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RE: NOBLEWITNESS UPDATE - On Promises, Contracts, and Integrity
What really galled me was the "a witness offered to refund my full price for my ticket as a courtesy to me." First, what the heck does he think Muxxy is? A not-witness? Secondly, the blockchain is a big old tattletale about where the money transfers came from. The other party says they bought the ticket, and the transfer record shows 425 Steem, which is a higher price than GMuxx was under contract to pay. I tend to believe the other party, and also that he had no clue he was purchasing a ticket from someone engaged in blatant breach of contract.
Lol you’re an idiot! Butt out, nosey nutjob
you agreed on 400. 100 per week. You even offered payment in 4 weeks!
Everybody can see that from the conversation.
You think we are all idiots or what? It is a binding agreement everywhere on this panet. You broke the agreement because someone offered few $ more. FU pathetic idiot, forgets about an agreement the moment someone winks with a dollarbill.