tobykai resteemedsusanlo (65)in #cn • 7 years agoMy Stories (4) 生活小確幸(4) Sham Shui Po 深水埗Hi my dear Steemit friends! This is the FOURTH POST from the ‘My Stories’ series:) Thanks for your support! Steemit…tobykai (47)in #cn • 7 years ago貓狗大戰! DOG or CAT?我12岁时养了这只小毛孩。他的样子好凶,但其实他又懒又乖,没有杀伤力的。他最可爱的就是反差萌,外表很有气势,但其实是个胆小鬼,看到麻雀都会怕的。 I owned this dog when I was 12, he is my…tobykai (47)in #cn • 7 years ago国家主席习大大今天中午抵港,扰民甚深。习大大今天展开三天访港行程,其中一个目的是「与香港各界一起总结经验,谋划未来。」,但是次访港严重扰民,警方在湾仔北、机场一带准备为他的车队开路,导致严重交通挤塞。…tobykai (47)in #cn • 7 years ago<佛学故事分享> 心境澄明最近沉醉佛学,发现当中的道理玄妙,简单的故事便带出佛学的最高境界。 一名男子走进佛寺,找和尚处理心里不如意的心情。 男子:「大师,最近我女朋友有外遇,我跟她分手了,但我还是舍不得她,该怎么做?」…tobykai (47)in #cn • 7 years agoTestWrongtobykai (47)in #cn • 7 years ago让我来拆解钻石的謬誤女士喜欢钻石,女士爱钻石闪闪发光、可以轻松惹人注目,钻石商广告经常吹捧钻石代表不灭、永恒,而钻石總是賣得很貴,所以女士亦爱钻石的珍贵、是身份的象征。 但这都是真相?还是凡人的误解? 非洲之星…tobykai (47)in #cn • 7 years ago【新手必进】简单上手的三招,让你在steemit生存!眼见近日有越多的用家加入steemit这个平台,本人希望可以为中文区略尽绵力,尽量提醒新手不要犯下致命的错。 1.不抄袭、保持原创 千万不要不要不要在网上抄袭文章,steemcleaners 和 cheetah…tobykai resteemedkitcat (65)in #travel • 7 years ago遊記-「廈.一次」Travel dairy to Xiamen (廈門) (1)我稱這篇遊記為「廈.一次」,是因為這是我人生的第一次單獨出遊,也是一次散心之旅。 幾年前生活受挫,日子過得辛苦,於是有一天毫無準備下就大膽的獨個拿起背包,隨隨便便打點了一下就出發了。…tobykai (47)in #cn • 7 years ago〔健康溫馨提示〕你該飲用哪種酸鹼值的水?近日,各大品牌的濾水器經常推出可以電解不同酸鹼值的水,微鹼的可以飲用或煮食,據說可以中和過多的胃酸,而微酸的水則不可飲用,只可用以洗臉,聽聞可以去除臉上的面油,但以上的說法是否屬實,還有待商榷。…tobykai (47)in #cn • 7 years ago不好意思 佔個位置罵一下人改善這裡的風氣 @megico please come here!@megico 在別人的文下面經常留下一張無關痛癢的圖,實在有礙觀瞻。 請大家見到類似的情況都要發聲、一起按下旗子,不能容忍這種無聊的行為 破壞別人看文的雅致,希望各位合作創造更好的中文區。謝謝。 @megico posted…tobykai (47)in #cn • 7 years ago你知道你吃的是重金屬、寄生蟲、細菌還是鮭魚嗎?近年日本放題(類似自助餐)餐廳盛行,有很多人愛吃刺身,也就是生魚片,鮪魚、鮭魚、海膽、比目魚、鰤魚、河豚、蝦、魷魚,甚至是馬肉、豚肉、雞肉和牛肉,風味十足。 有人極度鍾情於刺身,也有人十分抗拒生的食物。…tobykai (47)in #cn • 7 years agocn的朋友大家好!加入steemit已經一週了!cn的各位大家好,先來個自我介紹,我是來自香港的Toby。 本想在昨天向cn的各位打個招呼,因為昨天是我加入steemit的第七天,是個大日子。 無奈但昨天的工作繁忙,實在沒有空閑的時間寫文章,所以只好是第8天發了。…tobykai (47)in #chainbb-general • 7 years agoSave and seek the strays.Hong Kong Homeless Dog Shelter is a organization that help strays seeking a new host, the holder of the organization…tobykai (47)in #chainbb-general • 7 years agoUber chief executive officer forced to leave, will it have any change in the market like Hong Kong?The world's largest caller application, Uber, has been plagued by scandals in recent years, and Travis Kalanick…tobykai (47)in #chainbb-general • 7 years agoLi Ka Shing give $700usd to every Hong Kong high school student.The Li Ka Shing Foundation last year launched the "money-making" scheme. The Foundation said that many schools…tobykai (47)in #chainbb-general • 8 years agoGamer cannot be successful? Bullshit!Every gamer might heard of that--playing video games is not good for you, you nerdy kid. Game makes you stupid, don't…tobykai (47)in #chainbb-general • 8 years ago[JPN] The EU intends to cancel the tax on import of japanese auto parts.Japan's Economic News reported that the EU intends to cancel the imposition of import tariffs on most Japanese auto…tobykai (47)in #chainbb-general • 8 years agoMy adorable puppy!This is my first dog. He was stray dog and I adopt him from SPCA (HK), this is their website. Although many people…tobykai (47)in #chainbb-general • 8 years agoQuick Movie review--SPLITSplit is mainly narrative the multi-personalities of the mysterious man kidnapped three girls. There are 24…tobykai (47)in #chainbb-general • 8 years agoHello from Hong Kong! First post on steemit!Hello everyone in steemit I am Toby. I love travel and taking pictures. This is my self-introduction on steemit. This…