
You got motivated good one. Now i have to clean my home :)

haha clean up and enjoy the freshness! 😎

Do you have any before and after pics? 😁

good question. i'll add it now :)

i do have a photo from weeks ago so it's not exactly before&after. but close enough :)

I knew you were up to something when there was nothing online. You were offline making your beer cave livable. Wait till you add a couple beer cubs running around then you will find the paradox of life... eating mugwort and garlic for 100 days. No it is not folklore. It's my mother-in-law's cooking. I'm having a hard time to clean the refrigerator and Kimchee making time is in three weeks.

haha what a description! i wish i had the time to turn this really into a beer cave.. 😆
add 4k tv, a gaming rig, and a console, then i'm ready to eat garlic for a 100 days and never see sunlight. if the tiger had such setup i'm sure he'd be human too 😺

Really a good achievement! Doing that is quite a challenge for many people. It looks like you did it very well too. your place looks great.

thank you :) lots of things are still falling apart and nasty but it's livable at least 😆
i truly believe changing your life starts at little things like keeping your house in order! 👍

Oh, there's no doubt about it. We reflect our internal state in every way, especially the personal spaces over which we have control. Our immediate surroundings are extensions of our state of being. There's a reverse effect as well; the environment affects our internal state. An established method to manage mental or emotional conditions is to grow more aware of one's physical and mental processes as well as keeping a track of outside factors and how those coincide with our internal states. Even a cursory monitoring of these things brings to light just how important the seemingly mundane things around us really are. I sound like a stuck record whenever I lecture to my teenage daughters about these things... tidy up before you leave, it raises the likelihood you will get down to working on your studies as soon as you return. ahh there I go again LOL

"Our immediate surroundings are extensions of our state of being"

absolute truth!
i know i hated hearing shit like that as a teen, it might even have an opposite effect on them. but i'm sure they'll grow to understand haha

but man like you said, it also works vice versa. once you have a little positive routine going you can continue to build on it and start making changes. all the little changes that add up to make you feel better and be positive and be productive and make the right decisions 😄👍

i bet you will begin to do shit! judging by your look in the video you seem very happy that the house is done and you seem ready for new things! (either that is healthier lifestyle,working for your project) or whatever else!

haha yes i hope i can maintain AND improve! let's see if i can get back to that positive cycle 😄👍

Hey man, I feel ya on the whole "lazy-cycle" thing. I get like that sometimes... or, a lot of times.

I do find that cleaning up your environment helps. When I spend an entire day cleaning my room, it makes me kinda wanna work harder in order to maintain it, you know? Like, "I put in all this work, let's not fuck it all up by laying back down on the couch and doing nothing."

Good luck with breaking your cycle, I can't wait to see more great content from you soon. Rooting for ya!

yea it's super tough to break out of that cycle. I finally did after procrastinating for weeks, maybe even months!

you're exactly right because if you have everything cleaned up and nice, you feel the momentum to keep it that way. it also works the other way around where if everything is fucked up, one more nasty shity won't even bother you! 😆

certainly very pleasant to be able to re-arrange the house well with his beloved wife. hopefully everything is smooth

it was mostly mom and i, and then wife helping out at the end but yea :)
it's so much nicer now 👍

Finally accomplished one thing can really boost up your confidence, I hope it will stay on for you to do more! Cheers!!

yes hopefully! gotta maintain the right state of mind, but every time, i fuck up and go careless! 😆

Whenever you feel slacking, let us know here we can give you a confidence boost! 😁

Looks beautiful after being renovated friends

well i couldn't afford to renovate but made a few patches here and there myself. if i ever make the money i definitely will renovate EVERYTHING! 😃

Hhhh, we just wait for steem Peak prices like last year.

Dude. Unchecked your self upvote. Wait until 15 minutes before you do it. Or else 25% of the curation reward burned. You may wanna checkout steemvoter to automate your selfupvote. I did a write up two weeks ago.

Posted using Partiko Android

yes thanks for the tip! 👍
will do next time!

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