Promoting Steem on Facebook After the Cryptocurrency Ads Ban!

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)

facebook ads after ban.png

After introducing millions Facebook users to Steem, Facebook banned cryptocurrency ads. How am I now advertising in a way that allows indefinitely promoting Steem for free using page like ads combined with organic reach to posts on Steem?

To summarize, by using page like ads for $0.01 per like, getting thousands of likes every day allows me to indefinitely try 5 to 10 times a day to reach users liking the page for free.

Note to @zappl team: This post showed on without an image when I attached a YouTube video with an image. Is it always like that because of the iframe? I hope this will be fixed in an upcoming update!


Steemit is threat to facebook so as crypto is a threat to government. All we can do is to keep promoting steem in anyway we can.

Hey @jerrybanfield do you have a tutorial about cryptocurrency on udemy?


lol...I laughed there !!!

Thanks jerry for informing this way out !!! You are a genius :D


Yeah we will look into the youtube video image. I think its because were not using the method to pull the video preview. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

You can run ads advertising the Steemit Platform its not Crypto currency. Your basically promoting yourself first not Steemit at all. WHy not create a Stemmit fan page and promote Steemit fan page. Your just building your own brand

According to my interpretation of the Facebook rules at it appears ads for any link count as a cryptocurrency because is a user interface for the Steem blockchain which is listed as a cryptocurrency on exchanges. Any of us is welcome to test my assumption and put the Facebook ads account at risk running the ads.

With resteeming posts every day, my page reaches tens of thousands of people a day with messages from authors on Steem that are not me. Those signing up to read my posts will invariably follow other authors, trade Steem, and add to the value of our community.

With me being all in on Steem sharing 5 to 10 posts a day that go to on my page and every person liking my page having the chance to see them, there is no separation between promoting my page and promoting Steem. If I often made posts that did not go to Steem or frequently tried to sell users on my own products or email list on my Facebook page, then it would be reasonable to suggest that it was self promotion rather than Steem promotion. As is, my page is devoted to promoting Steem and will be indefinitely.

Yes he does indeed. It's a shame that many of the Steemit Gurus beat their chest wide and loud that they're promoting the platform and doing it for the community, but when you judge all their materials, posts, videos on cold you can definitely see is that a big chunk (about 70%) is about money and self-promoting or branding rather than actually taking concrete actions with 0 selfishness towards helping the community. I noticed that quite a few of his titles on Youtube are misleading and is actually talking again about money and himself. It's a shame though that.. More than that, Jerry even has a bot of his own (with his own name even => more self-promoting yes) that automatically does upvotes, for those who pay of course. But i don't see the #steemit (@steemit) founders doing anything about this to make it right. So they use their own bots to upvote themselves, make money out of that, and also get themselves in the trending section with articles that have little or no value, and thus drowning all the good content and leave it to fade away on the bottom of the barrel

Steemit look like (a lot) a game of the rich for the rich ones. Very very few actually make it through with their morale to keep making good content when they see silly or no value content trending for days and making crazy money bcs they have tons of bots and tons of SP or SBD to pay for even more bots to keep on trending and so on. Cycle goes on and it's not going for the people of the community that actually matters . Hope the founding members or the right people will see this content and take the necessary actions to make it right or at least to make major improvements.

We are doing more than any blockchain I know of to help users have a chance to earn.
Writing a comment based on the assumptions that what we are doing is not good enough is easy and usually comes from a place of feeling not good enough ourselves. Figuring out systems that work to help more of us discover Steem tends to be more challenging.

Yes what I do is not perfectly unselfish and nothing anyone else does is either. Your comment has the same built in problems as does my system for promoting Steem. My hope is that Steem will help us learn a better balance of service and selfishness.

What are you doing to promote Steem and build our community?

*''We are doing more than any blockchain I know of to help users have a chance to earn'' --> Using 'we' instead of 'i' shows that you know what you're doing and you try to hide behind those who you work with or your team. So, you're not assuming full responsability for the direction of the influence you have on other people. And again you talk about earning in the very first phrase, which clearly shows you don't give a penny on content and that you're mainly and most probably solely preoccupied just about the cash.

*''Writing a comment based on the assumptions that what we are doing is not good enough is easy and usually comes from a place of feeling not good enough ourselves'' ---> Yes i have feelings of anger and frustration that people abuse the platform and thus abuse its users by for their own personal gain. Again this is a community and by definition is not to redirect efforts and sustain a growing thirst for money by exploiting loopholes and people. For that we have the governments which are crippling the countries they are governing. The Steemit Community doesn't need that. And there is no assumption i am making here, and i can backup every single word that i wrote with videos and posts from your Youtube channel and your Steemit blog. Yes you are doing that way and the videos and 'content' is there to show that.

