The Ayahuasca Diaries: Part 1

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Ayahuasca - they call this plant Abuela, Grandmother.

She has a spirit...but if you do not yet know that plants are sentient beings, then you are not ready to receive her blessings.

She loves you, but she will not hesitate to bitch slap you across the rainforest.

It's not by coincidence that she appears in your life. I suggest that when she calls to you, go to her for healing. Prepare your body for the journey. Be humble and open that you may receive the miracle. 

I don't know all the Science, and frankly I don't care - that is not my religion, although I am fluent in its teachings.

I believe in experience, and I want to share mine with you:

In 2012, a million different things led me to Peru. 

I didn't know when I got on the plane to South America that ayahuasca was one of them.

After a long journey along the desert coast, over the Andes, past the glacier, through the cloud forest, around the ruins, and up the Amazon River, I found myself in the home of a witch doctor, an Austrian woman who retired many years prior from Western medicine. With a slight build, scarlet fingernails, and rich accent, she retained her European glamour while slapping at mosquitoes and coughing curses at the "thankless locals" she healed. 

She came to the rainforest decades ago, seeking - and finding - the cure for her own cancer amongst the 40,000 native plants. 

It was then that she traded the pharmaceuticals she once prescribed in the sterility of an Australian office for magnetic therapy and cupping in a bamboo cottage surrounded by banana trees in the jungle, but she kept the white coat because she was "a fucking professional!" 

While traditionally hospitable, she was also quite bitter, much like the strange herbs brewing on her kitchen shelves. 

We were there to observe her at work; she was at that time steadily reducing a tumor on the mayor's back. She also shared copious volumes of photos - breast cancers reversed, abdominal growths reverted, facial deformities corrected, countless strange things on the body that disappeared under her treatments.

It was fascinating stuff, and except for her brutal cough and sometimes vicious contempt for the natives who couldn't afford to pay her, she was a captivating storyteller.

She told us about publications, conferences, and panels where she shared her findings. She told us about the resistance she met, the rejection of her evidence, the mockery from the establishment. She told us about the camera crew that once greeted her at an airport and shoved microphones in her face, demanding that she explain her suitcase full of dried plant matter and powders splayed open for customs inspection. She told us how she told them to go to hell. She told us about the death threats from anonymous phone calls in the middle of the night, and the passionate compulsion it spawned in her to expose her Truth. 

"I can cure cancer," she told us, adding that the anonymous, hushed, angry voices from the nighttime phone calls told her to never say that.

And she told us about her shaman friend who lived just up the road, the one who facilitated the 6-months-long treatment that cured her own cancer. "You can visit him if you like and try it for yourself," she coughed out one evening.

The next day, volunteers from his compound dropped in for an unexpected visit, and they invited us to "come on by anytime!"

We packed up post haste, drank some coconuts, and hitchhiked the 40+ kilometers to "just up the road", where we asked to be let off at km marker 62.5 and began the trek through the jungle, over the bridge, and into his maloka. 

His center was named after a lost Incan utopia, and what happened there has taken me 5 years to process... 

Do you want to hear about it? Please join me when I share Part 2 of these ayahuasca diaries.

💛  Sara! 


I really wanna try out the DMT experience, but at the moment I am too afraid. Loved the read and will be looking forward to part 2!

PS: Followed you :) Love from Norway

If you're afraid, it might indeed be a scary experience & I suggest you get your vibes straight before giving it a shot. But in truth, we release DMT every single night as we fall's a very natural compound that occurs in every living thing (according to my understanding). Smoking it only lasts for 15-20 minutes, whereas drinking ayahuasca can last 8-36 hours!! If you are curious enough, you can start with something way milder than ayahuasca - she goes deep.

Thanks for the follow, @d2m0t3x!

DMT is quite remarkable. Ooohh... i got some stories.

Regarding the brain's naturally generated pineal gland release of DMT.... it does drive the journeys of dreams but it also has a purpose during our daytime routine consciousness. During those transcendental moments when we forget that we were just "off somewhere" day-dreaming.

That kind of lucid state is like an overlay upon normal awake Left-Brain awareness. We can simultaneously keep the left brain "driving the car" for example, while the overlay of a fantasy or desired goal (the visual of which is generated by the DMT and managed by the Right Brain) can be very vivid without making us loose control of the car.

This "dance" or right-to-left ocsillates throughout the day, but we hardly give it a thought. My own studies/experiences into this area have shown me that dreams aren't just symbolic of something... Dreams are actual alternative realities that can be manipulated by us during the dream for our own benefit upon awakening. How you pull-out of a dream is really the zone of interest for me. Getting lucid is very easy... but controlling how you return to the left brain awareness is the challenge. At that "twilight zone" if you will, most incredible dream moments occur and many ideas from the dream can be brought forward into waking consciousness with practice..

