Change is coming to Zimbabwe

in #zimbabwe7 years ago (edited)

The fiery quasi-dictator is under house arrest.

img source

Last night something happened in Zimbabwe which is a coup d'etat in all but name.

The military moved in with tanks and armored vehicles securing government buildings, the National Broadcaster and placing Robert Mugabe and his wife under house arrest.

Image Credits: AFP / Getty Images

But they have made it plain that they are not taking over the government and that this is not a coup.

Things have been steadily deteriorating in the country as the contest over who will succeed Mugabe has been hotting up.

The 93 years old president who has been ruling the country via rigged elections for 37 years, made a fatal miscalculation in the last couple of weeks . He fired his deputy president who was essentially competing against his attempts to hand over the presidency to his wife.

Grace Mugabe.

img source

The deputy was the favorite candidate of the military and now they have acted.

Mugabe's long term has been significantly tarnished, by heading a repressive regime with much blood on its hands as it has done whatever it takes to cling to power.

Under his presidency he turned Zimbabwe from the "bread basket" of Africa into the "basket case" of Africa.

This same military that is now claiming to represent the interest of the people is the same army that was a very significant player in the decades of repression.


and BTC in ZIM is at 13k USD just made post about it, very interesting to check!

Its usually about double the US BTC prices, since they have no functional currency and $$ are in short supply

trillion dollars.jpg
The highest denomination note ever printed in any currency in the world. Would have bought about 3 tomatoes back in the day

What a turn of events that has been!
It's quite interesting, as people in the comments section have said, that no one stood up to him until today. It just goes to show how political interests shape and define the way a country is run.
What is very intriguing though is that the military has called this a peaceful intervention and they are promoting peace and stability in the region. An academic assumption, and affirmation, can be made for the militarisation of peace and how this could be applied in other areas of the world.
Democracy built on conflict is more often than not an unstable construct, which is why the current actions of the military seem to suggest a more positive outlook to the future of Zimbabwe, as they have not used force so far. Having real elections is only the first step towards democratisation of the country, but a big leap forwards compared to where it was so far.

What do other people think about this? I would love to go more in depth on my thoughts about this issue and its wider connotations.

I was surprised to see this but it is about time! Uncle BOB has been pillaging his country for far too long.

I also did a post on this and would appreciate support...

Interesting article , but Zimbabwe was never the bread basket of Africa . Rhodesia was, that may not be a popular or “politically correct” statement , the truth is rarely popular or politically correct. When Mugabe gained power thanks to the British the decline began which led to Mugabe sponsored purges and seizures of land and massacres by roving gangs of so called “war veterans”.

The fact here is that nemesis may have finally caught up with Mugabe, the whole world is concerned because he has turned zimbabwe into a monarchial system of government, and well i pray it does not end bloody

It is interesting to see these after effects of political structures that oppress the people that have been propped up by imperialistic powers and special interests. There are similar patterns here that mirror Venezuela, Iraq, Haiti and even more powerful countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia.

In each of the aforementioned, the country in question is rich in valuable resources. Outside players get involved with the local government. The local government becomes less representative of the people after a time. Corruption and consolidation of political power occurs in the hands of an elite class. Oppression of the local people begins en mass. This is prevalent all over

Each country has divergent problems but share this common pattern. Is this apparent to anyone else?

Thank you for posting @gavvet.

Even though this was in the still has to question its authenticity....thank you for confirming.

We do hope the best for Zimbabwe.

Wishing you all the best. Cheers.

well said!

Hey @gavvet Change is necessary and always have fruitful results let's see what will come in this change?
God bless Zimbabwe and it's citizens.

Revolution often lead to worse life. Hope Zimbabwe will be exception in this rule.

Hopes so it will happen.

That's very true. It's either worse or completely the same as it was.

Mugabe is the best looking 92 year old I think I have ever seen. Weird...

Why not? Its the nation's money

Mugabe and many other dictators are the most selfish people on the planet. Making the country poorer then ever, just for their own wellbeing.

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