RE: The Ayahuasca Diaries: Part 1
Great input @orionsbeltbuckle!! I have a bit of practice with lucid dreaming, but I haven't done it regularly in a really long time. Thanks for the reminder!
I agree that controlling not only DMT but other chemicals in the body is required for self-mastery. Monks train for years to be able to consciously manipulate their neurotransmitters & hormones, enhancing experiences of compassion or whatever they value. I am blessed to learn from real life master @quinneaker on a daily basis, and although Science has never hooked him up to machines to test his chemistry or brain signals, I believe it would concur that he has mastered the right brain - left brain dance you describe + much more.
My point is that it's humanly possible; any human could achieve it if they really wanted to! It's super fun to study all this stuff, but it's another realm to learn to do it yourself - or has been for me, anyway.