Exploring Human Origins: A Look Back at the Inner Earth as Our Possible Ancient Home
I wonder if we humans originally lived inside of the Earth, instead of on it’s surface.
Look at our bodies, for example; we weren’t really designed to live on the surface. Have a look at your protective fur. You have no fur? Perhaps you came from a place where you didn’t need it.
Are we refugees who migrated from a warmer, cozier place? Considering the rather brutal environment of the planet that we live upon, an objective examination of the human biological form suggests that we’re probably not really supposed to be out here.

Surface Life
Just a glance at the diverse life on planet Earth will show something that has puzzled humanity for ages: compared to the animals, we humans are not well equipped to survive the climatic conditions on our own planet. We seem to be from somewhere else, lost or abandoned here on the harsh Earth with no protection-- wandering the surface of the planet with the wrong biological design.
Even with all of the knowledge that humanity has gathered to this day, it’s still not really clear how we got here. The various cultures in the world have offered some interesting versions of how we all arrived on this planet through their popular myth, but to investigate our origins properly, it might be helpful to at least examine what modern science says about humanity’s distant past before we get too far into the myths and legends of how we came to be biologically stranded here.
Darwin’s Evolution
The great naturalist Charles Darwin once had an idea that perhaps animals could adapt to their environment to the point where not only their physical forms would change, but over time they could develop whole new features to suit their survival needs.
It should be noted that Darwin also insisted that there were no fossil records to accommodate this notion, and to this day there are still no such fossil proofs to even suggest such a thing, yet what has now come to be known as Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is the official explanation as to how we humans came to be.

Evolution’s Troubled Past
Darwin was right about something; without a fossil record to show this alleged evolution of the human life form, it is especially hard to chronologically place humanity’s astonishing leap in mental progress-- such a dramatic change doesn’t fit-- something is missing from the linear history.
Darwin wanted to see the fossilized remains of the many missing links in various species, and he searched specifically for the significantly missing link in the early progressive origins of the modern human. He never found it, and that link remains missing, yet still to this day no other scientific theory has been offered, so here we are obliged to settle for Darwin’s ‘Theory of Evolution’ as the official version of human origins.
Aside from the missing records, another trouble with the idea of evolution in it’s application to the modern human physical form is the idea of adaptation, wherein a species adapts to it’s environment for survival purposes, a metamorphosis that presumably takes many millions of years, depending on the weather, so that all of the life that we see has finally adapted to it’s environment-- except for us.
What were we humans thinking? Our human physical form should have naturally adapted or evolved into the design best suited for it’s purpose here, or at least morphed enough for basic survival. Just as a beaver seems to have a purpose in the building of dams and is born equipped with a specialized physical form to accomplish this work, we humans must have achieved our current form with some ultimate purpose in nature’s intelligent plans as well. What we humans are designed to do, who knows, but where were we originally supposed to be doing it, using these frail, naked bodies?

Let’s Grow Some Humans
If humans slowly adapted to their environment as the theory of evolution seems to suggest, then it’s clear that the environment that we adapted to is not the environment that we currently live in on the surface of this planet. Humans can die from exposure to the elements of this planet’s surface in a relatively short time-- we have no protective fur to keep us warm, yet if we move to a warmer spot our skin will actually burn in the sun if exposed to it for very long-- if we adapted, it seems like we adapted to some other environment, and not the Earth’s surface.
In order to locate the environment that might suit the human physique, an examination of the human biological unit itself might be a way to reverse-engineer the purpose and function of such a life form.

