STEEM is going to be accepted at Brisbane Airport...Australia Is Leading The Way!!!

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)

The Telegraph UK is reporting that Brisbane Airport is the first major aviation hub to accept cryptocurrencies, including STEEM, after striking a deal with Travelbybit AU.

STEEM is getting on the radar. Free and 3 sec transactions!!!!


@taskmaster4450 yes sss!

Great news... they will accept bitcoin Dash, Litecoin and Ethereum as well

Yes yes this is very nice news
sooon steem to the 10 $
good luck for you

hello @taskmaster4450 - Each one of these kinds of reports builds a stronger use case story for assuring people in general that crypto's are worthy to be trusted as a means to exchange value. I sense that for many the hitch hinges around a notion of "I'm only going to accept "data' for my real life efforts in sweat and resources if that "data" can allow me to exchange for the things I want or need." As these stories become more common place I think the skepticism that is still largely held by those outside the "crypto-sphere" lessens. Thanks for sharing. Peace

I agree with you completely @genxrev.

I was talking to someone this evening and she was relating how she talked to a couple of people at a car dealership about this and they werent interested at all. I told her, people will get into tokens sooner or later....

For most, unfortunately for them, it will be later.

For me personally its almost a mixed blessing - I don't have the resources to just "buy in" so I have to use what I have... which up until finding Steemit, was a couple computers to hash on coins...slowly but something. Now with Steemit I can use what I've heard called "brain-mining" and at least there (mostly) I've got something I can work with... at least when I'm firing on all cylinders. So for me personally the time leading to adoption en mass is time I can use what resources I can bring to bear to better posture myself for that "someday" - thanks for the feedback and also frankly for your generous upvote. I do appreciate it!

The next generation are going to be those tokens that people do not have to buy. That is passe. Sure people will always invest in them.

However, the masses arent going to invest their money into them. The tokens, like STEEM, that enable people to acquire them just through their utility is going to be massive. This is where the success will come from down the road.

Look for those tokens you can acquire simply by doing what they were designed to do.

Take a look at presearch...see if you can get approved for is in you tokens for doing websearches to help them build their index.

thank you for the heads up on "presearch" I'll have to take a look. I think what I mean by buy in is the notion that different coins I had seen (again this is prior to encountering Steem) had what I saw as various barriers to entry - usually either through hardware to be acquired or maintained or operated at some kind of competitive advantage - if you were not willing or able to meet these barriers, the only alternative was to enter the secondary market to buy them - Now for me, I've had a real aversion to buying something I wasn't willing to part with my efforts or resources to acquire (else why do they really have much value to me personally) so I turned what hardware I could into low duty miners. Now with Steemit, I have an opportunity to use my time and creativity, my intellect to do an analog to this mining concept which means that as these coins come to me I have an investiture in seeing that they maintain some kind of value. Seems at that point to be a virtuous circle or positive feedback loop. So maybe this is just a long way of talking with you about the same idea of a coin / token that acquires through doing the thing it was made to do. I like the idea... going to have to consider that some more. Thanks.

Amazing positive news to hear in these turbulent times! Thank you @taskmaster4450!

I do hope that more and more businesses become receptive towards the new tech, and the whole pandemonium takes some positive shape in the days to come!

Thanks again for sharing!

Upvoted you 100% and followed you!

Follow me back to spread the love.

I think they will @phoenix1947 although I do not think that will be where the main thrust will come from.

The main move will be businesses that are set up on the different blockchains designed to take crypto.

Hmm...and it would be interesting to know/participate in such businesses of the future, if I may call them that. :)

Follow me back if you like my posts/comments.

This is just the beginning of such happenings. We will see steem being adopted by many businesses and what it portends for the future is better left to the imagination.

This is huge . Good news are coming in this FUD environment we are right now . I hope other countries follow Australia's lead . Australian Brisbane airport is going to become the most popular airport in world Lol . I will definitely use crypto instead of fiat if i land into Brisbane airport . Ty Australia , we are coming .

Go Brisbane...!

In Australia, Brisbane has always been way behind Melbourne and Sydney.. but honestly, the last decade they've made some bold decisions and they've caught up really quickly... and might surpass the other two very quickly...

I was already thinking that when we move back to Australia we'd give Brisbane a go... and these sorts of decisions absolutely help our cause...

I will have to say that even here in the US, it appears that Brisbane is helping our cause.

Each step forward in the steem/crypto world is a bonus. This is just another example of a move that will bring more awareness to crypto in general and STEEM in particular.

For this to be practical we would have to have some reliable mobile wallets for steem. I think there are some in the works but none that are battle tested as far as I know.

Yeah that is one of the major things that is needed.

All in due time...hard to be patient but we must....a lot in the works.

Yeah! When I read this at @fulltimegeek's blog I was over the moon.

Only good news!
The B Rating, the Binance listing, and now this <3

You forgot the plus...B+ rating.....

Take that Bitcoin.

Yeap! Hence why I powered up today even though the ratio was 0.88.... still a bargain price for Steem tokens :D

1100 SP... I'm going to be well off if what we believe in is true, and I think I still have plenty of time to accumulate more... guess you were right last month when you told me I wasn't late for the party ;)

Nope still so early in this game.

You are in the top 8500...hell you might be close to the top 5,000 in the world in terms of SP right now. That is how early it is.

And powering up is a great idea....we are still being paid a premium on posts as long as SBD is above a dollar. Personally, I hope SBD has another run in it...give up another $7 SBD and we will be loving it.

My thoughts exactly... I'm so disappointed that the run is seemingly ending... but on another note, we knew this day would come, and it would be a good sign.

Because in my opinion, this is the first sign of the incoming Bull :D

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 65837.38
ETH 2629.05
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67