us as a species. It impedes an evolution of spirit, consciousness, cognition and wisdom. I believe our intelligence and evolution has formed a symbiotic relationship with the earth’s heartbeat. As we grow as a species I believe this connection ignites a fire that burns within us all. A wisdom that can neither be taught nor adequately explained, for it comes from the knowing not the learning, the feeling and not the explanation. The hierarchical nature of society and religion are the barriers placed between the self and the knowing. Indeed in knowing thyself, there exists the possibility of knowing the majesty of the universe. But what is a voice without the ear to listen? Alas we appear to have grown deaf.


Open Eyes

The skill comes in not only noticing the effects of our problems but equally focusing upon the cause. A cause that seeks to scapegoat society for the ills they have visited upon humanity. Whilst I’m fully aware that some people will not understand the point I’m making here, please know that whether white or black, religious or atheist, rich or poor we are all prisoners of a system that demands subservience and increasing control over every facet of our lives. We are all victims of the great game of divide and conquer, it’s just that (as countries) we have been handed different roles. We are pieces on a chessboard, some of us are pawns, some are knights whilst others live like kings; but outside of a human life it’s all transient.

The destruction of indigenous communities and the colonisation of the world is a relatively modern occurrence and it remains fresh within our collective memories. These memories are manipulated in order to obtain an attachment of guilt, but we were all indigenous once. The tribes of Europe were also removed from their lands and their way of life scattered to the four winds, the only difference is that it occurred so long ago that we have forgotten what was stolen, forgotten what it means to be truly free. To understand the game of the manipulator you have to understand that they play the long game, a game that defies the passing of time and the lives of those that roll the dice at that moment in time.



I’ve seen writers draw a comparison between the march of civilisation and the spread of a disease; whilst I don’t agree that our society is a virus I do believe that it is the vessel that carries it. Indeed, if society is the vessel then our insidious and vacuous mainstream culture is the needle that injects the virus into our minds, for it is a mind virus. It’s a virus that’s spread to the point it’s becoming a pandemic, a pandemic that destroys self worth, feeds upon insecurity and rewards the worst virtues of man. The paradox is that although society may carry the virus it also carries the cure and it’s a cure that resides within each one of us. It resides within our every action and decision and it resides within intuition and higher states of learning.

In reality, freedom or enslavement comes down to a simple choice and it’s a choice we all make on a daily basis. We make these choices with the brands we support, the food we feed our families, the news we consume and the blind eyes with which we view injustice. Civilisation has taught us that by externalising our problems our institutions are able to provide all the answers, this is a lie and it is a lie that has led to the breakdown of our communities. Now more than ever we need to take responsibility for ourselves and those around us, the way a cohesive community used to operate.

Instead of wasting our energy knocking each other down, now is the time to lift one another up. In lifting each other up we allow ourselves to rise higher than the false limits that have been placed upon us. The pillars of the old system are crumbling around us and the veneer of control is fading. One day a wave of change will sweep aside the last vestiges of the old world, but stand firm my friends for freedom favours the bold.

I’m currently away and uploading this post from an internet cafe, I will answer all comments upon my return and until then I would like to say thank you for reading.


Written by perceptualflaws
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the goal of the elite should be to enlighten the people who aren't, if we are all enlightened we gonna have a world a better place to live. :)

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment .. I agree that a world of enlightened people would be a better place to live. Equally, it would also destroy the hierarchical control structure that's impeding the growth of our species, sadly with their unsated lust for power and control .. this is not a system the elite are going to give up easily.

But the divide-and-conquer protocol is leading to precisely the required level of physical and mental exhaustion required by the elites to implement the next phase of the community-hive-mind protocol to produce the desired pharma-phone-slaves.

In some ways, the Brave New World propaganda looks insidiously close to a community of free and enlightened beings - apart from a lack of real freedom and censorship of divergent thinking. Yet the prison doors close so softly they barely wake anybody up.

I have been reading a number of different thinkers who converge on the necessity to decentralise human society. I feel that before that can be implemented successfully we require to somewhat decentralise our minds - dismantle the constructs we carry around in our heads, experience our deepest core consciousness and then be both free and creative to interact with others.