*''Figuring out systems that work to help more of us discover Steem tends to be more challenging'' --> Of course it is challenging. Governments loose their status quo once crypto is widely adopted and thus eventually will cease to exist (hopefully) and allow people to coexist in a healthy ecosystem without being governed and thus enslaved; also Fb of course it's scared like hell and thus making it difficult. They will loose monopoly over user's data and the users themselves with all the crappy policies they have. Again, like governments, they want to maintain their status quo, and thus to be the main actors on stage to make the big money. But we (the people) are more than numbers and revenue. We want to express, feel and live. And we want to be heard and understood and appreciated. That's what Steemit is about or should be about (but not really anymore now hence people use it for revenue mainly and only).

*''Yes what I do is not perfectly unselfish and nothing anyone else does is either'' -->I sense here some politician type of speaking.. Let me see if i get it: what you do is not perfectly unselfish. So what you do then is not totally selfish. You are on the right path to achieve that, but it's not perfect yet. Am i right? Cause let me tell you, you can't be gray on it. You are selfish or not. Even if you take the bigger piece but you give something to others, you are still being selfish for taking the bigger chunk in the first place. If you are a man, then you share it honestly equal between everyone. So you are selfish in what you do. You can choose to be honest man, instead of trying to hide behind the words. That would show a man's character.

*'' Your comment has the same built in problems as does my system for promoting Steem'' -> My comment may have spelling problems or similar as i am not native english speaker, and i'll admit that. Yet my comment has a built-in intention to raise a flag and bring awareness that something is wrong, and to ask people to take action. On the other hand, you Made a System that allows you to exploit some things that this platform provided in order to make rivers-flowing cash. As my intention is focused on groups and community your intention/your system's purpose is focused on you as individual. How can you even compare that between them as if they are similar or identical things but with different implementation? It's actually a mock brought up to the platform even saying that. That is a shame my friend.

*''My hope is that Steem will help us learn a better balance of service and selfishness'' ----> Those values are learned in life my friend by living and interacting with people. Also these are values passed over from parents as core values. Yes you can watch videos about empathy, generosity and care, but only going out and acting like that teaches you how to actually be like that. Steem can not teach you that. At best, it can raise your awareness about that. Therefore your hopes are misdirected here Jerry, and you try to find a type of meaning where is not the case. Same as how you want to make bunch of USDs on the back of Steemit but again, is not the case. Once more, Steemit is for content at its core.

*''What are you doing to promote Steem and build our community?'' --> Dear Jerry, i work as a nurse and by doing so i promote physical and psychological health. I really care about people that i meet when they'er vulnerable and at their worst in a hospital bed. Among this things, i talk to them about love relationships, and any other things they feel free to share. Many who wish for more creating freedom i directed them to look into steemit and see if that is what they want or need. To many of my friends i bring up about crypto where i include steemit 10/10 cases. I do that cause i feel it's too much that this governments, lobbyists, people with influence and so on are using their resources to mainly sustain themselves and bring nothing valuable to the area/community/society they are living in. It's just sick and it's sickening people both phisical and mental. I may not have so much power of influence or resources to reach as many people, but i do make sure that every single one that hears about crypto and steemit, are hearing and are directed on the right way, every day.

I know it is a long comment, but things have to be said as they are, as not many people seem to do that. I realise i may get flagged or something for speaking the things that bother the whales or for those who act and do in the wrong direction of what @steemit community was intended for. It's a risk i take for the things i believe in, and for the things that i understand are right and rightful for the people for the Community .

Steem hit the facebook for that taking the decision, this is so LOL

Because Mark knows that steemit is capable of occupying Facebook and that's what will happen @jerrybanfield keep going

Steemit indeed is capable of occupying Facebook, and it should. The methods, practices and policies Facebook has in place is laughable, concerning and very detrimental to its users. Privacy policies, data usage, ads payments and enforcing are all against the the user's well concerning and totally directed towards Fb's revenue. But as i mentioned in the comment above, people with a lot of influence on this platform are severily dragging it down. I appreciate Jerry for wanting to make good money and stuff, but at least what he can do is to stop mentioning he is doing it for the community, cause many of his videos are directed towards how to make money on steemit (relating to the way he's making money on steemit) and thus he's promoting as main goal money making instead of good or quality content creating (where quality content creating is all if not the main idea for why is @steemit created in the first place).

Facebook is afraid of steem it :p

Facebook is out of control. I deactivated my account again. I completely deleted my original one in 2016, just in time to not read anything anyone had to say about the then-upcoming election. I joined again because I wanted to create some pages, but I just can't take it. Facebook cares ONLY about profit.

Exactly Mark which is a huge opportunity to bring users here instead!

I have been trying in real life and on Twitter with some success. I use your videos to help people get started!

That is so true,

besides Facebook looks to me more like a place where people just throw in all their selfies etcetera, hardly any real interesting content. It is mostly ego centric narcistic sh*t....

nice idea
carry on your activities i stay with you

Really, I appreciate your such a good work.

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