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RE: Wednesday Walk - A New Direction with Mushrooms and Mosses...
Hey @sketch.and.jam thanks for the info - now I can research them further! I do eat the puffballs but knew not to eat the russula. They were all so beautiful to look at and I could wander in the forest for hours looking into the miniature worlds - makes me think of fairies and ther is one part of the forest which is a black spruce bog area full of moss and ferrns ( and very wet this year) which I call my enchanted forest. The forest keeps me in awe and wonder!
I've read that parboiling the russula makes them edible but i'm too chicken to try it i dont want a stomache ache lol.
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My feeling exactly anything that there is a change it might cause upset stomach for some folks I leave it alone - there are plenty which are deliciously edible and i don't have to worry about getting sick eating them!