Hey there @aakom thank you for stopping by and leaving such a great comment. Yes I couldn't agree more with your divide and conquer analysis, alas via a slight of hand the propagandists have repackaged division as inclusivity and now many wear an ever-increasing array of externally created labels as badges of honour.

In relation to A Brave New World I'm on the same page and you can see this process occuring in real time. The soma of our age is digital in construct and it has invaded our minds and controlled our perceptual reality to a far greater degree than a drug could. Indeed our phones now act as a window into our personalised nirvana and digital soma appears to be the answer to all ill’s of the mind. I did write about aspects of this in a previous post you may be interested in:

We need to free ourselves from the perceptual chains that are holding us back. I hear people calling for a revolution but in truth what we need is an evolution of thought, consciousness and understanding. Within a sea of lies and illusion I envisage humanity eventually evolving to an age of post propaganda, where people have learned to follow intuition and feeling as opposed to lies and the left/right paradigm. This idea maybe akin to a little acorn of thought, but if nurtured in the right way I believe these acorns can grow into mighty oaks. Thanks again.

As you say, so many "outsiders" (of just 20 years or so) have now been brought into the fold to swell the ranks of the dogs for the pigs (see Animal Farm and Pink Floyd's Animals too) so that the other animals are both controlled and confused.

The most recent IPSOS global survey paints a bleak picture of humanity: many populations express confusion, distrust of authority yet a yearning for clear moral leadership and guidance.

The history of revolutions is of paid ops to change a regime - whatever the people may believe at the time. I can't think of many real revolutionaries - perhaps Che Guevara - as they have been quickly terminated as soon as they deviated from the covert plan. Indeed, many never saw themselves as such but had the misfortune to make important discoveries that went against authorities they were previously unaware of.

Who has been calling for a revolution? And do they have the funding? ;-)

Anonymous was interesting, while they were truly anonymous; now it's an op.

In one of my recent articles I mention the role of emotions to manipulate and cement false ideas. I'm starting to think that's the key. But the confusion and barrage of media shit creates such noise that it will be difficult for a counter-signal to break through. Shocks are nothing - click on the next link.

I'm not yet sure how many genuine refuseniks are out there - perhaps "recusants" is a better word. ;-)

Brilliantly stated. As the awakening spreads perhaps humans will survive.

Thank you for the kind words, yes although I believe we're in for a bumpy ride .. I also have great faith in the long-term prospects for humanity.

It certainly makes you wonder where we would be and indeed what we could achieve if we weren’t being strangled by an ever increasing noose of red tape and regulation.

Yes, I believe the innovation would absolutely blow our minds. Where we could be if the free market and human spirit were allowed to function, is probably beyond imagination in terms of innovation, goodness, and progress.

This is one of the most important parts of the article. I feel like so many people think we need to keep this lifestyle up, keep this type of system in order to "progress," but we have so much more potential. We are stuck in the past in many ways like school, food, and technology, because certain people have a vested interest in keeping things the same.

With the number of people on this earth, all we need are proper conditions to unleash the genius in all of us and create more true progress than we've even thought possible

Hey @kafkanarchy84 & @jakeybrown exactly!! .. these parasites are akin to a lead weight that we collectively carry on our shoulders. They are stunting our growth and using our ingenuity to create a system that drains our individuality and corrupts our collective psyche. Until we've broken free from our perceptual chains our true (and as yet unrealised) potential will lay beyond the comprehension of the majority. Equally as scary as this world can often seem, in many ways our current events are the dying gasps of a system that refuses to acknowledge it's on life support. It's my profound belief that however dark it gets, the flame that smoulders within each of us will eventually light the world. Thanks again.

the flame that smoulders within each of us will eventually light the world

I couldn't agree more, and I believe it will happen sooner than most anyone thinks

Well done as usual my friend! @perceptualflaws knows and understands that creating content in this genre is more important now than it ever has been. IMO, it accomplishes a threefold purpose.

First, simply by us taking the time to think things through and condense our thoughts into a written form that is both lucid and easy to understand, we are able to reach many more skeptics and eye rollers and gradually bring them out from under the mass hypnosis.
Cognitive dissonance is an extremely difficult psychological aberration to overcome and like many of you have already said, those who rely heavily on the beast to survive will fight to preserve it even when they know something is deeply horrifying about it in the back of their minds. They've come to love their oppressor, what's it called, Stockholm Syndrome?
At least we are keeping the message circulating and allowing as many as possible to see it. After all, that has been the most successful tactic used in their propaganda campaign, repetition and exposure.

