ColorChallenge: SundayPurple - "Loved" [5MinuteFreeWrite]

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)


This is Part Five of my Steemit-exclusive, ColorChallenge-inspired, FreeWrite story series. No edits, no going beyond the designated time. From the bottom of my heart, I thank everyone who commented and read the series. All of you are a treasure!

<< Part Six

One half of the heart and the other

The pair sat silently, gazing at the vibrant park. They had been here before, sitting at the very same bench. It was a very different time, full of unrest and uncertainty. Not that things were any better now. In fact, it could be argued that they were in more turbulent times. But, they speak as if hard days are behind them, so that translates to how they feel.

They had been through so much together, and they couldn't imagine a life apart from one another. That was the conundrum they found themselves in. It was the natural outcome, considering one of them didn't look at the other the same way. Even though they tried to skate around the issue, there was just something off about the whole situation. It made them uneasy, and it strained their relationship, even though they didn't want to admit it.

The sound of leaves rustling was drowned out by the noise of the playing children. Their smiles were infectious, and they could certainly uplift anyone who saw them or heard them laughing. The parents that accompanied them chattered amongst themselves, throwing shade and nasty glances. Not at the children, but towards the pair that sat on the bench.

It was wooden, and had seen better days—talking about the bench. But, the same could be said for the pair's relationship. They were at a crossroads, and it was high time for them to make a decision. One that could very well dictate the course of their lives for years to come.

The one on the left tilted her head and rested it on her companion's shoulder. They breathed a long sigh almost at the same time. It used be that they would sigh exactly the same time. But, those were during better days.

    "What changed?"

    "I think I did."

    "You want to know what I think?"

    "Not really, but I know you're going to—"

    "I think that you've always been this way, you just got tired."

    "Tired of what? Pretending to be someone else? Because if that's what you're—"

    "Tired of me."

The pair stayed silent upon the agreed realization. Suddenly, her companion's shoulder felt foreign, so she lifted her head upright. At that moment, three black vans rolled up near where they were. Men clad in black suits emerged from them not long after. With their arrival, the people in the park cleared out, except for the pair who sat silently in the wooden bench.

XJ-1920 grabbed VI-0818's hand, and squeezed it tightly. She wanted to tell her to not be scared, and to come back to her, but her mouth betrayed her.

    "I love you," VI-0818 said. "That will never change."

    "I love you," XJ-1920 replied.

VI-0818 stood up and went with the men into their van, leaving XJ-1920 alone at the park, sitting at bench, listening intently as the vans drove away, waiting silently, patiently. Loved.

<< Part Six

The #ColorChallenge was initiated by @kalemandra, and #FreeWrite was initiated by @improv.

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(Applause... "Bravo, my friend... more applause!)

What a beautful little arcing tale. one that has the potential to be expanded in so many unique and interesting ways! You've build a world that begs it's own questions. How did things end up like this? Why has everyone got those weird names? Has this bleak judgemental system had other such societal ramifications? It's all so intriguing and you created it all! Fantastic!

Excellent story using the premise of the "Color Challenge" to be your backdrop. Incredibly entertaining and more proof (if it was ever needed) that you are a master of words as well as storytelling.

Very well done, my bro. :)

Thank you, my bro! You are too kind! :D I want to say I could've done better, but that would take away from the challenge itself, which I certainly don't want. I'm just happy that I met the great Ezzy's standards!

I left the windows and doors wide open in case I wanted to revisit the world. It's funny, but I was thinking of this as sort of a trailer for this universe, but I don't want to diminish the whole series' value by saying that. In my mind, I wanted to create something that could easily be our future if we don't take the right measures now. A dystopic near-future, if you will. You pose a lot of great questions there, and I'm thinking if I should write a follow-up to answer all of those or just leave it a mystery. One thing's for sure, it wouldn't be a color challenge and/or a freewrite haha!

