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RE: Exploring Human Origins: A Look Back at the Inner Earth as Our Possible Ancient Home
Great post. :) I haven't finished reading it yet, but I decided to give you an upvote and comment already cause I already learned some stuff and I can tell you put some time and effort into this. Well done!
Hey @apolymask, I'm happy to hear that you got something from this, and thanks for the support! I appreciate the input.
Just finished reading cause I got sidetracked, but.. Very interesting stuff! Definitely a lot more plausible than flat earth in my opinion. I'm familiar with the theories you talked about, though.. You mentioned a few new things and presented it in a great way that makes me really thinkmore and more that we do seem rather alien to this world.. Was just talking about that earlier.. Whatever the case, it truly is a fascinating mystery! Where ever we came from and however all this came to be.