Second, those who are in the know but are still straddling the fence may need a little prod to get in the war. There are many I'm sure who know that things are rotten in Denmark but they just don't have a clue how to get involved. The best way to get into the fight is to just get in there and start producing content that is factual, rational, moral, and ethical. Social media has been a double edged sword as of late but the one tactic that is turning the tide in our favor is that any far left or statist argument falls apart under scrutiny by asking questions and using reason, logic, morals, and ethics to strip away the facade of their agenda. I watched a live stream today with Zuckerberg before the Senate and he made himself look like a complete novice because he would evade every single question asked. All the senators involved simply asked for a yes or a no answer and not a single reply was given. Instead, he retorted with dubious doublespeak and did waaayyyy more ass-kissing than explaining.

Thirdly, there are those of us who get weary in this war on humanity and your words give us the refreshment for the soul that we need. It puts us back in the game. Now they are so desperate to hang on to power that they are ready to drag us into another war to hide their crimes. It takes alot of discipline for me to not let the importance of getting the message out consume my life. It's a dark place down here in the rabbit hole tunnels. I'm thankful that I have so many other brave brothers and sisters that I have never met who are fighting alongside me and everyone else. You guys are more important to me than you'll ever know and I love each one of you for it!

Yes, I too am less than optimistic, but the awareness is developing that there are few places of genuine sanctuary left, that the dumbing down of our whole society is lowering the quality of life around me. I see it in my students - few sparks, but not many. But the counter-current is fractured and disorganised; too many cults believing their own beliefs. The most interesting work is within what can best be described as secular spirituality.

My feeling at the moment is that the message has to be crystallised into a few clear propositions - the counter-psy-op ;-)

Hey @mindszai thank you for taking the time to leave such a great and informative comment and I'm equally really glad you enjoyed the post. I really feel that within this world of increasing and oft manipulated division there are many bridges that can be built between belief systems. Indeed beyond the divisions of belief and culture the vast majority of us want the same things, we just have different perspectives on how to achieve them. Within that understanding there is a foundation for a unity that can be built upon.

Alas, people have become so indoctrinated into the system that they laugh at the suggestion things could ever be any different. Equally, the general consensus is that we're drifting through infinity on a spinning ball of life that's suspended within a temporary sunbeam and so surely from that perspective everything should be up for debate? Indeed it's not too difficult to grasp that a system that places more prevalence on what the Kardashian's had for breakfast than giving us time to explore the outer reaches of mind, body and soul is about distracting us and impeding not empowering our growth. At some level people are aware that something is very wrong for I believe that true knowledge/wisdom is hidden within the subconsciousness of us all, equally sometimes it takes others to paint the ridiculousness of this situation for people to see the bigger picture.

The task we face can (for many) seem insurmountable and so they retreat into themselves and fail to rise to the occasion. That said however insignificant we feel our actions to be, we each have a part to play in changing the world and this starts by being the change we want to happen, by treating people with empathy, compassion and respect .. this alone will make a huge difference to the world we inhabit and it's something we can all achieve on a daily basis.

In terms of becoming weary in our fight against injustice I really feel what you're saying, none of us are infallible and at times I too can feel a darkness that's akin to weight upon my shoulders. But you know my friend, for now and for free thinkers across the world ... this is our place and as our words echo through through the corridors of cyberspace if this is our stand then trust that I'm proud to be standing alongside you all. Thanks again @mindszai

Hey @mindszai. I like your insight. Having experienced a complete shift in perception seven months ago, I now find myself as one of those straddling the fence, struggling to swing that other leg over to jump across. I think it's because I feel out of energy from the shock of it all.

