in #climbing7 years ago

Rock Climbing Training

Season 01

Workouts 030->032 ~~ FEB/12

Base Fitness Phase – Week 6

How do you crush 'DEM apples?

Ohhhhhhhhhh, team. We're on the tail-end of a long weekend, and I gotta say...

I'm feeling RECHARGED!

A bit of exercise? A bit of beer! A bit of climbing? A bit more beer! A bit of hiking!? How about another beer!

Ain't no thang!

Sometimes all you need, is to get an extra day off of work -- right? Don't get me wrong, I like my job -- I suppose I should say career? It feels a little bit gross when I say career -- let's not make it official, and lets stop talking about work. We almost tripped up there, fuckin' bigtime. I gotta say... It was chilly this weekend, but by god, the sun came out.

Shameless sunshine selfy

The sun came out, and it was good. The whole weekend was sunny, save for a 20 minute bout of rain. Chilly though so


February 2018 - Season 1

Climbing Days 30-32.jpg

Click for fullscreen version

Ohhhh I gotta say...

It feels damn good to be done with all that monotonous, ARC climbing training on the auto-belay. It was tough to keep it interesting the whole time, and it was often really busy out there hogging the auto-belays. We got some sunshine in this weekend, and still managed to stay relatively active on here via the use of Steepshot -- which I'm definitely digging! I feel like I've found a balance in how much I've been posting -- and it definitely helps that climbing is a little bit less frequent right now. Which I suppose I should talk about eventually...soooo...

  • DAY 30 (Saturday - Feb 10):
    • Hangboard / Workout Session #01!
      Oh my god, Becky -- look, at that... butt...
      Okay.. So it may be true that we haven't had a traditional 'workout' day in QUITE some time now. But you know what...
      IMG_20180210_144658.jpg IMG_20180210_144837.jpg

      I feel fucking GREAT right now!
      My muscles feel absoloutely alive. I feel like I'm standing up straighter. I feel like my shoulders and chest are more open. I feel unstoppable. Before I hype things up too much, I'll slow it down and iterate that it waHs generally a pretty tame workout, consisting of:
  • 15 minutes of bouldering to warm up:
  • Hangboard session:
    • 6 10s dead-hang reps (per grip) w/ 5s of rest between reps (~90s/set) -- 4min of rest between grips;
    • 9 Grip types for a total of approximately 45minutes.
  • Workout circuit (4 sets) of:
    • Planks - (90 sec/90s/90s/90s)
    • Pullups (7/6/6/5) (Pullups are harrrrrd)
    • Tricep Dips (20/20/20/15)
    • Dumbbell Flys (15x10lb/15x10lb/12x10lb/12x10lb)
    • 90 seconds of rest between exercises
  • DAY 31 (Sunday - Feb 11):
    • Today was an optional outdoor mileage day -- we opted in(doors), and did a little bit of difficult toprope climbing. After a pretty decent workout day, we were thrashing out way up some pretty fun 5.11b / 11c routes without too much trouble. No actual pictures of the workout, or any climbing, I guess -- but I do have a photo from the cafe beforehand!
      @caitycat not being impressed with my bad jokes
  • DAY 32 (Monday - Feb 12 -- FAMILY DAY!):
    • Today was an Optional Aerobic Exercise day -- so we opted in, and got out for a hike.

I had been talking for weeks now about how I wanted to head out and do some recon hikes and scope out some of the routes that could be upcoming goal routes. After a few rainy weeks, it was our time to to leap and bound around in the sun -- we were going to go scope out the Nanaimo River! Except... When we got there, there stairs were all busted up and broken, so we couldn't get down with the rather large convoy of dogs that we had as company (4 people? 4 dogs!). Plan A was dead in the water, so we drove another 15 minutes north to Plan 5 -- The Steppes in the Lantzville Foothills.