I do believe that DMT awareness and control are key tactics to harnessing the mind's potential. And by actively practicing lucidity (and there are countless ways to do that) we can all strengthen "the third eye".

wow i love dreamin'!

Me too - it's one of the amazing features of human life!

Great input @orionsbeltbuckle!! I have a bit of practice with lucid dreaming, but I haven't done it regularly in a really long time. Thanks for the reminder!

I agree that controlling not only DMT but other chemicals in the body is required for self-mastery. Monks train for years to be able to consciously manipulate their neurotransmitters & hormones, enhancing experiences of compassion or whatever they value. I am blessed to learn from real life master @quinneaker on a daily basis, and although Science has never hooked him up to machines to test his chemistry or brain signals, I believe it would concur that he has mastered the right brain - left brain dance you describe + much more.

My point is that it's humanly possible; any human could achieve it if they really wanted to! It's super fun to study all this stuff, but it's another realm to learn to do it yourself - or has been for me, anyway.

Hmm, I haven't thought of it that way before! You have definitely made me feel more comfortable in my search for answers! Thanks Sara :)

My pleasure <3

I was honored to have had the opportunity to experience Grandmother's Medicine right here in Connecticut at a private retreat a couple of years ago... hosted by a Colombian shaman... on back-to-back nights with a sweat lodge the first morning after. Actually repeated the double-nite weekend a few months later... for a total of 4 experiences that year.

Amazing results for mind/body and soul.

Mmmmm what an incredible blessing!! I'm sure you have an amazing story to tell as well, @orionsbeltbuckle.

I got to experience a sweat lodge on a separate occasion during my time in Peru. I had taken a lot of plant medicine by that time, but the sweat remains one of my most intense experiences ever. I learned a lot and am glad I did it, but I don't know if I will ever repeat it...but the plants I will gladly partake of again and again :)

Luckily I wasn't in a rainforest when she bitch slapped me :-)

Ha! Where were you?


Hi Sara,
Great post. I've had two encounters with Grandmother Ayahuasca. Both times were deeply personal experiences where I felt she was communicating directly within me. She is an amazing guide and teaches us of our connection to the whole of creation.
Looking forward to part 2.

Hi zz! Yes I agree she is an amazing guide. It's quite incredible that she can be so personal for each individual who communes with her, yet there are some universal features of a trip with the patterns the Shipibos capture in their fabrics, for example, are super common for people to "see" with her.

Dear Sara,

thank you so much for sharing this experience with us! As a psychonaut you can't imagine how excited I am to read part 2 of your journey as I can hear the grandmother call louder and louder for me. She crosses my mind with increasing frequency and I feel connected to her deep down in my soul. I met the spirit of other plants which guided and healed me and these experiences belong to the most imprinting and important ones in my whole life! Plants are definately sentinent beings. Communicating with them through meditation or a journey on which their spirit guides us is the best way to connect with them for me. I would feel so honored to meet the great mother Ayahuasca and listen to her teachings and knowledge!
What you experienced sounds so exciting! I really can't wait to keep on reading your story! :)
The Austrian healer must be such a special lady!

Hi @endorphoenix - I just love your name!!

I'm honored that you appreciated this experience. Aya was very explicit with me about embracing my voice and sharing my truth, but it has taken me a long time to get to this point to be able to do that...I had to meet more teachers including @quinneaker & @everlove of @gardenofeden to understand how to be honest and vulnerable and raw. It's quite amazing for me to be here, with you, on the blockchain - so many elements coming full circle now!!

I am very excited for you to hear & more importantly to honor her call. She really does love you and everyone, even if you haven't met in this physical incarnation yet. We're more connected to Nature & to each other than I ever thought possible, that's for sure! I want to visit her again. Wouldn't it be exciting if we could do a ceremony together?? Maybe it will align itself one day :)


Hey dear @saramiller :) Thank you so much!! 💚💚💚

Your words really touched me! Thank you from all my heart for your wonderful answer 💖

I appreciate this experience a lot as I feel connected to plants and the otherworld since I am a child 😊
Wow, it sounds so overwhelmingly beautiful that Aya has encouraged you to embrace your voice and share your truth! What a wonderful message 🌟
I know it can take a lot of time to integrate the message of a psychedelic experience in your everyday's life. My last experience took me several months to fully comprehend the meaning and impact the trip had on me. There's always a LOT to learn and process after meeting a plant or mushroom spirit. But it really helped me like nothing else to find my own way and my purpose in this incarnation. It is pure magic! 🙂
How great you had some wonderful teachers who helped you finding your way to share your truth and follow the voice of Aya 🙂

It's so amazing to be here with you for me, too!!💚
I guess it is no coincidence we met here on Steemit! Feels so exciting and enriching to meet you! 😊