I'm constantly overwhelmed by the gut-wrenching grief I have for how things are and I don't know how to handle it. All I want is to help contribute to the evolution that @perceptualflaws talks about... but I'm so dismayed at my own abilities and individuality. I created a steemit account because I want so badly to help write a new story. I believe our salvation will be found in a mass mobilization of our collective creative expression. I can't shake this vision I have of our future as a beautiful celebration of vibrant color and worldwide self-realization... an explosion in our freedom of consciousness infinitely more spectacular than a catastrophic asteroidal impact. I want nothing more than to help paint this future with a unique shade of my own choosing, hopefully inspiring others in the process. But it's been months and I haven't done anything with my damn steemit account. I don't even know how to begin. Some days, I don't even know why I should begin. I don't know how to shake my fear. My spirit feels broken, along with many others, I'm sure... at a time our species needs it most.

@thispretzel thank you for reaching out and sharing your personal thoughts and perspective on the present situation of the world.
Like yourself, I found myself straddling the fence for a while, way longer than I wanted to. I have found the Great Awakening process in my own life to be akin to going through the common experiences of grief, and just like everyone grieves differently after losing a loved one, everyone arises in consciousness differently and at different paces. One may last a bit longer in a particular emotional state than the next person they brought to light. I felt spurned to action immediately after discovering that I had been lied to about everything, and my first gut reaction was to go and start telling people everywhere about the deceptions but I had to check myself.
I thought things through and realized that I'd be dismissed and labeled as one of those "crazy people" if I ran out into the world and began conveying a message that ran contrary to the way Westerners have been brought up in.
Socially programmed since birth, we all have been. If you never question why we do certain things or where particular rituals come from and what they mean, then you are just another lemming that is following the herd right over the cliff.
Once I stepped back, took myself outside of society's very constricting little box, and began questioning where all my notions and comprehensions came from, it was only then that I realized that my entire life up to that point had been a product of someone/something/some group/ or a group of group's design.
At that point, epiphany after epiphany began to come to me and I was blessed with the spiritual gifts of second sight and discernment. There is definitely a pervading duality in this life, consciousness, universe, or whatever you choose to call it. Two opposing forces exist in a paradox, with mankind caught in the middle.
It's a spiritual tug'o'war and man is being drawn in from both sides. We've been conditioned that we have to make a choice, how can we be sure that either side is not a trap or the wrong choice? I think the key is to keep from being polarized at all, and allow both positive and negative energy to flow through yourself, in essence, stay neutrally grounded.

Wow great post. Thanks to @v4vapid for resteeming it. I had to add you.

Divide and conquer in a world of scarcity.

That is their is what they worked hard to establish.

The nice thing is there are forces which are bringing the system down. When we go behind the surface level stuff, we see energies which are aiding the human race. The energetic shift the planet is receiving is lifting up conscious and awakening many people. While most are still asleep, the tide has turned.

We are entering a new age, the Age of Abundance. The fact the monetary system is under attack is the first step for humanity in stepping out from under their tyranny of the banksters who, i feel are the control element.

Once the basics of humanity are taken care of, the need to fight over scarce resources (by design) is gone. This will eliminate war, competition, and national boundaries. Technology is helping in this since it allows people to create things and get the messages out without the big corporate control. This was something that was not available to use 30 years ago.

Now that people are starting to wake up, the message is being promoted all over the place. A few in each location is enough to push this forward. Watch the rise in cryptocurrency to see the path that humanity is on....

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and lend your support .. it's very much appreciated @taskmaster and equally I'd like to add a big thank you to @v4vapid for his eternal support and for enabling me to make contact with openminded people like yourself.

There is indeed an energetic shift that's taking place, I've mused on cyclical changes within the electromagnetic and light fields that in turn feed human cognition, perception and consciousness. Indeed this idea would appear to feed into the vedic understanding of the rise and fall of civilisation, dark ages and renaissance. I believe we're entering an age of awakening and enlightenment and yes abundance, but equally this is why the manipulators are creating a system based upon fear and division. They understand the threat this awakening poses to their hiearchical system of control and so are attempting to stifle our growth as a species, that said as dark as it gets it's always darkest before dawn and they will not succeed.

