RE: No War With Iran Protest Fayetteville Arkansas 7/20/19.
You can still get that sticker. I remember knowing people who had it on their cars. It was Wes Clark who said that there was an agenda to take out 7 different countries in 5 years back when Dubya was president. Leading up to Iran being last. China, Russia, Germany, and France all have oil contracts with Iran. China's contract is $200 billion. So those four countries will attack us when we start bombing Iran. Long story short, WWIII. We are going to have a combination of WWIII and a Civil War here in the states at the same time. Here it is only in America are white rednecks and veterans supportive of a 5 time draft dodger in office SMH. Fact: Trump, Bush, Cheney, Nugent, Limbaugh, Romney, and Bill O'Reilly are all draft dodgers. Trump wants to go war with Iran... says the guy who is in fact a 5 time draft dodger to avoid going to war. Here's your rifle Trump!
The people who declare war should have to go and fight in that war themselves.
Hmm, since I added the beer call in an edit, maybe it didn't register. Let's try again: !BEER
Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...
O: Could they really have run out of tokens already?
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go to @hippie-witha-gun, here is your
token. Enjoy it!Hooray, it worked! LOL