Wednesday Walk - A New Direction with Mushrooms and Mosses...
We've had really moist conditions this summer - perfect for mushrooms!
The other day I went down one of the back trails and ran across a very interesting mushroom that I had never seen growing in this area before.
New Mushroom Growing in the Forest. Looks Similiar to the Turkey Tail Mushroom
Since it had just rained a bit earlier in the day I decided to grab my camera and head out back of our house through the pine meadow and into the beautiful mixed forest.
To my delight there was a marvelous array of fungal growths, mosses and lichens.
Come journey along with me for a forest walk deep into the woods where the mushrooms grow!
Back Trail Through the Forest
Look what I found when I lifted a leaf by that ringed mushroom - a frog!
There was some very colorful mushrooms growing, popping up all over the place!
Sorry I don't know what kind they are, I'm only familiar with the more common edibles like the boletes which we are finding now but not on this trek.
Pinkish Mushrooms Coming Up Among the Labrador Tea Plants
These pinkish ones were quite common and I found them in different parts of the forest.
Let's have a look...
Pinkish Mushroom Growing By a Tiny Spruce Seedling
A Pair of Pinkish Mushrooms
On last pink mushroom...
Pretty Pink Mushroom
There was some yellow mushrooms too...
Glossy Yellow Mushroom
Yellow Mushroom Growing in the Moss
And red mushrooms...
Red Mushroom Hiding Under the Spruce Bough
Miniature Red Mushroom with Little Brown Mushroom
Pair of Red Mushrooms and Pine Cone
Little Red Mushroom Perched in a Decaying Moss and Lichen Covered Old Stump
There was some wonderful old stumps taking on a lot of character with the mosses and lichens growing on them.
I find it fascinating to study the miniature worlds created in decaying logs and stumps...
Wavy Edge Mushroom Finding a Home in the Moss Within an Old Lichen Covered Fallen Log
Tiny Brown Mushroom at Base of Moss and Lichen Covered Stump
Look at This Moss Covered Stump - It Looks Like a Fairy Home
I found there to be a lot of beauty in the decay of aging fallen trees and stumps.
Trunk Beauty in Different Stages of Decay
Close Up of That Decaying Broken Tree Trunk
Lichen Covered Old Log and Decaying Tree With Squirrel Hide Outs
Close Up of that Decaying Tree with Red Mushroom Which Had Been Nibbled On
Mossy Mound With Holes to Squirrel Stashes
Green Pine Cone Squirrel had Broken Apart on Old Log
Nice Array of Star Shaped Plants on Mossy Stump
Tree Seedling Growing on Old Stump with Fungi that Looks Like Coral at the Base
Close Up of Fungi That Looks Like Coral
Often found on decaying logs or stumps is different fungi and conks that help in the breaking up processes...
Scallop Like Fungi Growing on Old Log
Colorful Conk on Old Tree Stump
Dark Colored Conk on Stump and More Pinkish Colored Mushrooms
With our wet conditions there was even some very interesting fungi popping up right on the trail that was heavily covered in old pine needles and had parts of big old roots from trees growing along the edge of the trail that were partially exposed. These are ones I had never seen before.
Interesting Colony of Brown and White Ruffled Fungi Growing on Forest Floor
Close Up of Brown and White Ruffled Fungi
Colony of Brown Puff Balls Growing on Mossy Old Log
There were many different types of brown mushrooms growing up all over the place, each with their own unique beauty.
It's funny there was a section in my mushroom identifying book that just listed them as little brown mushrooms for they are so common and have different variations.
Interesting Colony of Brown Mushrooms
Little Brown Mushroom Growing in the Reindeer Moss
Brown Mushroom Growing in the Moss by Some Cranberries
Beautiful Brown Mushrooms Growing in the Moss
Brown Mushroom Hiding Under a Small Blueberry Plant
Interesting Colony of Tan Colored Mushrooms
Puff Balls Growing in the Wood Chips
Do you know why they call these round mushrooms puff balls?
When they are fully mature and the inside dry becoming full of spores, if you stomp on them they will puff out like brown smoke. We had great fun doing that at my grampa's farm when we we're little. Some of the puff balls grew quite big there. Some puffballs can be really tasting if you catch them before the insides dry into brown spores. I like to slice the big ones, bread them and fry them. M-m-m! M-m-m!