In terms of technology I'm in complete agreement, that said I feel we need to be streetwise and understand the inherent duality that has been breathed into said technology. Whilst we seek to use it as a tool of freedom and decentralisation the control structure seek to use it as a tool of subjugation and centralisation. I feel these two opposing forces are in a race to he finish line, but I also feel the true and uninhibited nature of ingenuity lays with the people and that it's a race we will eventually win. This will usher in a new age where technology forms some form of symbiosis that empowers the rise of human consciousness, spirit and creativity, an age that reconnects as opposed to disconnecting us from the cycle of life. An age where we use technology as opposed to our current era of technologically induced addiction that seeks to use us. Thanks again for the great comment.

Now before I read I just scroll down and upvote 100%, 1 because your articles are always well made, and 2 because people need to realize this subtle separation that we've been nudged towards over time.

The other thing is, we still have very simple steps we can take to get the connection back. We've been disconnected from the natural way of life, that doesn't mean it isn't present anymore, we can reconnect ourselves and heal our own self so we can help others do the same.

While we have been put into conditions that seem to harm us and make it seem like there is no hope, an underlying change is occurring at the same time. We are under pressure to change on all sides, and that change may be something completely different than expected. There is great opportunity, and I think consciousness and spirituality are the greatest chance we have to combat this. A peaceful war is what we need, with people literally raising eachother up in thoughts and actions and in the way we see eachother.

Nice read, spurring me to write an article

Thank you my friend .. I really do appreciate the kind words and support,

In terms of reconnecting, after just returning from a week hiking in the mountains I couldn't agree more. Our disconnection exasperates our imbalance and an unbalanced psyche feeds our disconnection, this is a cycle we can and must break.

The paradox for me is that both the light and the dark have a part to play in driving us forward as a species, it's not that there is evil in this world as how we rise to face it. It's strange because as much as we are the fuel in a system that seeks to break the human spirit .. the manipulators are also subconsciously pushing us towards our (eventual) awakening and enlightenment. Without the darkness how can we fully appreciate the wamth of a rising sun .. If things were always good, would we strive for them to be better? Indeed I bear witness to the fact that as the darkness rises, we run to the light in ever greater numbers. On the flip side, freedom and comfort sow the seeds of complacency and complacency heralds the beginning of our gradual descent into darkness ... it's a cycle that plays out throughout human history and it will continue to play out until we find unity and balance. I also believe it's a cycle that the elite are aware of and equally they're very aware of the fact that our current age is one of great change. As a way to stall this time of awakening they seek to bring in a new world order that's fashioned in their psyche, little realising this in itself is a key driver in our aforementioned emancipation.

The multi-faceted nature of finding balance within both ourselves and the world at large is one of the most important lessons that could ever be taught at school. Although our age is one of great challenge it's also an amazing time to be alive, to see and feel the changes that are beginning to take hold around us is a priviledge. I feel as though I've been waiting my entire life for the perceptual dam to break and now brick by brick it's starting to happen. I'm not pretending it's going to happen overnight and I equally believe we're in for a very bumpy ride, but the age of change is indeed upon us and one day it will be understood that we lived through one of the most pivotal moments in human history. We each have an important part to play in sowing the seeds of change and from that perspective you're doing a great job. Thanks again @jakeybrown

"May serenity circle on silent wings and catch the whisper of the wind.” Chief Joseph

The paradox for me is that both the light and the dark have a part to play in driving us forward as a species,

absolutely, the dark has put us in a pressure cooker, effectively forcing us to transform our coal into diamonds. Without this pressure, sure, life would be good, but would we be transforming, would we evolve?? I think we'd be content to enjoy our bounty technology offers us, but life could remain quite material.

Now we are all under pressure to transform, and I believe there is a sure way(s) to do it, but I also believe once we hit critical mass everyone who has been ignoring this call will be in for some tough times as the truth is revealed.

We may very well be in for a bumpy ride, but the more work we do in our own lives to align to truth, the smoother it will be imo. There is a flow to life that cannot be ignored without suffering. I feel like this is the time period we are crossing over from these lies we've maintained for centuries, we are heading towards something and it is an incredible time to be alive. This spiritual impulse that seems to have been predicted by cultures in the past, and to see it starting to come into play at what looks like our darkest hour is really amazing and beautiful and mysterious.

I mean, up until a few years ago I had never been spiritual, grew up catholic but never believed the dogma and never saw God, I started heading towards the scientific, material viewpoint, then tried pscilocybin and did a 180, immersed myself in it. Now I just know, I know something bigger is going on and we are in a time of great transformation, and that we have work to do ourselves still, it doesn't get done for us.