I am humbled, my brother. Coming from someone whose skill I admire greatly, the praise is accepted with open arms. Appreciate you taking the time to read through the whole thing, bro! :D

You've exceeded my expectations.

This is excellent work.

This is world-class material.

Thank you for the insights.

You're rocking it!

This is next-level stuff.

Keep it up!

This is truly outstanding.

You're so creative!

I'm inspired!


Worth a 100% vote just for working this word into it :)

Black vans, forbidden love, computerised names - it's got all the signs of a conundrum to me. How ever will this resolve?

Tune in next time when @jedau writes the ending in his 30 second allotment. Good luck!

Ahh haha! So that's why you mentioned conundrum in a different reply haha! It's one of those words that deeply ingrained in me, so even if there's a 5-minute limit, I was still able to pull that one out haha I use it more often than you would think.

This actually is the ending haha! Sorry for the confusion there. I hope it didn't disappoint. I wanted to end it on an ambiguous note--would VI choose the red pill or blue pill? Would it really matter?

I ended the series along with the color challenge for the week. There was no point repeating the colors, and, as you said, I wouldn't be able to churn out anything cohesive in less than 5 minutes haha! This has been very challenging, and one that I won't repeat for a long time haha! Thanks for sticking with it to the end, mate :D

No, it didn't disappoint at all. Ambiguity is fine with me. It can help emphasise the story itself over any specific ending. And as a reader I enjoyed the journey.

Woohoo! And that's the validation I need :D Apart from the personal satisfaction, it's why we write to entertain, isn't it?

'm tuning in tomorrow! Hot diggety! I love the term throwing shade I chortled when I saw it

Oh shoot! I didn't mean to mislead you with the question mark, boomdawg. It is the end, of the story at least. If you click on the link, you will be led to an end you may not have expected haha! I do hope you enjoyed this even though you thought of it as a cliffhanger >.<

Oh noes. I am a pure dobber as they say here!!

Lol, I thought it an ending esque but then saw The End link and thought, ahah!! A wrapper upper of a piece!! I am now going to investigate this ruinous link! :O)

Ahahaha! I really hope it didn't take away from the experience! When you see The End you'll know why ;)

Saws it!

It didnt, Ijust felt slightly foolish when I read your reply. Ah the joy of being foolish though!

It's great that we can laugh about these things. If it were another person, I feel like I would be hunted down and stalked all over the internet haha What a relief!

Wait, did someone say stalking!?!

Is that someone outside my window by the hedge? Back in a minute...

Bring a boomstick for protection! You should never ever leave home without it!

Ah, another triumph for love

If you think of the end as VI taking the red pill, then yes indeed. But, if you think VI would take the blue pill, then that's another story, isn't it? I really wanted to end this on an ambiguous note because I want this to represent the trials that the LGBT community go through. It's still an open book, but one could either be hopeful or pessimistic about the way things are going.

I hope you enjoyed this mini-series, and I thank you for sticking with it until the very end :D

Lots of potential for a nice ending tomorrow, I'll be back!

Ahhh shoot! I'm sorry if I got your hopes up, brother. This is the ending :( I hope that didn't disappoint. I really shouldn't have put that question mark. The series ended with the color challenge of the week haha Do click on the link to see "the end" though :)

I thank you for sticking with the story right up to the end. You don't know how much it means to me, brother :D

That made a fine ending, and yes I was tricked by that question mark! I enjoyed the story, and when I see the true care and compassion of us Earthlings showing up in fictional dystopian futures, I get some feeling of assurance that such futures will always be fiction-- that we will thwart such a technocracy with our stubborn humanity before it has a chance.

I wanted to say 'Damn question mark! Curse you and your lot!' but since a lot of you have been fooled by it, but have generally received it well, I think it's a fun little mishap haha! Humans are stubborn, I guess that's why we persist despite overwhelming odds. Even though a lot of our kind are despicable and deserved to be wiped out, I wouldn't trade being human for anything else.

