
... 😑

Honestly? as wittness you are responsible for making the network stable.
THATS the opposite. really. this is spamming ...

Once a month I send out a mass memo to my followers. I understand some may view it as spam, but I've made that point clear to my followers time and time again. If you feel you're being spammed you can unfollow me. If you feel I'm misrepresenting the network by doing this when there are actual abuses and issues to fix and deal with, don't vote for me as a witness. I respect everyone's rights and opinions. I personally feel that because I only message my followers, they've opted into this. Given I limit it to once a month I feel that it is a fair use of the bandwidth I allocate with my Steem power. I will make a post opening up mass memoing for discussion and you can contribute to it soon! 99% of people are extremely thankful, it makes their day, and only a very small handful are offended by this from my experience.

It's NO spam when sent as a token of gratitude. I have been following you for a while so i know a transaction coming from you isn't spam. Coming from another "resteem" service yes but you no!

Thanks for sticking up for me haha, I think it's important that we don't deter people from using memos at all given they basically are the only form of messaging. I'm sure this whole thing can be solved with communities or a native chat etc. in the future

I'm not following you. but I've seen the load you've produced

The problem is not that you write messages with transactions. Its the how you do it. you run your script like a squirrel on lsd. Instead of thinking, "hey how can i not burden the network so much".

You want to be wittness, think about how to stabilize the network, how to distribute the messages. Distribute your messages, instead of 100 every second to 100 every minute.

You want to be a good wittness? Then stop stressing the network. Again, the problem is the how, not the what.

like I said its like for a few minutes once a month. It's the program that I'm using written by another witness lol. If you can point me to a better script I'll use it, but considering you're the only one who seems to have an issue with it and everyone else is asking I don't stop. I'm not trying to stress the network, but honestly it's hardly the issue. Like I said there are many bots owned by many witnesses that send tons of messages unsolicited daily.

i am not the only one, in the discord were some comments. if this happens more, you will get more comments.

Just pay better attention please and learn how to program. If you can't do that, hire one.

I guess I'll have to, I've done this for months. I didn't see anything, in what discord?

ok this is the last comment. i just don't have the time to discuss back and forth. i pointed it out and well :-)

change your script, insert a delay and everything is great :-)
some german channels have been talking about it, but I think you can go to all the chanels and ask "hey, I do 100 to 1000 transactions a second. Is that good?" and you'll get the same answer everywhere that you spam with it.

go to pal, utopian, busy, steem cleaner and so on ... I don't think anybody likes that.
you know what you can change, I wish you every success for the future.