Great, as always, talking with you

Thanks again @jakeybrown and yes that's so true .. these spiritual wisdom's can't really be taught, they are found in the feeling and the knowing. There is a big difference between knowing and learning and indeed once you understand that statement our foundations become unshakeable. I believe that true knowledge/wisdom (as opposed to generationally alternating facts) lay hidden within intuition and higher states of consciousness, that doesn't mean that you're going to be right all the time for wisdom is a different beast to said alternating fact.

There is always work to be done and higher states of wisdom to be accessed, anyone that attempts to tell you they know everything is a liar, deluded or simply hasn't asked the right questions. I'm fully prepared to accept that I know nothing for the foundation of knowing nothing is far more stable than the belief of knowing everything ..indeed it's a solid foundation you can build upon.

higher states of consciousness

It's funny, I did mushrooms and everything suddenly made sense, like I experienced all the stuff I've read so far in Paul Seligs Mastery Trilogy, what I consider manifesting the divine was actually happening for those brief hours. I knew what was going on without any intellectual knowing, I knew my body, the landscape, the weather, it was so curious and so amazing that I havent stopped this journey to get there myself without the aid of substances. It set the mark, I'm trying to hit it, and that trying is actually an engaged letting go/ awareness thing that is really difficult to do because it's not a doing.

My thought is that pretty soon the masses are going to start waking up and they are gonna need some help and support from people who have been diving into this stuff already, it seems to already be happening.

"How could one half of the world be talking about flying to mars whilst a mother cradles her starving child as they die in her arms?"

That quote says so much. I recall an exchange I had on an announcement of Musk's SpaceX progress and those who defended the idea that this was advancement for humans. Nevermind the suffering right here on this planet, aim insatiably for more planets to plunder. That's the definition of progress, more consuming, more exploitation.

And you're right that this system works very hard to punish anyone who doesn't play along. If you have different values, they do everything they can to break you. They outlaw catching your own water. They use imminent domain to take your land. They poison the rivers, the air, the land. They force your kids to get vaccinations whether you believe they help or hurt. They force your kids to go to a school of their choice and will take the kids or even put you in jail if you resist. And on and on it goes.

I'm part Native American and I recall attending ceremony with some indigenous elders a few months ago. There was much from it that left a deep impact on me, and on my entire family line, but one of the things that left the greatest impression were words spoken about how Europeans need to stop focusing on other indigenous people's roots and go back and find their own. Europeans must realize that they are indigenous people, and reclaim their lost traditions. Until they do, they won't have the anchor they need to bring the healing that their ancestral line carries for the world. We must each contribute the unique teachings, blessings, wisdom and healing of our ancestral lines, and none can be left out for the whole to exist in balance.

I'm on the verge of a move deeper into nature myself. I'm selling my house now (closing in a couple weeks) then spending the next year or two (or three) going where Spirit leads me, as I root down more deeply into the Earth, in partnership with Earth Spirit. While not everyone can pick up and follow such a trail, we can all learn to cultivate more of that sort of "Earth Spirit-led" life within our daily lives. It starts there, and then a way is made to take another step, and then another, trusting we will be led to exactly where we need to be, while also being exactly as we are meant to be each step of the way.

There is nothing to achieve. We are it. This is it. There is only the realization that nothing was lost, for it is still within us. Even the "lost traditions," the elders have been bringing back through prayer and meditation. The old practices and songs are given to them directly by Spirit again. We must know this, so that we don't despair. Nothing has been lost that cannot be regained where there is a willingness to allow it back into our lives.

What a great comment @indigoocean thank you for the support and for sharing your thoughts.

In terms of Musk's mission to Mars and the progress of our species, I couldn't agree more .. in so many ways we need to change both our comprehension and definition of "success." A world of war, starvation, brutality and abuse is an afront to the very definition of success and yet we feel justified to take these ideals into the cosmos. For me this is insanity in it's purest form for how can we ever hope to realise our place in the universe without first becoming wise and balanced custodians of the earth and our humanity? If we're to realise our place within the cosmos it stands to reason that we must first build a strong foundation on our own planet.

