My Fairy World – Greetings from The Lands of Lala! steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog5 years ago

Don't worry. It is just a phase that'll soon be over with. As long as I keep expressing it. Short ahead this blog will get back to the positivity it truly is committed to. You can hug me in the comments or send some positive thoughts to help me dissolve these sticky attachments I happen to let myself stumble into …

Hi, it's me, Lala Ludicrous, and I am freaking ridiculous. I dance with fairies until envy trolls try to make me stop. I sing, I whistle, I dance. I stab my toes into the dirt and talk to flowers. Or scarabaeus. Birds. Flowers … A number of beings are more interesting to listen to than humans.
It's the insult I am most familiar with. I've come to accept, embrace and enjoy it even. At times. Mostly, of course, it is what it is: The most sufficient way to make me feel uncomfortable, question myself, forget everything I was just thinking about …

Why would you want to hurt a fairy?

My perception was questioned from day one. I grew up with a narcissistic mother. Whatever she said was absolute truth, whatever I said was a cognitive dysfunction. She kept telling everyone I am not reasonable back then when I was a child. My reality has been doubted forever. I am so used to it, it's almost my identity to see things you don't, hear tunes my mother and others deny, and to fully accept and believe whatever I perceive is the truth. At least for me. I needed to fight for this all my life. She sued me even and told the court they needed to test me for I would have a perceptual disorder. So, they tested both of us. The outcome was a document where those two sentences can be found written down quite close to each other.

"@mayb has a hypersensitive perception which she is used to questioning a lot. She uses reason and intellect to distinguish between fact and fantasy."
"The mother has a narcissistic disorder. She is not capable of feeling empathy or simply listen to her daughter's side."

There was a time where I had a copy of this part of the report framed, hanging above my desk, to remind me every day that there's a program running rampant in my mind that I need to 'ignore'. Not in the sense of never reflecting it. But this is mind control, a program that has been uploaded to my brain by my mother when I was too young to decide what's safe for me to take in. That I live in Lalaland. That all I see is an illusion. That one of my greatest assets, an advanced perception, would be my biggest flaw.

What you don't know about fairies is what you don't know about karma

Hurt a fairy, hurt yourself!

Hate us all you want. Hating fairies is like looking into a mirror and denying everything that's beautiful about you. Violate the mindful peace of one of us and be faced with your self-hatred. Watch shame evolving, discomfort grow, and your confidence dissolving. Talking to me? Well, all I hear is what you tell about yourself. The second last to try blaming me for living in Lalaland is a covert narcissist who pops some mollies every other week. Yeah, right? People like him will always question my perception and then go, take a trip to only once experience what I am talking about all the time. How do you like my Lalaland? You love it! I hear you. Same. No need to take it away from me. No need to put yourself above me. I could teach you how to meditate and to perceive all the things you do when you're tripping. I could tell you how to use your own DMT, the one your brain's producing and that you keep wasting by popping pills and such, taking the easy way. It's actually not that easy to access Lalaland you've realized. And what do jealous people do? They neglect everything they can't have. "I don't want to have this anyways … mimimi"

Fairy angry!

The very last guy did it just yesterday. Telling me that I live in my fairy world … True. I do. This man, however, lives nowhere close to what he calls the fairy world. He's a realist. Ant the realist told me that he would never cry. About nothing. For he's a warrior. And he told me some pretty sad stories about himself. Basically, all he said was just that: A sad testimony of a life without love. Without any of those overwhelming emotions, I live through every day in my fairy world. Like a real warrior does! He stifles his tears, hides his love, and all the joy he feels comes from drinking beer and winning online fights alone at his computer. 2019 and we still live amongst people who think that masculinity is about keeping your tears inside and let them eat you up. That it would be a sign of strength to hold back one's emotions. Until the emotion of hate becomes too big to keep it inside. Interestingly, he first insulted me and when I told him I would be done with this conversation, he all the sudden started telling me his real name, and two crazy personal stories about his grief. Dude, I heard your grief. All the time. But it doesn't count as an apology, rather it explains WHY you have to hurt tiny, sensitive fairies like me. Self-hatred. It is a boomerang. You don't know anything about fairies. We've got much more power than you assume. Everything you try doing to us, you do to yourself. Not because we, the fairies, would hate you. No. We love you. But you hate yourself. And now you feel it.


You are a beautiful human being.

It is very tragic and stupid that we, people, mostly psychologically destroy and violate our children from day 1 (because we are programmed to do so) instead of nurturing them and letting them grow free and true to themselves.

