A 20 Minute Blog a Day - you are what you eat

in #blog7 years ago


I had my wisdom teeth taken out and now that I'm finally getting back to my normal self I feel like eating again.

Yay! I've been absolutely starving, day dreaming about all types of good food (and not so good-for-you foods) and I've never been one of those people who really love food. I mean obviously I eat and i have foods I like but I'm not one to oooh and ahhh over a new recipe or drool over food pictures on Pinterest. - But these four days have made me understand why people do.

Every food commercial made my stomach growl and when my family was eating full, crunchy, chewy, savory meals every night I wanted to cry staring into my smoothie.

Now the time has come to start trying to eat real food again - carefully! I'm taking tiny bites, really focusing on how I'm chewing - actually enjoying what I'm tasting... and that got me thinking, when is the last time I really consciously ate something?

Mindfulness has been a concept I've tried to incorporate into my daily life over the last two years maybe? And know I've heard quite a few people talking about how important eating slowly is. But of course, when it comes to making the change in your own life it's much more difficult - so needless to say I knew I needed to change but didn't have that motivation to do it...Until now.

Now I've been forced to eat slow. I don't know why I rush through eating. I could stuff down an entire sandwich in 6 bites that I barely even tasted. Now it's more like 16 little bites and actually chewing each bite. I hope this is going to be a new start for my eating habits.

There are many benefits to eating slowly and chewing fully - it's good for your digestive tract and stomach, your teeth and jaw, and also your mind. Meditation and mindfulness are applicable in all corners of life - don't let you time spent eating be rushed and forced - you are what you eat!

I wish I had time to dive deep into how important the foods you eat really are - but maybe I'll tackle that in a long post. For now my 20 minutes is up today!

Are you wondering why you eat like marine who's got 10 minutes to eat the entire meal?

  • Comment your food struggles below!

Have you overcome speed-eating?

  • I'd love to hear how!

Good luck to everyone! And remember don't spend all that time trying to mediate and calm your mind only to turn around and tell your body 'Eff that - just eat as quick and as much as possible.. GO!



Thanks for a nice read!
Remember that you feed not only your body but also your mind - with everything you decide!

Peace - love - gratitude!

thanks for the words of wisdom! <3

yayyy that is my weakness, foods, that's why I' am not sexy but healthy,😅 ...now I tried my very best to eat slowly upon reading this awesome post of yours my dear😊

thank you love! it's a struggle for me too but chipping away little by little so hopefully soon it'll come much easier! good luck to you too <3

Oh you poor poor thing...I really feel your pain, on many levels!

Did you have all 4 removed? I did years ago and looked like I had stuffed a football in my mouth...for a week...swollen, sore, hungry, in pain...its just awful and I really feel for you!

On the upside, I lost a bit of weight (a lot actually) felt relieved to get the little darlings out (you could insert an expletive here...darlings they surely weren't!!!) and it did make me appreciate proper chewy food again once the swelling went down.

And here's the thing, which you rightly point out in your post, since then I really try to eat consciously, slowly and with awareness. I once spoke to an impossibly chic French lady, beautifully dressed (mais qui!) but slender and enjoying her pan au chocolat...she said this, and you have to insert a French accent here..."Yes, darling, I forbid myself nothing, I eat everything...but just a leeetle, and I chew it very well, many times"

So there you have it..maybe having these teeth extracted really does bestow real wisdom after all 😊😊😊

Really hope you feel great again soon ⭐️

thank you @lilygolightly you've made my afternoon with this comment :) and the beautiful French mademoiselle had it 100% right - eat slow and chew very well - you enjoy it more, your body distributes the nutrients more efficiently and you get fuller faster! 2 days in and I'm still taking it slow - I do feel myself want to slip back into rushing but then my sore mouth stops me lol
I'm going to keep refereeing my mind while I eat and with any luck I'll be taking my time with my food for the rest of my life! <3
Thank you dear for the well wishes :) I appreciate it very much

Ha ha...loving the way you phrased that @amariespeaks....refereeing of the mind...time to blow the whistle on yourself! And so glad you're feeling a bit better. ❤️

It has definitely worked for me, savouring the food, appreciating it, being grateful for it...creates a whole new attitude towards the bite in your mouth and how lucky we are to have it. Getting some ideas for a post here...off to explore penning that! Full steem ahead eh?

Happy refereeing! 😊

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