They want to make us all completely subservient to the system and in many ways this ideal has been a great success. The vast majority of us have been disconnected from the earth and are unable to grow our own food, build our own shelters and collect our own water. I walk around the supermarkets and realise that people are now akin to children waiting in line to be fed, and to a degree I've was also been complicit in this. Equally, with each passing day I strive to detach myself from this system and become the master of my own fate.

In relation to rediscovering our European ancestral lineage and as I alluded to in my post I feel this is indeed prooundly important. Unfortunately their game of divide and conquer has been played for so long the majority have forgotten that it's being played, that they're being played. Until we rediscover our roots and acknowledge what was also stolen from us we will never break this cycle of destruction and attachment of guilt. Indeed whilst they freely rape and pillage they also attach the guilt of this plundering onto the general public as a way of implementing the next stage of their game, it's very clever and cruel because it plays to the better side of a nature, our humanity and sense of justice.

I'd like to add that although my use of the word "game" may seen trite to some people, please understand that is their perception and not mine .. it is an insight into the insanity of their minds that they see the destruction and divsion they've brought to this world as a game, their great game.

I too am attempting to acrue the funds that will enable me to detach from this system and move deeper into nature, it's not easy but I tend to think that if life/spirit want to take you in certain direction then we will find a way to make it happen. Thanks again for the great words, for now I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes from Chief Joseph of the Nez.. Perce for I feel it speaks volumes to your "lost traditions" comment.

We live, we die, and like the grass and trees, renew ourselves from the soft earth of the grave. Stones crumble and decay, faiths grow old and they are forgotten, but new beliefs are born. The faith of the villages is dust now... but it will grow again... like the trees.

May serenity circle on silent wings and catch the whisper of the winds.

I also have Native American roots, entwined with trees from other shores. I have only recently moved out of the forest, to live amongst neighbors in a village again.

" Europeans need to stop focusing on other indigenous people's roots and go back and find their own. Europeans must realize that they are indigenous people, and reclaim their lost traditions. Until they do, they won't have the anchor they need to bring the healing that their ancestral line carries for the world. We must each contribute the unique teachings, blessings, wisdom and healing of our ancestral lines, and none can be left out for the whole to exist in balance."

This is very true, and that lack of history, of culture, is why we see the easy grasp of racism against caucasians, particularly on whites themselves. Such a waste!

Grow your visions, but do not stray too far from your people. We need you.

We need all of our shoulders to lean on, when the feet of our people grow weary on this trail of tears.


Thank you for taking time out of your vacation to share your wisdoms with us, I'm feeling super rock bottomy lately, and reading you is a breath of fresh air. It's just so comforting to know I'm not alone with my thoughts. ...

Thank you for leaving that Moby song, I love the video for it so much, the feels!! The feels!!

I'll never stop trying to "Be the Change" no matter how pointless it seems some days. And I'm glad to see you constantly persisting and never giving up on humanity.

Hey @lyndsaybowes thank you for stopping by and lending your support, I hope you've been well. I know what you mean about feeling rock bottom, with all the shit that's happening around the world it can be difficult not to get dragged down by it .. equally the fact you care and can see through the lies and illusion is a sign of strength (not weakness) and you have a strength that inspires many .. including myself.

You may have already seen it, but the clip above helps me put things in perspective and speaks volumes to our current moment in time. We all have our dark days but it's how we rise to meet them that defines who we are. Indeed, as the hour grows late and more people are called to speak their truth our voices will become louder, we started as lone voices in the wilderness, but we are not alone .. we're strong but we're stronger together and together we grow stronger with each passing day. Thanks again my friend.

Wowwweee!! What an AWESOME metaphor! I haven't seen that video before and you're right, it brings massive HOPE, packed a real punch in just 4 minutes, I'm gonna be sharing this to help others, so many of us are in the trenches right now. Much LOVE and RESPECT!! Thank you for being someone I can lean on my Brother. I resonate so strongly with you!!!!

No problem my friend, the feeling is entirely mutual. Much love to you @lyndsaybowes

Nice post perceptualflaws, resteemed.

Thank you for taking the time to read and lend your support @cryptoandzen I really do appreciate it.

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