Aaaaw thank you so much for your comment and that you told me Aya loves me even if I haven't met her yet in this physical incarnation! Oh yes, we are SO much more connected than words could ever describe. My first psychedelic experiences put me in a constant state of " OH DEAR GOD, I FEEL LIKE WE ARE ALL ONE!" It was the first time I could feel and experience what my heart always knew and had as it's truth. We are connected. We are the universe. We are god. Everytime I meet the spirit of a plant or mushroom I get tears into my eyes as I feel it is such a honor to experience this lesson and learn something that feels like kind of a hidden knowledge :)
Oh my dear gosh! It would be such a GREAT honor to me to meet Aya with you together! Really!! I would appreciate that more than I can tell you!! Even the fact you consider me to join you in a ceremony makes me so grateful! 💗
I would LOVE it if life, the universe, Aya or/and we would align it to make this life changing experience together! You are such a precious and wonderful soul, I would be so happy to share this with you! Thank you so much for your comment, makes me really grateful and smile 💗

Be blessed and have a wonderful day dear Sara 🌻

Wow I appreciate your very thoughtful reply & genuine gratitude!

I'm really amazed to share my experience here, for many reasons - it has taken so much to come to this here & now! As I look back on my notes from my time in Peru to continue writing, I recognize that I am dealing with many of the very same lessons in my current situation! I believe aya is with me again, patiently guiding me and offering support...even though for awhile I "forgot" how deep we really went. She never really left, even if I didn't listen or acknowledge. There is so much to process from these plant medicines, as you say.

I really do believe in magic and synchronicities, and obviously my story is not only a teaching to me, but sharing it and communing with others such as yourself is also a vital and important aspect. It would be supremely profound to take ceremony with you. Maybe we can get it on the agenda at the next SteemFest!!! 💛💛💛💛

Dear @saramiller!💚

Thank you so much for your reply which makes me even more happy and grateful 😊

I am very excited and grateful you share your experiences and emotions with us! Your words are so honest, deep and inspiring!
Wow, it's such an overwhelming "goosebump feeling" to still feel the presence of the spirit after all this time, right? I absolutely feel you in this point, as I also can feel the spirit of my last experience and it guides me and helps me to transform and integrate the lessons it told me into my everyday life and personality. It's one of the greatest gifts we human beings can receive, I guess.
I am so, so happy for you Aya is by your side and guides you 💗
You must have connected to her in a very deep way and she must be very willing to support you. This is so wonderful!💚
Yes, we sometimes forget how deep it went, but I guess that's kind of a voice inside you that says: "Wohoo, that was a LOT to learn my dear! I'll make you forget about a few things and let you remember them in an appropriate time so you won't get overwhelmed by it too much and so you can accept the lessons better without getting stressed mentally!" At least in my experiences I felt it this way and I was very happy and grateful about the loving attitude of
the spirit 😊

Oh how marvellous!! I do believe in magic and synchronicities, too! (Since I am a child) ✨
Just like Roald Dahl said: "Those who don't believe in magic will never find it!" 😊
And I guess that's why we experience a lot of magic in our lifes, dear Sara💛

I just love your gentle, grateful, loveing and wonderful personality my dear and it would be such a honor to me to join you in a ceremony! I feel like you're the best person to do so, as your attitude and vibes feel so good in my soul and heart and I guess it would be way more than enriching to me to share this with such an earth-angel 😊💗

Getting it on the next SteemFest agenda sounds GREAT!💚💛

Thank you very much for everything, I feel honored you trust me in such a deep way to share a psychedelic experience with me!

Big hug and be blessed my dear! Namasté 💗

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if its is true its very scary

This is a true story. Why is it scary?

Ahh! still pray for greeting, really i know many things from this mention @saramiller

Niiiiiiice, I'm excited for this, I went to Peru two years ago, didn't do ayahuasca, but I worked with a shaman who made a brew with huachuma, a cactus. We also culminated the trip with vilca, an ancient plant medicine from I believe the toltec tradition(don't quote me) and it was life changing.

I really want to try aya one day

Sweet, really glad to hear you're familiar with plant medicine @jakeybrown! Huachuma is also called San Pedro and they call him Grandfather. I love him too :)
I have not heard about vilca though I'm interested to learn more about it!

Vilca, the transitory bridge between life and death, is made from the seeds of a south american tree. We snuffed the ground up seeds during ceremony and immediately went to lie dow, good thing because next thing you know your body is "shutting down". Heart and breathrate slowed to a crawl and then magical things happen that are difficult to describe. Definitely the most powerful experience I've had other than salvia which is maybe too intense when smoked. I'll be doing a write-up here shortly on my Peru trip :)

Mmmmmmm sounds profound!! I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip. Where did you go in Peru, @jakeybrown?

I went to spiritquest sanctuary near iquitos, it was a great experience, quality facility and people :)

Notwithstanding the fact that you are a proficient writer, how the thoughts were organized in this post is great. I gave respect to these beliefs. There are wonders in this world, and there are wonders upon the minds that encounter them.

Mmmmm yes the infinite mysteries of existence! So fascinating to explore the depths...<3

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