Designing the Human Terrarium
To keep a culture of humans alive, the hypothetical zookeeper would be required to provide the right conditions for this mammal to survive and reproduce effectively. A terrarium for the hairless humans would need to be kept at a consistently comfortable temperature at all times, with humidity levels also at a balanced level to maintain proper conditions for the sensitive human physique.
Since direct sunlight ultimately burns the human skin, and yet is beneficial for the eyes and for various chemical features in the biological form, special light filters would need to be developed so that the human’s skin and eyes could function optimally. Not too dark, not too bright, and in this perfect glow the humans can see what they are doing, whatever that is.
This comfortable habitat would accommodate a culture of humans, but it again raises the question; how did humans become so pampered and sensitive, and where did they become this way?
There are lots of questions as to why humans are practically hairless, relatively weak, dull-sighted and slow compared to most of the other animals on the Earth’s surface, and when it comes to figuring out where we were designed to thrive, the only place that we haven’t really checked is the inside of the planet. It’s not too far away, and if the Earth was in fact hollowed out, it would make a nice shady place, protected from the harsh grip of winter, and shielded from the cold exterior sky. Presuming that humans are native to the planet, then the closest place to look for our natural habitat might be the safety of the interior of the Earth.
What if the Earth is Really Hollow?
With no evidence with which to build a firm history of where we came from, we are left making deductions about the ancient history of our species based on the anatomy of the human body. Since a physical examination of the human form suggests that we are designed for a very comfortable place, out of the sun, where the temperature is warm enough for our thin, furless skin, it sounds like we should be living in a cozy greenhouse.
We seem to be out of our home while living on the surface here, freezing like hell half of the time and getting fried in the blazing sun the rest of the time. It looks as if our species was thrown out of the house one night, completely unprepared for the unpleasant weather outside.

Interior Life
There are already plenty of legends about a hollow Earth in various cultures, with stories often suggesting that the Earth’s polar regions hide the entrances to this interior world. With descriptions of a glowing central sun suspended in the middle, some of the hollow Earth tales even tell of entire civilizations of people living inside the planet, and that underneath our feet is a world with plants, animals, cities and towns, while some of the legends even tell of advanced technology being used by these interior residents of Earth to power their secretive civilization.

Aliens Not Necessarily Alien
If an advanced civilization is living inside of our planet, it would possibly help to explain some of the UFO sightings that are reported regularly around the globe. While these sightings are often attributed to a distant off-world source, some of this technology could be coming from right beneath our feet. It could be that those popular little gray “aliens” that we hear about aren’t really aliens, but are only subterraneans, and are actually coming from inside of the planet.
Usually the assumption is that these ‘grays’ come from another world far away from the Earth, but from a strictly terrestrial viewpoint, they look more like tunnelers, with similar features to Earth’s common ants, so that these so-called gray aliens have the appearance of cave dwellers. They could be indigenous residents of this planet, and it’s possible that the little gray guys were here first, happily burrowing around inside the planet before we showed up.
Earthlings Not Necessarily Earthling
While the inner-Earth might be a logical place to search for humanity’s original home, it’s still entirely possible that we came from a completely different planet, and that Earth is not our planet of origin.
The human space-origins theme has been well explored in the field of UFOs, or ufology, and the many myths about the extraterrestrial beginnings of humanity in popular ufology include the version where extraterrestrials mixed their own genetic material with that of the indigenous primate population on Earth, in order to create a workforce of semi-intelligent miners to dig for gold around the harsh surface of the planet-- a story that leaves humans as nothing more than genetically modified designer slaves working for some off-planet race of humanoids.
Such a breeding project could help explain the many genetic mistakes in the human design, and the story could lead to some truths eventually, but the strongest evidence that we don’t belong on the surface of the Earth remains these dangerously inadequate organic bodies that we daringly stumble about in here upon the planet's thorny exterior.
New Questions, Old Myths
If the Earth is hollow or not, we still don’t know how we came to be living on the surface of this orb. If the hollow version of Earth is tested in hypothesis, or by using the hollow Earth as a model for fun, old myths of our human origins can be revisited with new perspective, and whole new questions are raised:
Did we choose to live on the surface instead of inside where it’s nice, or did our ancient ancestors get kicked out of the inner-Earth?
Could the biblical story of Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden of Eden represent us humans getting kicked out of the interior of the planet for stealing data from a ’tree of knowledge’ or some similar infraction?
Is it physically possible for there to be a tiny sun hovering in the center of our planet, with our earthy crust ‘orbiting’ around it?
Could some of the UFOs in our skies be coming from a civilization of beings living inside of our own planet?
You Can’t Fool Mother Nature
We can pretend that we’re from here, and we might even have been fooled into thinking that we are related to the simian natives of Earth, but we can’t ignore the inadequacies in the human body when obviously the surface of this planet would kill us in a short time without proper shelter and clothing.
Probably the only reason humans have survived so long on Earth’s surface is because we seem to possess the complete intelligent design of nature in our minds, we have a tendency towards natural community and social bonding, and we hold the important job of being conduits for consciousness to enter the physical realm in general. Ours is the same creative force that nature taps into, so that when we got here, we obviously cared enough to create shelter on Earth’s surface, and we chose to create clothing and tools to ensure that such a natural force could continue to thrive here through us.

