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RE: A 20 Minute Blog a Day - you are what you eat
thank you @lilygolightly you've made my afternoon with this comment :) and the beautiful French mademoiselle had it 100% right - eat slow and chew very well - you enjoy it more, your body distributes the nutrients more efficiently and you get fuller faster! 2 days in and I'm still taking it slow - I do feel myself want to slip back into rushing but then my sore mouth stops me lol
I'm going to keep refereeing my mind while I eat and with any luck I'll be taking my time with my food for the rest of my life! <3
Thank you dear for the well wishes :) I appreciate it very much
Ha ha...loving the way you phrased that @amariespeaks....refereeing of the mind...time to blow the whistle on yourself! And so glad you're feeling a bit better. ❤️
It has definitely worked for me, savouring the food, appreciating it, being grateful for it...creates a whole new attitude towards the bite in your mouth and how lucky we are to have it. Getting some ideas for a post to explore penning that! Full steem ahead eh?
Happy refereeing! 😊