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RE: The Rise Of The Human Spirit And The Fall Of The New World Order

in #conspiracy6 years ago

Now before I read I just scroll down and upvote 100%, 1 because your articles are always well made, and 2 because people need to realize this subtle separation that we've been nudged towards over time.

The other thing is, we still have very simple steps we can take to get the connection back. We've been disconnected from the natural way of life, that doesn't mean it isn't present anymore, we can reconnect ourselves and heal our own self so we can help others do the same.

While we have been put into conditions that seem to harm us and make it seem like there is no hope, an underlying change is occurring at the same time. We are under pressure to change on all sides, and that change may be something completely different than expected. There is great opportunity, and I think consciousness and spirituality are the greatest chance we have to combat this. A peaceful war is what we need, with people literally raising eachother up in thoughts and actions and in the way we see eachother.

Nice read, spurring me to write an article


Thank you my friend .. I really do appreciate the kind words and support,

In terms of reconnecting, after just returning from a week hiking in the mountains I couldn't agree more. Our disconnection exasperates our imbalance and an unbalanced psyche feeds our disconnection, this is a cycle we can and must break.

The paradox for me is that both the light and the dark have a part to play in driving us forward as a species, it's not that there is evil in this world as how we rise to face it. It's strange because as much as we are the fuel in a system that seeks to break the human spirit .. the manipulators are also subconsciously pushing us towards our (eventual) awakening and enlightenment. Without the darkness how can we fully appreciate the wamth of a rising sun .. If things were always good, would we strive for them to be better? Indeed I bear witness to the fact that as the darkness rises, we run to the light in ever greater numbers. On the flip side, freedom and comfort sow the seeds of complacency and complacency heralds the beginning of our gradual descent into darkness ... it's a cycle that plays out throughout human history and it will continue to play out until we find unity and balance. I also believe it's a cycle that the elite are aware of and equally they're very aware of the fact that our current age is one of great change. As a way to stall this time of awakening they seek to bring in a new world order that's fashioned in their psyche, little realising this in itself is a key driver in our aforementioned emancipation.

The multi-faceted nature of finding balance within both ourselves and the world at large is one of the most important lessons that could ever be taught at school. Although our age is one of great challenge it's also an amazing time to be alive, to see and feel the changes that are beginning to take hold around us is a priviledge. I feel as though I've been waiting my entire life for the perceptual dam to break and now brick by brick it's starting to happen. I'm not pretending it's going to happen overnight and I equally believe we're in for a very bumpy ride, but the age of change is indeed upon us and one day it will be understood that we lived through one of the most pivotal moments in human history. We each have an important part to play in sowing the seeds of change and from that perspective you're doing a great job. Thanks again @jakeybrown

"May serenity circle on silent wings and catch the whisper of the wind.” Chief Joseph

The paradox for me is that both the light and the dark have a part to play in driving us forward as a species,

absolutely, the dark has put us in a pressure cooker, effectively forcing us to transform our coal into diamonds. Without this pressure, sure, life would be good, but would we be transforming, would we evolve?? I think we'd be content to enjoy our bounty technology offers us, but life could remain quite material.

Now we are all under pressure to transform, and I believe there is a sure way(s) to do it, but I also believe once we hit critical mass everyone who has been ignoring this call will be in for some tough times as the truth is revealed.

We may very well be in for a bumpy ride, but the more work we do in our own lives to align to truth, the smoother it will be imo. There is a flow to life that cannot be ignored without suffering. I feel like this is the time period we are crossing over from these lies we've maintained for centuries, we are heading towards something and it is an incredible time to be alive. This spiritual impulse that seems to have been predicted by cultures in the past, and to see it starting to come into play at what looks like our darkest hour is really amazing and beautiful and mysterious.

I mean, up until a few years ago I had never been spiritual, grew up catholic but never believed the dogma and never saw God, I started heading towards the scientific, material viewpoint, then tried pscilocybin and did a 180, immersed myself in it. Now I just know, I know something bigger is going on and we are in a time of great transformation, and that we have work to do ourselves still, it doesn't get done for us.

Great, as always, talking with you

Thanks again @jakeybrown and yes that's so true .. these spiritual wisdom's can't really be taught, they are found in the feeling and the knowing. There is a big difference between knowing and learning and indeed once you understand that statement our foundations become unshakeable. I believe that true knowledge/wisdom (as opposed to generationally alternating facts) lay hidden within intuition and higher states of consciousness, that doesn't mean that you're going to be right all the time for wisdom is a different beast to said alternating fact.

There is always work to be done and higher states of wisdom to be accessed, anyone that attempts to tell you they know everything is a liar, deluded or simply hasn't asked the right questions. I'm fully prepared to accept that I know nothing for the foundation of knowing nothing is far more stable than the belief of knowing everything ..indeed it's a solid foundation you can build upon.

higher states of consciousness

It's funny, I did mushrooms and everything suddenly made sense, like I experienced all the stuff I've read so far in Paul Seligs Mastery Trilogy, what I consider manifesting the divine was actually happening for those brief hours. I knew what was going on without any intellectual knowing, I knew my body, the landscape, the weather, it was so curious and so amazing that I havent stopped this journey to get there myself without the aid of substances. It set the mark, I'm trying to hit it, and that trying is actually an engaged letting go/ awareness thing that is really difficult to do because it's not a doing.

My thought is that pretty soon the masses are going to start waking up and they are gonna need some help and support from people who have been diving into this stuff already, it seems to already be happening.

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