Like the theory of evolution, the hollow Earth theory is lacking the supporting evidence that would allow it to fall near the realm of science, but it seems like humanity has been orphaned on the harsh surface of this planet with no certain heritage or history, and the official stories of how we got here are riddled with inconsistencies, so that we are forced to speculate, hypothesize and guess about our human origins. I guess it's possible that we originally lived inside of the Earth, and it's possible that our home civilization is still in there.
I do know, without any doubt, that since we are out here on the surface, that we are all out here together. We can make the best of it now, and we can thrive out here if we help one another. Even when we don't help each other we survive out here-- imagine when we all decide to live on the surface of the planet together, what we can do with this place.
thanks for reading along, the solidity of the Earth is a favorite topic of mine, we will get to the middle of this mystery here eventually. Some of the photos here are pictures of open books from my personal library, but technically all images on this page by me

Yes you are right, compare to others, our physical structure are completely different, we have no far to protect us from nature, I never thought like that. The theory of hollow earth also interesting, may be we were coming from inside, you made a great effort to to explore. Thanks for the new thinking. Have a great day friend.
Great post. :) I haven't finished reading it yet, but I decided to give you an upvote and comment already cause I already learned some stuff and I can tell you put some time and effort into this. Well done!
Hey @apolymask, I'm happy to hear that you got something from this, and thanks for the support! I appreciate the input.
Just finished reading cause I got sidetracked, but.. Very interesting stuff! Definitely a lot more plausible than flat earth in my opinion. I'm familiar with the theories you talked about, though.. You mentioned a few new things and presented it in a great way that makes me really thinkmore and more that we do seem rather alien to this world.. Was just talking about that earlier.. Whatever the case, it truly is a fascinating mystery! Where ever we came from and however all this came to be.
Great post mate. I agree with @apolymask. You went to a lot of effort with this one and lots of good theories. The hollow earth is a favourite of mine as well but perhaps not my gun to the head choice. :)
The thing I want to know is what are the finger nails for? Why do they keep growing. Did evolution know we would develop the intelligence to design nail clippers? Why do they keep growing? If it is because we are designed to do something that makes our fingernails break all of the time which is why they keep growing then what is that thing?? :)
Hope you're well mate!
Hey @tonyr, I think the hollow Earth model came to me as more of an allegorical notion-- I always imagined the structure of humanity's captured mind as a sort of hornet's nest, where the interior workings are rarely seen, but the whole thing was built previously for some reason, and the only clues are in the activity around the hive, the architects zipping past with some unknown business. Then it occurred to me, that maybe my allegory was related to reality in another way; maybe the Earth is full of 'bees', and our fear is the pollen that they use to sustain themselves in there.
I wonder if fingernails and especially toenails are another one of many genetic flaws that we inherited, or if there was something that we used to do that would keep them worn down naturally, like the teeth of a rodent, growing to accommodate the constant wear. My guess as to the biological function and purpose of the human form is that we are designed to be gardeners, I just wonder where that garden is-- this place is too sunny for us to hang around the garden all day.
Thanks for commenting, it's good to hear from you.
It's a good theory to consider, but personally, I subscribe to the notion that our strain of DNA came from other worlds and were just delivered to this planet by way of asteroids. I feel like we have yet to achieve our final form, that's why we haven't fully evolved to battled all of the planet's elements. It does take millions of years and humans as a species have only lived for a fraction of it, so evolution is still taking place. It's a slow process, and one that we cannot see develop.