I have a 6 year old daughter, and I always have to watch out for my own problems and issues (in order to not project them in her). It is the hardest task. To be a good parent to me means first of all that we just have to LET OUR CHILDREN BE (while keeping them safe from obviously dangerous things of course... like burning a house down, or running amidst cars, or playing computer games 24/7). Let them be. Not treat them like toys or subhumans.

Welcome to the club of cool parents!
sticks a badge to your chest

Thank you @araska-dragonkey! I know we are. Beautiful and turning even more beautiful each day. As long as we keep on reflecting ourselves. Like you obviously do. I feel the very same about parenting and I am already in the phase where I am being rewarded for the way I let her be. She's 16 years now and she voluntarily spends a lot of time with me. Other teens her age do all they can to avoid their parents. But she and her friends love to hang with me and accept me as a human being rather than having some forced kind of "respect" as they feel for lots of other adults. A few days ago, we were speaking on the phone for hours and when I said I need to hang up she resisted. I laughed and said: "You're a teenager. I am your mother. You don't want to hang up?" And she said: "That's different. You're a super cool mother. Nobody would hang up on you." I had the feeling of a second heart growing inside my chest. I almost exploded with joy. :) This pleasure is what we get back. And people who don't give this little extra effort will never have this huge extra gift. Thanks for the encouragement!

That is great! I’ll admit I am very scared of my daughter’s teenage phase... but like you said, it all depends on us.

“Forced kind of respect”
Thank you for this perfect phrase, I know some people I will definitely use it on! )) Because their “methods” of communication with my kid drive me nuts.

I know, right? So good talking to you. Every time. :) I know exactly what you mean. But soon your child will be old enough to be as knowing as we are and they are all going to regret how they treated your kid. The echo is coming. :) Slowly but steady …

This is true in many ways. To have heightened perception is as much a gift as anything else you might want to call it. It seems to me a better way to deal with reality than hiding all emotions and all of the effects that come from it.

I know you know what you're talking about! Thank you. It's the most wonderful side to humanity that when someone speaks up others show their affection and empathy. Thank you for reminding me about the beauty of it. :)

Without going into detail as I am fixing to lay down to rest for the night... or should I say weeee hours of the morning lol, I just wanted to tell you we have a common bond. I understood you so clearly as you spoke of your mother. I too endured the same upbringing and into adulthood till I broke free. But the subconsciousness does stay with me always and it's a daily battle, but I battle it fiercely and as you, I have my reminders in place in one form or another to work through and eliminate self doubt.
It's almost freeing to hear another even speak of it here in our world of steem where I spend so much time. A reassurance that, Yes, it is the reality of what happened, and No, it wasn't my fault-the direct results of programming. Regardless, I think it gave me a better sense, an instinct, an understanding. It's hard to put what I want to say in words without delving into places I at the moment am not willing to go. But I'm virtually hugging you, I can undoubtedly say that I understand with great sincerity. I try to live my life joyously as much as I can surrounded by music, nature, family and yes... solitude at times. Without creativity I would probably dwindle up and die lol It is a huge comfort.
I say, You are just lovely, a beautiful spirit and soul with creativity and heart, shielded by more strength that you probably know. Do things that bring you joy and live within a realm that you feel secure in. Night Sweetheart ♥

Thank you so much. The sensation I felt while reading your comment can't be described as goosebumps. I more felt the empty space between every molecule in my body igniting, trillions of explosions all over and under my skin! You said a lot that you don't say and I read every line, those in between, and beyond. Whoa, that felt so good, @deepsouthpiddlin!

lol ♥ You are welcome ♥ That was some reaction! haha, I love it!

You had the same mom as I???🤐

Stay in your fairy world and that guy can play with his trolls.


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I am sorry for you. I forgave mine two years ago. But we're both avoiding contact. You?

I left as I was 15. Had contact again about 1 year later. Told her we are too different and if we were strangers we would never be friends. So we live our own lives since.

Spoke my brother in law after his wife died, he said she is the same ugly witch as 40 years ago... she kick him and her 4 grandchildren out (he tolerated her for 20 years).
One ex of my sister still has nightmares because of her... after 20 years.

Posted using Partiko Android

I left when I was 17. Break. Contact again when I got pregnant (20 years old), she kidnapped my daughter when I was 25 she never apologized for anything she did. I just decided to forgive her for my own peace of mind.

Now I understand you even more. sigh Here's my favorite quote ever:

"It's never too late to have a happy childhood."
(Tom Robbins)

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