Bullionstackers, Celebrate First Year with Steemit

Today, I am celebrating my 12 months with #steemit .
After 12 months of hardworking with posting, I decided to give back to the Steemit community.
I am very active in Steemit platform.
I give you all , #whalepower Tag
What is it all about?
When #whalepower Tag in place , will get curated.
Please Read...
Hello Steemian
Welcome to #whalepower Page.
Hi, I am @bullionstackers ,
The Founder / Owner for #whalepower # whale-power Tag
Curator / Moderator / Commentator
For #whalepower ( preferred ) Tag.
#whalepower is a Community Project , within #steemit .
We Read , Curate and Upvotes your posts , manually.
Suggest you Resteem / Upvote this post, so many other can see this message. You are not alone.
#whalepower are there for you. We are FREE Services. We will help you to grow*.

Our Original Image , we will still maintain and use.
Know your Curators
Permanent Curators for #whalepower Tag
@bullionstackers @neoxian @paul-gillbanks

@paul-gillbanks - Curator / Moderator / Commentator for #whalepower Tag
@paul-gillbanks have working so hard , Thank You
Recently Appointed Joint Ventures - Click to Link
Our Mission
Provide Free Manual Curation Service
Our commitment to you.
We give you, Free Curation Service.
Project Focal Point For Newbies Author.
You can helps us by Support / Upvoting / Reblogged ( Resteem) Our's Posts. @bullionstackers & @paul-gillbanks
Alternative is by Contribution / Donations
Forward to @bullionstackers
Helps Us to Grow , so we can give you MORE!!!.
You can send - Gifts / Donation / Sponsor with Steem or SBD to @bullionstackers to help me Power Up this Project.
#whalepower Recommendation:
We Recommend that you help other #whalepower Members / Authors
We are #whalepower community . We stand in Unity.
Ours Motto ONE For ALL - All For ONE
Guidelines - Please Read First before you use #whalepower Tag
- All Topic contents are Welcome*
- *Except Plagiarism , SPAM , Hate Speech , NSFW , Racism
( If misused, We will ask you to remove the usage of the Tag , Followed by a Warning.
Flagged. or Even Straight Flagged if inappropriate. ) - Original Content - Highly Recommended
- Do not Copy-Pasta. - Discourage .
- English only .
- Interact with others #whalepower Authors is Highly Recommended.
- Use #whalepower # whale-power Tags in any order, it can be the last tag.
- Reblog and spread #whalepower Tag across as far as possible.
- Always remember to source your images / contents ( if you are copying it ) and provide any references / links.
- if you are the owner of the image / contents Please state - 100 % own work
- You can Helps Us by Supporting / Upvoting / Reblogged ( Resteem) Our's Posts. @bullionstackers & @paul-gillbanks
#whalepower Posts
If you missed Our Posts ( Please click to read )
- Whale Power - New Lifter
- Whale Power are getting better each day
- #whalepower Usage Update 25-6-17
- #whalepower First Meme
- Whale Power Joint Ventures with @paul-gillbanks
- Whale Power Curation is Free Service
- Whale Power Community is Growing Everyday
- Whale Power Community United All
- Whale Power Founder
- Whale Power Main Sponsor
- New #whalepower Tag
- Whalepower Campaign
#whalepower Free Registration Membership
Are now closed due to influx demands.
Now, By Invitation only.
Any Author / User can use #whalepower Tag.
With Registration, it will High-Speed ours curation process.
( Manual Curation )
We found a lot of User / Authors did not meet the Requirement by using the #whalepower Tag.
By using #whalepower # whale-power Tags.
We Reserve the Right's to leave comments on your posts, within #whalepower Tag.
(If you do not want to see this message, please do not use the #whalepower Tag)
We Reserve the Right to Terminate yours Registration Membership at anytime.
Registered Members - Click to see
All Contents / Images are Copy-Rights
*If you want to use any part of this, please ask for permission first.
From @bullionstackers

If you Like it, Love It
Follow Resteem and Visit Our Page at @bullionstackers @paul-gillbanks

This make me so excited to see such successful blogger.
Thanks for sharing and your contribution back to the community.
From a great fan.
Great Fan deserves Big Reward
HEllo people
Congrats @bullionstackers!! You have been a pillar and inspirational to most - esp the minnows and friends who you support through #whalepower!!
Here's wishing you many more years to come!! Huaat Ah!!
Another great supporter
Congrats @bullionstackers!!
Hope you get lots of birthday gift!!
You new here?
Let me show you how it is done ✅
Thanks @bullionstackers much appreciated.
Congratulations @bullionstackers
This is achievement one can contribute back to the Steemit platform. I value your work and will always have my full support.
Ah , my lost twin brother, thank you
Thanks you for your thoughts!
This is wonderful #news , I will still be working as your Curator for #whalepower .
Congratulations @bullionstackers
I will support your campaign.
Thanks you for your thoughts!
Congratulations on your first year as a Steemer, buddy! Upvoted and resteemed. I will use the #whalepower tag soon on my posts.
Thank you
Thanks you for your thoughts!
Happy anniversary and thanks for bringing me to Steemit ;)
Hello my friend
Congratulations for your first anniversary on Steemit! Great Job!
Thanks for bringing this awesome free curation service for minnows like me. RESTEEMED.
You are welcome @htliao
Thanks you for your thoughts!
Congratulations but what gives here.
Some techno experiment or upgrade to #whalepower or @bullionstackers?
Both @ace108
Without @bullionstackers there is no #whalepower , but there will be still @bullionstackers
heheh my resteeming word comment didn't get caught.
Deactivating already
Happy anniversary #whalepower! 🎉🎊 keep up the good work!
Thanks @krys
OK, I have to test this.
Congratulations and resteeming. - this is a little different.
Lol, it was deactivated
Oh, police was off duty.
This new node have to be monitor