I don't know! There are lots of of ways to try to make evolution work in our chronology, and my whole life I've used evolution and adaptation as a blueprint for how the animal kingdom and humans came to be. The troubles that arise with an objective study of the theory are numerous, and there are quite a few things that never made sense to me about it. For instance, but I think strangely sometimes, I believe that such a question as 'which came first, the chicken or the egg?' is a fair and legitimate question in a review of evolution, and while we know that through breeding and genetics we can make a better chicken over a few generations, and natural selection serves a similar function over time, there's still that thing about the egg. What a precarious leap that must have been for the original chicken, or chicken egg; an entire species depending on lots of factors, like that specialized beak that the chick used to break the first eggshell-- would it work?
Here in this piece I mainly wanted to explore the possibility that we had evolved according to evolution, but had done it in a different habitat than the one we're in now, and I'd never heard a lot of speculation that maybe we developed indoors-- inside the planet, so I went ahead and speculated that myself here. I don't think it really went over too well, maybe the article makes me sound like a creationist by default when I question Darwinism, but hell even Darwin questioned the idea of evolution, and I am a long-time fan of his, so I feel free to elaborate on those questions, and I like the idea of a hollow planet, so I mixed the two together for this fun little jaunt. I still don't know how we came to be here, and dunno if the Earth is hollow, I just enjoy adding logic to old ideas to see what surfaces in the mix.
I think it's as good a theory as any other I've ever heard. Maybe even a better one. The only trouble I have with it, is I can't imagine life without the wind through the trees, fresh air...would that be possible inside the earth? Or is it the true evolution that we were once completely suited for living inside the earth, but after being on the outside for tens of thousands of years we've changed so that we're not completely suited for either at this point.
I like that idea too; that we aren't suited for either at this point. I was trying to answer Darwin's question of where are all of the fossil records of us becoming the modern homo sapien sapien or whatever we are called now; maybe all of those fossils are inside the planet, fossils that would possibly even show the perfect curve of evolution which allowed us to advance cerebrally, how we got so smart compared to the surface critters before we got out here. I'm still looking for that missing link I guess. Next time... maybe we're from Mars! No seriously I think I'll back off of this topic for a while now.
Wait, explain that more. Do you mean some kind of micro organism that was somehow attached to the asteroids, and if so, how would it survive a collision course?
The hypothesis is called Panspermia which posits that there is life all around the universe, and the intermingling was made possible because of meteors, asteroids and comets. The below zero temperature preserves the bacteria. It's only when the cosmic mass enters an atmosphere when it becomes hot. The core still preserves the bacteria.
It could be that we are the byproduct of millions of bacteria from all around the universe, and with the right mix of the elements on Earth, we were able to materialize. Water would be the key factor though. So, yeah, if this holds true, then we are aliens by definition.
I've heard that spores can survive in space, and that maybe we are somehow related to mushrooms, but I'm not sure how that would work at all. If mushrooms are family, I suppose I should spend more time with them, but last time we hung out it was a little awkward and weird.
The last time I hung out with them, I lightly sauteed them in EVOO and ate them, so I'm not sure how forgiving they would be.
haha yep I ate every one I ever knew.
i need to think a lot after reading it :D
It's just for fun- recreational thinking, because who really knows?
That was a fascinating thought exercise. I lived in Alaska as a teenager, and it always blew my mind that the Eskimos were able to survive in such harsh conditions. Had they not eaten raw fish (I was told) they would not have survived because of the lack of vitamins.
Anyway, a lot to think about. Thank you for all the work that went into this and for sharing it here on steemit.
:-) @roused
Yeah I was thinking about eskimos while I wrote this, they never had time to do anything but survive. And how did they get stuck there in the snow?
Thanks for reading, and I appreciate the input on the ideas.
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