peaceint (48)in #conscientious-objection • 6 years agoThe Ministry of National Defense's decision use the term “objection to military service based on religious convictions and other reasons” instead of “conscientious objection” is inappropriateThe Ministry of National Defense's decision use the term “objection to military service based on religious convictions…peaceint (48)in #samsung • 6 years agoPSPD English Newsletter, December 2018This month of PSPD December 2018 Securities and Future Commission found intentional breach of financial accounting…peaceint (48)in #uae • 6 years agoThe National Assembly Should Reject the Unconstitutional Motion to Extend the Deployment of Troops in the UAE(EN/KR)The National Assembly Should Reject the Unconstitutional Motion to Extend the Deployment of Troops in the UAE. The…peaceint (48)in #kr • 6 years agoThe Governments of Myanmar and Bangladesh Should Immediately Stop Their Plan for Repatriating Rohingya Refugees (EN&KR)The Governments of Myanmar and Bangladesh Should Immediately Stop Their Plan for Repatriating Rohingya Refugees…peaceint (48)in #kr • 6 years agoChina’s Strategy on the Korean Peninsula at a Time of Great Transition: Changes and Tasks(EN&KR)(한/영)China’s Strategy on the Korean Peninsula at a Time of Great Transition: Changes and Tasks October 2018 Lee Nam-joo…peaceint (48)in #kr • 6 years agoFundamental measure required to stop surge of Seoul apartment price(EN&KR)Run PSPD, Fly Democracy! This month of PSPD October 2018 Autumn is the season of ripening. Someday, a photo…peaceint (48)in #kr • 6 years agoNo International Fleet Review in Jeju Naval Base!2018 International Solidarity Statement against the International Fleet Review in Jeju No International Fleet Review…peaceint (48)in #kr • 6 years ago"로힝야 난민 강제 추방 즉각 중단하라" 한국 시민단체, 주한 인도대사관 강제 추방 중단 요구 서한(한/영) 발송인도 정부는 로힝야 난민 강제추방 즉각 중단하라 한국 시민사회단체, 주한 인도대사관에 강제추방 중단 요구 서한 발송 로힝야 난민의 안전하고 존엄한 귀환을 위한 국제사회의 노력에 인도 정부가 적극 협력할 것…peaceint (48)in #kr • 6 years ago그 많은 내 개인정보는 누가 다 가져갔을까?10년간 개인정보 60억 건 이상 무단 유출, 활용 안녕하세요. 오늘 참여연대가 재밌는 보고서를 발표했습니다. * 이슈리포트 >> "그 많은 내 개인정보는 누가 다 가져갔을까" -…peaceint (48)in #news • 6 years agoWe condemn the Export-Import Bank of Korea for enforcing the construction of the Jalaur Mega Dam, regardless of the opposition of the indigenous people and the concerns over safety issuesWe condemn the Export-Import Bank of Korea for enforcing the construction of the Jalaur Mega Dam, regardless of the…peaceint (48)in #samsung • 6 years agoRun PSPD, Fly Democracy!Run PSPD, Fly Democracy! PSPD English Newsletter, September 2018 Campaign to arrest and punish Yang Seung-tae…peaceint (48)in #politics • 6 years ago뭐? 한국이 무임승차 하고 있다고?한국이 무임승차 하고 있다고? 한미 방위비분담 협상 1분 정리 2019년부터 적용될 제10차 한-미 방위비분담 특별협정을 위한 7차 협상이 9월 19일~20일 워싱턴에서 열립니다. 미국은 협상…peaceint (48)in #news • 6 years agoThe United Sates should cease demanding excessive increases in defense funding and the creation of groundless "operational support" itemsThe United States should cease demanding excessive increases in defense funding and the creation of groundless…peaceint resteemedcfoi (52)in #kr • 7 years ago국회 쌈짓돈의 비밀을 찾아 떠나는 모험국회 특수활동비를 둘러싸고 한창 시끄러웠죠? 그동안 국회의원들의 '쌈짓돈'처럼 여겨져 왔던 예산들의 실체가 속속 드러나고 있는 상황입니다. 그런데, 문제는 특수활동비 뿐만이 아닙니다. 돈을 쓰고 나서 그 내역을…peaceint (48)in #jjangjjangman • 7 years agoWe Stand for Rohingya who have been Slaughtered and Ignored.▣ Joint Statement of Korean Civil Society for the First Rohingya Genocide Remembrance Day We Stand for Rohingya who…peaceint (48)in #steemit • 7 years agoThe Xe Pian-Xe Nam Noy dam project which takes the whole life of the people of Laos: For whom was the development designed?The Xe Pian-Xe Nam Noy dam project which takes the whole life of the people of Laos : For whom was the development…