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RE: The Rise Of The Human Spirit And The Fall Of The New World Order

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

"How could one half of the world be talking about flying to mars whilst a mother cradles her starving child as they die in her arms?"

That quote says so much. I recall an exchange I had on an announcement of Musk's SpaceX progress and those who defended the idea that this was advancement for humans. Nevermind the suffering right here on this planet, aim insatiably for more planets to plunder. That's the definition of progress, more consuming, more exploitation.

And you're right that this system works very hard to punish anyone who doesn't play along. If you have different values, they do everything they can to break you. They outlaw catching your own water. They use imminent domain to take your land. They poison the rivers, the air, the land. They force your kids to get vaccinations whether you believe they help or hurt. They force your kids to go to a school of their choice and will take the kids or even put you in jail if you resist. And on and on it goes.

I'm part Native American and I recall attending ceremony with some indigenous elders a few months ago. There was much from it that left a deep impact on me, and on my entire family line, but one of the things that left the greatest impression were words spoken about how Europeans need to stop focusing on other indigenous people's roots and go back and find their own. Europeans must realize that they are indigenous people, and reclaim their lost traditions. Until they do, they won't have the anchor they need to bring the healing that their ancestral line carries for the world. We must each contribute the unique teachings, blessings, wisdom and healing of our ancestral lines, and none can be left out for the whole to exist in balance.

I'm on the verge of a move deeper into nature myself. I'm selling my house now (closing in a couple weeks) then spending the next year or two (or three) going where Spirit leads me, as I root down more deeply into the Earth, in partnership with Earth Spirit. While not everyone can pick up and follow such a trail, we can all learn to cultivate more of that sort of "Earth Spirit-led" life within our daily lives. It starts there, and then a way is made to take another step, and then another, trusting we will be led to exactly where we need to be, while also being exactly as we are meant to be each step of the way.

There is nothing to achieve. We are it. This is it. There is only the realization that nothing was lost, for it is still within us. Even the "lost traditions," the elders have been bringing back through prayer and meditation. The old practices and songs are given to them directly by Spirit again. We must know this, so that we don't despair. Nothing has been lost that cannot be regained where there is a willingness to allow it back into our lives.


What a great comment @indigoocean thank you for the support and for sharing your thoughts.

In terms of Musk's mission to Mars and the progress of our species, I couldn't agree more .. in so many ways we need to change both our comprehension and definition of "success." A world of war, starvation, brutality and abuse is an afront to the very definition of success and yet we feel justified to take these ideals into the cosmos. For me this is insanity in it's purest form for how can we ever hope to realise our place in the universe without first becoming wise and balanced custodians of the earth and our humanity? If we're to realise our place within the cosmos it stands to reason that we must first build a strong foundation on our own planet.

They want to make us all completely subservient to the system and in many ways this ideal has been a great success. The vast majority of us have been disconnected from the earth and are unable to grow our own food, build our own shelters and collect our own water. I walk around the supermarkets and realise that people are now akin to children waiting in line to be fed, and to a degree I've was also been complicit in this. Equally, with each passing day I strive to detach myself from this system and become the master of my own fate.

In relation to rediscovering our European ancestral lineage and as I alluded to in my post I feel this is indeed prooundly important. Unfortunately their game of divide and conquer has been played for so long the majority have forgotten that it's being played, that they're being played. Until we rediscover our roots and acknowledge what was also stolen from us we will never break this cycle of destruction and attachment of guilt. Indeed whilst they freely rape and pillage they also attach the guilt of this plundering onto the general public as a way of implementing the next stage of their game, it's very clever and cruel because it plays to the better side of a nature, our humanity and sense of justice.

I'd like to add that although my use of the word "game" may seen trite to some people, please understand that is their perception and not mine .. it is an insight into the insanity of their minds that they see the destruction and divsion they've brought to this world as a game, their great game.

I too am attempting to acrue the funds that will enable me to detach from this system and move deeper into nature, it's not easy but I tend to think that if life/spirit want to take you in certain direction then we will find a way to make it happen. Thanks again for the great words, for now I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes from Chief Joseph of the Nez.. Perce for I feel it speaks volumes to your "lost traditions" comment.

We live, we die, and like the grass and trees, renew ourselves from the soft earth of the grave. Stones crumble and decay, faiths grow old and they are forgotten, but new beliefs are born. The faith of the villages is dust now... but it will grow again... like the trees.

May serenity circle on silent wings and catch the whisper of the winds.

I also have Native American roots, entwined with trees from other shores. I have only recently moved out of the forest, to live amongst neighbors in a village again.

" Europeans need to stop focusing on other indigenous people's roots and go back and find their own. Europeans must realize that they are indigenous people, and reclaim their lost traditions. Until they do, they won't have the anchor they need to bring the healing that their ancestral line carries for the world. We must each contribute the unique teachings, blessings, wisdom and healing of our ancestral lines, and none can be left out for the whole to exist in balance."

This is very true, and that lack of history, of culture, is why we see the easy grasp of racism against caucasians, particularly on whites themselves. Such a waste!

Grow your visions, but do not stray too far from your people. We need you.

We need all of our shoulders to lean on, when the feet of our people grow weary on this trail of tears.


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