Blockchain Bamboo pole head daily up, Keep improving non-stop

in #wherein5 years ago

Blockchain Bamboo pole head daily up, Keep improving non-stop

Nakamoto's paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" clearly states that blockchain technology is the core technology of Bitcoin's lowest level, and blockchain technology has been able to solve many data processing industry security. Solutions such as telecommunications, aviation, financial banking, medical diagnostics, The voting system, big data, and more.

Blockchain technology, through signature private key and encryption technology can effectively prevent data leakage; data is encrypted and then the real scene is written into the public chain blockchain through predictive machine technology, using timestamp to ensure data accuracy; through smart contract Each information data can create multiple private keys and specify access conditions to access the data. Smart contract technology guarantees the legitimacy of personal sensitive data usage and standardization of future technologies. Blockchain is open, transparent and traceable. Features such as non-tampering ensure the authenticity of personal data in the public chain blockchain and prevent the risk of malicious use of data and leakage of user privacy.

In the case of a blockchain project, the blockchain is a general ledger that contains all the transactions for all of the project. Her block is a basic storage unit connected in chronological order, and is won by algorithm competition every few times. The node (achievement) is created, and all transaction information of each node in the period is recorded. The block consists of three parts: the address of the block, the transaction order, and the address of the previous block. This design allows each block to find its previous block, or even trace it to the starting block, thus forming A complete transaction chain. Blockchain technology four development levels: blockchain origin, peer-to-peer network, encryption, database, electronic cash; blockchain 1.0, distributed ledger, blockchain data, Merkel tree, workload proof; block Chain 2.0, smart contracts, virtual machines, distributed applications; blockchain 3.0, distributed artificial intelligence, organization. Blockchain technology has transformed the Internet from an information-sharing Internet to a value-based Internet. A value transfer system that is faster and more secure is being created.

In recent years, blockchain patent applications have exploded, and the most authoritative Derwent World Patent Index (DWPI) has drawn the development of the world blockchain industry technology. The Derwent World Patent Index (DWPI) has a global Patent search and review at the Derwent World Patent Index in more than 40 countries, including the world's oldest patent value-added data. As of April 30, 2019, there were 10,628 Derwent patent families in the blockchain field, corresponding to 14,035 patent applications.

The blockchain is subject to quantitative changes every day,Bamboo pole head daily up, Keep improving non-stop. and it also produces qualitative changes. The above blockchain performance is optimized for higher throughput, faster verification, and greater security. Bitcoin's consensus throughput is about 1MB of data per ten minutes, which is equivalent to 3.5 transactions per second, or 3.5 tps. Visa's daily throughput is about 2000 tps, peaks can exceed 50,000 tps, and Alipay handles peaks at more than 300,000 tps.

There are several solutions to the method of using the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) theory and technology to solve the blockchain's speed. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) is a high-performance variant of BFT, and the number of transactions per second for Hyperledger projects. : 3,500 TPS and Zilliqa projects per second transactions: 2,000+ TPS are part of the Byzantine Fault Tolerant (PBFT) solution; Federal Byzantine Agreement (FBA) is a variant of BFT, Stellar project expects transactions per second: 1,500 TPS , Ripple expects transactions per second: 1,500 TPS belongs to the Federal Byzantine Protocol (FBA) solution; entrusted Byzantine Fault Tolerance (DBFT) is a solution for BFT, NEO project transactions per second: 1,000 TPS belongs to the commission Byzantine Fault Tolerant (DBFT) solution; others have a proof of equity (POA) reputation-based consistency algorithm where the selected node or account verifies transactions in the network, only the chain (VeChain) project transactions per second: 10,000 TPS not only greatly reduces the block confirmation time, but also shortens the broadcast time of blocks and transactions, enabling more User experience, performance leap, so close to the center platform of life, people would use the block chain technology no sense in everyday life, the block chain needs to develop areas like Visa, payment of the same treasure accessible facilities.