Returning home we see some tan colored mushrooms just popping out of the ground by the reindeer moss under the pine trees...
Tan Mushrooms Just Popping Up by the Reindeer Moss
Also in the reindeer moss a beautiful blossom.
Fleabane Blossom in the Reindeer Moss
One last display of lichen on the rocks by the walkway leading to the house.
Lichen on the Rocks
I hope you enjoyed the pictures exploring in the back woods, looking for these treasures as much as I did taking them! This is for my #WednesdayWalk , an initiative started by @tattoodjay and also for @riverflows #treasurefinds
All photos are mine taken with my Canon PowerShot A495

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Grateful for the curation and support of @tribesteemup
Oh my, there's so many types of mushrooms and so colourful! Amazing!
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Wow, what a variety of mushrooms and fungi you have in your forest! Do you know how many of those you got a photo of, are edible? I've always been scared of wild mushrooms for fear I'd get a poisonous kind.
Most of those mushrooms I photoed are not edible. I only pick wild mushrooms that I am familiar with and I know to be edible. None that are iffy.
I LOVED this post. What an incredible array of fungi! I love puffballs, but have seen none in our yard this year, due to construction. My favorite photo was the fairy house one. :))
Your opener photo took me a while to find the fungi. I thought that was a pretty picture of tree rings...
So! Many! Edible! Mushrooms!
Epic photo set, like a photo exhibition! You live in a wondrous place @porters!
Most of these are not edible although we do have lots of edible ones that grow in other areas. I just love exploring and can wander for hours out in the forest which is just out our back door!
The first one is all that's loading on my phone right now. Can't wait to see the rest when I'm on wifi! Is it still cold up there? It's waaaay too hot for mushrooms here, except on the south hugel that's staying really damp and well shaded by nineteen thousand melon vines.
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Ha! Your funny Nate and I love the jungle you have created! Most of the summer has been cool and damp - perfect for mushrooms, but now we are finally getting a bit more heat and a little drier - I even had to water some of my plants in containers for the first time this summer! The cool and damp played havoc with my peppers which were outside in a micro climate but with this heat my cucumbers and tomatoes which are growing in the covered garden/hoop house/greenhouse are finally starting to produce. I hope the warm weather keeps up so I can get more of a harvest!
@sketch.and.jam may be able to help identify some. Or @byronmushrooms15 if he's still around.
The first one looks kinda turkeytaily, but I don't think they grow like that. Did it have a stem, or was it growing around the circumference of a stick?
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When I first saw them I thought turkeytails (and you) but when I realized the grew in a full circle and had a stem that they were not turkeytails. They are beautiful and I had never seen them growing here before.
So many mushrooms. I hope some of those are edible or fun to try.
Wow lots of nice mushrooms looks like you found alot of russula these are the red yellow and light pink ones. You also found some ramaria that is the coral looking mushroom. The top one may be turkeytail but i've never seen them grow in a perfect round shape like that thus it might be some other polypore. The puffballs are Lycoperdon pyriforme, i've actually eaten these and they are pretty good.
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Hey @sketch.and.jam thanks for the info - now I can research them further! I do eat the puffballs but knew not to eat the russula. They were all so beautiful to look at and I could wander in the forest for hours looking into the miniature worlds - makes me think of fairies and ther is one part of the forest which is a black spruce bog area full of moss and ferrns ( and very wet this year) which I call my enchanted forest. The forest keeps me in awe and wonder!
I've read that parboiling the russula makes them edible but i'm too chicken to try it i dont want a stomache ache lol.
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My feeling exactly anything that there is a change it might cause upset stomach for some folks I leave it alone - there are plenty which are deliciously edible and i don't have to worry about getting sick eating them!
Wow, you have a lot of wonderful variety there! We've had a particularly DRY summer here in western Washington state, so there are pretty much no mushrooms to be seen at the moment, except for the dry "wood ear" type that cling to decaying logs. But with a little rain, I'm sure they will be abundant in the fall.
Thanks for sharing your very colorful walk in the woods!