Thought indigo was more purpley and violet more pinky? o_O

Not that I ever use colour names much anyway, just combinations. Drives other people insane.

Right looking forward to the end now. Least I'm not glitching anymore so there might be snide battering of lack of logic from me again rather than slashed tyres ;D

You know what? I thought so too! But, I searched for the hex codes to confirm, and lo and behold, this was it. I had thought differently my whole life. Suffice to say, my whole world was rocked.

But... this is the end hahaha! Oh man! What have I gotten myself into! Everyone thinks there's some magical ending waiting (do click on the link to find out)

LoL XD this may be the end of the story but all I currently have to judge your writing by is Day in the Clouds so I figure there will be a Silver Lining of some sort XP Plus you were the one that said there was going to be a little bit more XD

I don't know how far I trust the hexcodes either! I've seen some colours in "real life" on a "real life" palette and then seen the hexcodes and gone EXCUSE ME WHAT. Which is why I now probably annoy all the real artists now with "green black not red black" or "more yellowy kind of green, bit more white, yes that" instead of using whatever the names are, I only have the vaguest idea of what "alice blue" or "lime green/yellow" or even your basic indigo or magenta should look like XD

Haha! After developing some websites, I've come to trust hex codes more. It's a good attempt to make sense of the wild world of colors, and it sort of acts like an agreement of sorts to avoid arguments that you encounter haha!

Gah I have this love/hate relationship with webdev, more hate when there's db and js involved XD All hexcodes are good for is making sure The Designer and I are using the same colours. When we started out she would just send me the design and I would usually pick the colour off it but sometimes I'd be off by a pixel and she'd be like "that shade isn't quite right".

Hexcodes were very handy then XD

I can relate. For years, I've been avoiding web dev, but then it became my job. So, I just started avoiding front end web dev... But then it became my job as well >.<

LoL! Whereas I enthusiastically dove into it because it's fun. Then IE made me ragequit all those years ago. Then I got back into it because it was a way to make money that I didn't hate. Then js became more and more involved in ux and I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE IIIIIIIIIT SOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUUUCH. I otherwise mostly do front end dev XD

I've now cut back to concentrate more on art but might have to cut the business all the way back to a hobby because of the lack of money we're making which is making me D: a bit!

Haha! We're the opposite! I became more excited with web development because of the ubiquity of JS haha! Not that I liked it before, but I hated pure HTML and CSS haha I never planned to be a front end dev, but some freelance jobs called for it.

Spectacular ending, in some ways I feel that the last chapter and this was actually a two part ending, and wrapped it all up very well! I will be reading the pot of gold probably tonight or tomorrow--funny that it wasn't until I saw that rainbowed picture that I remembered this story was based on the color challenge, and realized I haven't been taking a good look at the art, I'm so caught up in the story! I love the purple heart, and I'll be going back through them to check out the others more closely, lol!

I'm sorry I didn't comment on the last one, I've had an insanely busy weekend and in fact today is my daughter's actual birthday, so I won't be on the computer long. But I wanted to make sure you knew I'm still with you and the story.

Oh I do see the INDIGO part as an ending as well. Good eye! I have mixed feelings about the art being ignored haha! On one hand, I appreciate people thinking fiction whenever they see me. On the other, well... I spent more time on the art than the story, so yeah haha! 90 minutes total on the story, and the rest of what remains in the 8 hours I spent on this on art, and rest and contemplation.

I appreciate you taking the time off your busy schedule, my friend! The story will be here waiting for you when you get back. Happy birthday to your daughter! Ooohhhh she's an adult now! Time surely flies fast :D

I really like it when love triumphs dear friend @jedau, let's hope it has a happy ending where true love prevails.
Have a great night

Since I made the ending ambiguous, the reader is free to choose which they prefer. Personally, I want the happy ending as well. XJ has gone through so much already. Time for her to catch a break. Thanks for reading all the way through to end, my friend! :D

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