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RE: STEEM is going to be accepted at Brisbane Airport...Australia Is Leading The Way!!!

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)

For me personally its almost a mixed blessing - I don't have the resources to just "buy in" so I have to use what I have... which up until finding Steemit, was a couple computers to hash on coins...slowly but something. Now with Steemit I can use what I've heard called "brain-mining" and at least there (mostly) I've got something I can work with... at least when I'm firing on all cylinders. So for me personally the time leading to adoption en mass is time I can use what resources I can bring to bear to better posture myself for that "someday" - thanks for the feedback and also frankly for your generous upvote. I do appreciate it!


The next generation are going to be those tokens that people do not have to buy. That is passe. Sure people will always invest in them.

However, the masses arent going to invest their money into them. The tokens, like STEEM, that enable people to acquire them just through their utility is going to be massive. This is where the success will come from down the road.

Look for those tokens you can acquire simply by doing what they were designed to do.

Take a look at presearch...see if you can get approved for is in you tokens for doing websearches to help them build their index.

thank you for the heads up on "presearch" I'll have to take a look. I think what I mean by buy in is the notion that different coins I had seen (again this is prior to encountering Steem) had what I saw as various barriers to entry - usually either through hardware to be acquired or maintained or operated at some kind of competitive advantage - if you were not willing or able to meet these barriers, the only alternative was to enter the secondary market to buy them - Now for me, I've had a real aversion to buying something I wasn't willing to part with my efforts or resources to acquire (else why do they really have much value to me personally) so I turned what hardware I could into low duty miners. Now with Steemit, I have an opportunity to use my time and creativity, my intellect to do an analog to this mining concept which means that as these coins come to me I have an investiture in seeing that they maintain some kind of value. Seems at that point to be a virtuous circle or positive feedback loop. So maybe this is just a long way of talking with you about the same idea of a coin / token that acquires through doing the thing it was made to do. I like the idea... going to have to consider that some more. Thanks.

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