I Was So Delighted Today Because I Was Able To Have My Favorite Convenience Store Food

I forgot to take a photo of the fried Pork with gravy on top of rice in a bowl meal today which mother had bought me for my dialysis. She texted me that she was able to buy me that favorite meal of mine to eat while I am halfway hooked-up but I just decided to eat it after we go home.
I just do not like to eat on my own with anybody else around like my nurses which in many occasions just laughs by the way I would eat, discreetly of course but as a human being you can just decipher it, particularly in the years back when my face is starting to maltransform, it is because I am making sounds as I eat because I was having a hard time in chewing my food.
I just wanted my mother to be the one that would bring me my food and chat a while with her as I eat. Now that the hospitals in general I think especially now are not allowing the relatives to go inside the treatment area I just missed my mother in going inside to bring me my favorite "dialysis meal."

Anyway after my dialysis today I decided to rest a few minutes before eating my meal which I thought that I could never eat because in the past instances I wasn't really hungry for that matter even after my session.
My mother then decided to eat and then asked me if I would like to eat already and I just said yes and I was surprised how hungry I am that I asked for a bit more rice because the rice in the bowl didn't sufficed for my hunger.
It just meant that I had a quality dialysis today because I probably got removed with extra blood sugar and protein compounds that really had made me hungry. It i s weird because my dialysis was just the same as the last time but this time I went so hungry considering that I wasn't able to finish my session.
Well my happiness is only that shallow (or deep for me) because I was able to eat my convenience store food again after a long time because of the lockdowns and supply problems of that convenience store and the surprising thing this time is that I am able to enjoy it post-dialysis session.
Well tomorrow my appetite will be in the crapper again after I had taken my Cincalcet, such is life, my ever so hard life which I do not know if I could ever break out from.