RE: No War With Iran Protest Fayetteville Arkansas 7/20/19.
We don't always agree on everything politically, but oh Gods yes, the military-industrial complex needs to go the way of the Dodo already. Glad to see some folks speaking out. Way back in the Dubya administration era (oh, when we thought it couldn't get any worse, how innocent), there was a bumper sticker that was done like a mileage counter in a car and it was "Iraq" turning into "Iran," and everyone thought, oh no, that's crazy, we're not going to war with Iran...
Meanwhile, fifteen years later, it's a real threat.
I just saw some article that said something around 65% of veterans think the Iraq and Afghanistan wars weren't/aren't "worth it" or did anything good. Meanwhile statists are all "support the troops" and not listening to the actual troops. The troops are telling you this was a total waste, people, support them by listening, maybe!
It's amazing how many people are so frightened and weak that they are willing to give up every control and overlook any atrocity to make themselves feel secure and protected. Like, y'all, the military being imperialist isn't protecting YOU. We're now to the point where a school district in Pennsylvania is threatening to call CPS and have people's kids taken away if they are overdue on the school lunch bill. People's kids being snatched over a lunch bill, or from crossing a border, or because your nosy ass neighbor thinks that kids shouldn't be allowed to play outside unsupervised (I always wonder what those people did as children). But people will support it because ThEy DiDn'T fOlLoW tHe RuLeS, and rules make them feel "safe." Until it happens to them, I guess...
But I'm digressing. Yay protest!
Oh! And have a !BEER
You can still get that sticker. I remember knowing people who had it on their cars. It was Wes Clark who said that there was an agenda to take out 7 different countries in 5 years back when Dubya was president. Leading up to Iran being last. China, Russia, Germany, and France all have oil contracts with Iran. China's contract is $200 billion. So those four countries will attack us when we start bombing Iran. Long story short, WWIII. We are going to have a combination of WWIII and a Civil War here in the states at the same time. Here it is only in America are white rednecks and veterans supportive of a 5 time draft dodger in office SMH. Fact: Trump, Bush, Cheney, Nugent, Limbaugh, Romney, and Bill O'Reilly are all draft dodgers. Trump wants to go war with Iran... says the guy who is in fact a 5 time draft dodger to avoid going to war. Here's your rifle Trump!
The people who declare war should have to go and fight in that war themselves.
Hmm, since I added the beer call in an edit, maybe it didn't register. Let's try again: !BEER
Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...
O: Could they really have run out of tokens already?
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go to @hippie-witha-gun, here is your
token. Enjoy it!Hooray, it worked! LOL