@somebuttstuff and I made our way out here a couple summers ago. It's an old un-developed piece of property that had started construction, but abandoned because of what happened in the market in 2008 -- so there's gravel roads, but a gate at the bottom. We came out here before, but we got kinda lost and never found the crag, despite wandering around for an hour or so. To this day, I'm embarassed to talk about it -- I've never not been able to find a mountain -- they're usually pretty obvious. So we got out there TODAY, and it turns out that some new developer has taken the mantle and it's under active construction again. Bad news is that there's no safe way to access the area currently (lots of bigass rock trucks and blasting all over the place), but the good news is that they'll be putting in roads, and developing the climbing areas as parkland within the overall region -- so that's great. So much for Plan B -- we'll come back here in about 7 months when the work should be done.

Plan C! Lets just drive up to the park up the road, and go for a nice trail-hike with all the dogs we brought with us.


And so it was -- and it was good.

I didn't notice until right now, but the dogs seem to have swarmed @flaversham and chosen their favorite when we were out on the way. It's like the canine secret service out there. Ear-pieces and all.

Long story short!

Weekend was great! More training tomorrow!

Today, In my space that I reserve down here for cool climbing stuff -- I'm not gonna share anything because I forgot to find something and now I'm tired and I don't like making excuses and I feel like I have to keep on talking to try to validate how sorry I am I hope nobody is angry with me and people keep coming back SORRRRY.

Be well, stay safe, and I'll see you on the sharp side (once it dries out around here).

Previous CRUSHENING posts:

The Query!

I'm trying to figure out how the best way to get people active and involved in the climbing community on here. Paying for upvotes is super tedious, and there must be a better way to get the people goin'!

There's all sorts of contests on here -- some I'm considering incorporating something of that sort to these posts. Let me know what you think. It could be something like "whoever shares the coolest ( or funniest / scariest / gnarliest ) climbing related story ( or picture / video / poem / meme) gets 0.25 SBD (or more / less / half of post SBD)". Let me know what you think would be cool. We could mix it up and do climbing inspired art or something? I like to draw. Maybe we'll do something like that? LETS TALK. ANY THOUGHTS???

Please vote and resteem generously. There's some amazing places on the island that I would like to share.

I try to respond to all questions and comments that I get, so make some noise! If you have any questions about some of the climbing jargon / lingo I used, just ask, and I'll break it down. I might even make it a feature in my next post, in which case I'll give you some credit, and maybe even some kind of reward... unknown at this time -- nobody has asked any questions... except for a select few legitimately awesome folks.


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They are like the secret service! It’s because I’m the weakest link. They’re like “if a bear comes, it’s definitely gonna eat Kim”.
Dogs are pretty thoughtful.
Today was great! I really appreciated how you guys suggested bringing Chewie. I felt a little bit bad because I’m fairly certain we could have made the river work had it not been for him, but he had a great time so I’m glad he was there.
Thanks again!

I'm glad we brought Chewie as well -- it definitely wasn't his fault that we didn't get to the river. Caity is usually pretty vocal about not bringing dogs to climbing areas in general as they're kinda not the greatest. We'll head out there another time without dogs sometime soon, if we can make it happen. It's a super cool spot.

Yes! I want so badly for there to be more climbing content! It will make it much easier to interact with similarily passionate people; I don’t know anything about crypto currencies or the other stuff that seems to be the most common topics here, nor do I really care about it to be honest.
Is your training program from the Rock Climbers Training Manual? It’s a way better book than I initially thought it would be. I don’t have regular access to a gym right now so I can’t do ARC workouts, which is too bad cause my endurance is what is lacking the most right now.
I’m just doing lots of hangboarding and weighted pull-ups, with the hope that I can get back to where I was near the start of the summer haha. I’m hoping to build a small woody of some sort so I can ARC at home.

Yeah buddy! There's a lack of climbing content on here currently, so there's definitely a gap that all of us can work to fill.

Training program is indeed from the RCTM. Solid book, with lots of science-y info related to exercise optimization, and great climbing specific workout knowledge. I was actually blown away how good it was when I first cracked it out.

I'm fortunate that I live about a 10 minute walk away from a pretty rad climbing gym, so it works out nicely for my training. Gotta get back into it though -- can't seem to crank out much more than 7 or 8 pullups before I get tuckered. Stupid desk job is making me lazy!

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