No War With Iran Protest Fayetteville Arkansas 7/20/19.

in #activism6 years ago



Yesterday I met up with some old activist friends I knew from back when I was still a libtard living in Fayetteville. The guy holding the big STOP THE WAR sign is Abel Tomlinson, a local activist living in northwest Arkansas. He started this No War With Iran protest. He along with several other great activists will be protesting in Fayetteville Arkansas every Saturday from 11am till noon all the way through to the end of August.

No war with Iran protest Fayetteville Arkansas 7/20/19.

I was actually surprised by most of these folks. I know several of them might still be statist libtards but most of them I interacted with were all real cool with me and some even liked my idea of going the Sovereign route as an activist. If you watch the video the old man I'm talking to is named Jerry and he even says that he doesn't support either political party and that he has been an anarchist for 50+ years. Rainbow hats off to you Jerry! He totally supported me and my decision to risk making myself out to be a political prisoner for being Sovereign and refusing to comply with this lawless tyrannical corporate fascist government that has invaded my country.

Activists from the OMNI Center were here too. OMNI was started by Dick Bennett, a retired U of A college professor. He was in my video towards the end and he even recognized me after not seeing me for over 13 years.
You can read all about him and his work here:

There were activists on every corner.


I loved this woman's sign! So far this one was my favorite. END THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!!! Even former president Eisenhower warned us of the military industrial complex in his farwell speech before leaving office.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
~President Eisenhower 1/17/61.

Next week if I do decide to come out and join these people I will be going full rainbow HA HA. If I do I will be making my own signs. I'm hoping that I might be able to talk Abel and maybe a few other people from this protest into wanting to help me start other protests. Other protests like: saying no to 5G, Fukushima awareness, stopping vaccines/nazi eugenics, a "lock her up" protest outside of the historic Clinton house, a pro-gun protest of some sort, and of course Unincorporating Arkansas.

Next week I plan on talking more about guns and gun rights with these people. I know Dick Bennett and the people from OMNI won't be on board with this so I don't plan on approaching them with this subject. If so, and I piss them off with the truth, good! Thank guns for the freedom to hate guns libtards.

Thanks for looking and if you live in northwest Arkansas come on out and join us next weekend!

As always I'm Theo aka Rainbow Man and here is the PROOF!!!
PROOF of anarchy in Fayetteville Arkansas

Stay Un-Tune-Ed...

Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!!!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Keep your democracy off of my Sovereignty!

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
Rainbow Man meme6.jpg


We don't always agree on everything politically, but oh Gods yes, the military-industrial complex needs to go the way of the Dodo already. Glad to see some folks speaking out. Way back in the Dubya administration era (oh, when we thought it couldn't get any worse, how innocent), there was a bumper sticker that was done like a mileage counter in a car and it was "Iraq" turning into "Iran," and everyone thought, oh no, that's crazy, we're not going to war with Iran...
Meanwhile, fifteen years later, it's a real threat.
I just saw some article that said something around 65% of veterans think the Iraq and Afghanistan wars weren't/aren't "worth it" or did anything good. Meanwhile statists are all "support the troops" and not listening to the actual troops. The troops are telling you this was a total waste, people, support them by listening, maybe!
It's amazing how many people are so frightened and weak that they are willing to give up every control and overlook any atrocity to make themselves feel secure and protected. Like, y'all, the military being imperialist isn't protecting YOU. We're now to the point where a school district in Pennsylvania is threatening to call CPS and have people's kids taken away if they are overdue on the school lunch bill. People's kids being snatched over a lunch bill, or from crossing a border, or because your nosy ass neighbor thinks that kids shouldn't be allowed to play outside unsupervised (I always wonder what those people did as children). But people will support it because ThEy DiDn'T fOlLoW tHe RuLeS, and rules make them feel "safe." Until it happens to them, I guess...
But I'm digressing. Yay protest!
Oh! And have a !BEER

You can still get that sticker. I remember knowing people who had it on their cars. It was Wes Clark who said that there was an agenda to take out 7 different countries in 5 years back when Dubya was president. Leading up to Iran being last. China, Russia, Germany, and France all have oil contracts with Iran. China's contract is $200 billion. So those four countries will attack us when we start bombing Iran. Long story short, WWIII. We are going to have a combination of WWIII and a Civil War here in the states at the same time. Here it is only in America are white rednecks and veterans supportive of a 5 time draft dodger in office SMH. Fact: Trump, Bush, Cheney, Nugent, Limbaugh, Romney, and Bill O'Reilly are all draft dodgers. Trump wants to go war with Iran... says the guy who is in fact a 5 time draft dodger to avoid going to war. Here's your rifle Trump!

The people who declare war should have to go and fight in that war themselves.

Hmm, since I added the beer call in an edit, maybe it didn't register. Let's try again: !BEER

Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...

O: Could they really have run out of tokens already?

To view or trade BEER go to

Hey @hippie-witha-gun, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!

Hooray, it worked! LOL

Dude... you should have seen the protest in Ft Collins... men and women.. dressed in all white except for their crotches.. which were painted red... what were they protesting you ask? Circumcision. Seriously. I should have recorded it but I was laughing to hard.. I told Beth you'd have loved it.. I bet they all would have dropped their signs had I thrown a fresh pack of Tide Pods out the window

You are talking to someone who met the Bloodstained Men Dave. It is a great movement and my wife and I have been trying to get these guys to come to Arkansas. We didn't circumcise my son because we aren't sick evil parents like that. Circumcision needs to be outlawed. It is a sick barbaric human rights violation practiced by sick fucking pedophile Jews. I plan on joining these guys some day. Here is my video of them when I met them in Portland 3 years ago.

Omg.. that's the same outfit.. I have no opinion as I have no son.. I don't think I mind missing my foreskin .. isn't it a hygiene issue why most people do it.. we actually googled it.. that's what Google said anyway..

You really mean to tell me that you are dumb enough to believe what Google said Dave? It has nothing to do with whether or not you like missing your foreskin. The fact is your human rights were violated for the sake of this sick Satanic cult that claims power over you by mutilating your penis against your will when you were an infant. It has nothing to do with hygiene! The foreskin is there for a reason or else god wouldn't of made it that special part of our anatomy.

Of course I'm dumb enough to believe Google.. their directions always work..

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Upvoted for being against a war with Iran. It would be an absolute disaster. Don't agree with you on all your other quests but power to you.

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