中本聪在撰写的论文《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》中鲜明的阐述了区块链技术是比特币最底层的核心技术,区块链技术已经能够解决许多数据处理行业安全性方案,诸如电信、航空、金融银行、医疗诊断治疗、The voting system、大数据等等。

区块链技术, 通过签名私钥和加密技术能够有效阻止数据泄露; 数据经过加密再通过预言机机技术把真实场景写入公链区块链,利用时间戳来保证数据精确度; 通过智能合约,每个信息数据能够创建分配多个私钥,并规定准入条件对该数据进行访问,智能合约技术保证个人敏感数据使用的合法性和未来技术的标准化; 区块链公开、透明、可追溯、不可篡改等特性,确保了公链区块链个人数据的真实性,防止了数据被恶意使用及用户隐私泄露的风险。

就某一个区块链项目而言,区块链就是一个收录所有该项目所有交易的总账本,她的区块是按时间顺序相连的基本存储单元,每隔若干时间由在算法竞争中胜出的节点(旷工)创建,并记录该段时间内各节点的全部交易信息。区块由三部分组成:本区块的地址、交易单和前一个区块的地址,这种设计使得每个区块都能找到其前一个区块,甚至溯源至起始区块,从而形成了一条完整的交易链条。区块链技术四个发展层面:区块链起源,对等网络、加密、数据库、电子现金;区块链1.0,分布式账本、块链式数据、梅克尔树、工作量证明;区块链2.0,智能合约、虚拟机、分布式应用;区块链3.0,分布式人工智能、组织。 区块链技术使得互联网由信息分享互联网转变成价值互联网。正在创建能够更快、更安全的价值传输系统。

近年来,区块链专利申请呈爆炸式增长, 最权威的德温特世界专利索引(简称:DWPI) 绘制了世界区块链产业技术发展现状, 德温特世界专利索引(简称DWPI)有着全球超过40个国家/地区的专利局都在应用的德温特世界专利索引进行专利检索和审查,包含了全球历史最悠久的专利增值数据。 截至2019年4月30日,区块链领域共10628个德温特专利家族,对应14035件专利申请。

区块链每天都发生着量变,也产生着质变,竿头日上,精进不休。上述的区块链性能向着 更高的吞吐量,更快的确认速度,更强的安全性方向优化研展。 比特币的共识吞吐量大约是每十分钟 1MB 数据, 相当于每秒处理 3.5 笔交易,也即 3.5 tps。 Visa 的日常吞吐量大约是 2000 tps,峰值可以超过 5 万tps,支付宝处理交易的峰值则要超过 30 万tps。

用拜占庭容错(BFT)理论和技术解决区块链确认速度的方法,有几种解决方式,实用拜占庭容错(PBFT)是BFT的高性能变体方案,超级分类账(Hyperledger)项目每秒交易次数:3,500 TPS和Zilliqa项目每秒交易次数:2,000+ TPS都属于拜占庭容错(PBFT)解决方案;联邦拜占庭协议(FBA)是BFT的一种变体解决方案,Stellar项目预期每秒交易次数:1,500 TPS,Ripple(瑞波币)预期每秒交易次数:1,500 TPS都属于联邦拜占庭协议(FBA)解决方案;委托拜占庭容错(DBFT)是BFT的一种解决方案,NEO项目每秒交易次数:1,000 TPS属于委托拜占庭容错(DBFT)解决方案;其他还有权益证明一种基于权益(POA)信誉的一致性算法,其中所选节点或帐户验证网络中的事务,唯链(VeChain)项目每秒事务数:10,000 TPS,不但大幅减少区块的确认时间,而且缩短区块及交易的广播时间,能够实现更好的用户体验,实现性能的飞跃,让去中心化平台贴近生活,让大众在日常生活中无感地使用区块链技术,区块链领域需要研发出像Visa、支付宝一样的便民设施。

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