The END Of Net Neutrality Is HERE! - Why This Is A GOOD Thing (with Jeffrey Tucker)

in #video7 years ago

the end of net neutrality is here with jeffrey tucker thumbnail.png

In this video, I talk with libertarian superstar Jeffrey A. Tucker of and The Foundation For Economic Education to talk about his recent article 'Goodbye Net Neutrality; Hello Competition' which anyone in the political sphere would have a hard time avoiding.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has announced that he wishes to do away with net neutrality and open up the market to competition. For years under Obama, the internet was kind of a socialist monopoly by the state via net neutrality where government regulated prices and monopolized major corporations. After Netflix recently decided to look towards private competition for better quality, this whole domino effect took the United States by storm.

As Jeffrey Tucker goes into, when you open up the market to competition, we see true innovation and eventually prices come down.

Interestingly many are terrified that this could lead to censorship and give too much power to major corporations. Well first off, if anyone's going to censor the internet, it's the government which via the hand of Google they already are with content from RT. If corporations censored content which they are likely to do all the same, in a free market, competitors step in with a censorship free platform and people move to that provider. You don't insult your customers on the free market.

Secondly, the notion that this gives a bunch of power to major corporations is simply not the case. The government has been giving corporations a major handout by monopolizing them under net neutrality rules for years and all the while, these corporations that people are concerned about are actually in support of net neutrality. Isn't that interesting?

The point is that when you want MORE you pay MORE in every industry except the internet for some reason. Well the internet is supposed to be the greatest example we currently have of freedom and we need to ensure we preserve that for future generations without state control and for that reason we must support the free market. With the free market comes competition, innovation, lower prices and far greater quality.

Jeffrey Tucker also dug into the recent Bitcoin rally as it nears $10,000 USD.

See the FULL video report here:

We appreciate Jeffrey's time! Stay tuned for more from WAM! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow!

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I would like to make a few points. Will use Netflix for reference to points as that is most relevant since they were huge fighters against this.

  1. The amount that this post really needs right now is more than I should give but we will see where this goes.

  2. Can you explain to me how the regulations put forth onto the ISPs stemmed free market or monopolized them?

  3. It does not make sense to me that people think it is okay for our ISPs to control the traffic of the internet. You state that the free market will just create a new ISP that does not block your website you'd like to go to. Unfortunate I don't think you understand how centralized the backbone of our internet is.

  4. I pay my ISP from throughput. My ISP leases lines from another ISP, who leases lines from another ISP, and eventually it all leads back to about 4 companies. We are LEASING those lines under contract for a specific amount of bandwidth. The big Service providers that are hurt by these regulations, the one's who want to charge Netflix for more money, essentially triple dipping since they already bill both sides anyway.

  5. It can actually create new monopolies. How are new services run out of basements on home servers ever going to grow if they do not have the ability to spend millions and bribe AT&T to have a connection that is as fast and reliable as YouTubes. By not having these specific blocks in place, it could negatively affect the ability for new innovation on the internet.

  6. So, maybe you don't like the current ideas. Do you have other ideas on how to protect users when about 4 companies own the backbone in America. Which means they would have the ability to throttle and control traffic as they see fit to make as much profit as they can. While taking huge tax breaks because, and I paraphrase, "We provide a public service with our fiber lines."

How is someone in the Corn Fields of Illinois ever going to get a new Service Provider that doesn't block their services when everything leads back to the same source.

For real though, I am interesting in your response! Ready to learn!

Interesting. You made me realize why we need to end net neutrality. Let the free market do its thing. The Free Market is a beautiful thing that gets ruined by government intervention and crony capitalism. Thanks for the share.

It is a cruel idea when everything is controlled by the state. I dont want this!

Thanks for watching! It's important people understand these market fundamentals. People tend to pick and choose when it comes to the markets but the truth is, regardless of the industry the free market is always right as the individual is always right. The government always has an agenda when regulating such an industry and it's a great reason why all of these companies people are worried about SUPPORT net neutrality to begin with.
Have a great day!

only works on paper. In reality monetarism and collusion are bed fellows. 3000 years of monetary history proves it. Fiat money just makes it worse.

Hayek knew this and conceded that some kind of basic income would be necessary. Following the money causes collusion/monopolies due to the velocity of money.

I'm not sure that I'm on board with UBI...if people get money for nothing, that will lead to a lazy society. What would be the incentive for them to work harder/smarter? Also, you are making more people dependent on government, which in turn gives the government more power. I am all about limiting government power. UBI sounds too Socialist for my liking.

I'm not sure that I'm on board with UBI...if people get money for nothing, that will lead to a lazy society. What would be the incentive for them to work harder/smarter?

What does them make it today?

What does multimillionäre 80 year old not stop working?
What does musicians make music, even if they have to take a full job to finance that?
What makes people work FOR FREE nearly as often as for money (if they aren't already exhausted from a 50 hour minimum wage job)

The 80 year old became a multimillionaire because he is either a hard, smart worker, or a bit lucky, but did not depend on UBI or the government for a handout
The musician is not marketing herself well enough, or is dependent the other job for income, or the music is just a hobby/passion
People can do charitable things or work pro bono if they so choose...that is their right.
We can play these scenarios all day...I'm just not an advocate for people being dependent on the government and I am not a fan of handouts and free market manipulations. If you want those Socialist things...go to Venezuela.

The 80 year old became a multimillionaire because he is either a hard, smart worker, or a bit lucky, but did not depend on UBI or the government for a handout

Right, he most likely depended on a big inheritance. Or maybe an incredible amount of luck - as you can see at the big amount of people who are smart, work hard, and don't ge to be millionaires.

But that is besides the point, don't run away!

All those people work even if they don't have to. And often having to work for your living prevents people from really working. If Bill Gates or Steve Wozniak had been poor blacks that needed to feed their mother, I am quite sure the computer world would look quite different.

We can play these scenarios all day...I'm just not an advocate for people being dependent on the government

So you prefer people being depending on Companies that don't care a shit about them, not least because you can't fight back?

you cant have universal basic income without monetarism....

UBI has to be a government administered program, ergo theft from others to redistribute, as they see fit.

Recipients of UBI would just become sheep to government. drip drip drip. wither wither wither

Free stuff kills the spirit, the soul, and brings out the worst qualities in the human condition.

Striving brings out the best.
(hence the luxury we have here... of the electric, computers, and internet we are using right now.)

money doesn't cause collusion/ monopolies - governments do.

youtube would demonetize there first born if any words were not to there liking

Baby's first words, "freedom!"


Hi joshsigurdson,
Thanks for the great content

Net neutrality has always been a good concept, but sadly it has never been implemented. No matter what, the safety of people in the real world will always trump the safety of people online and until there is a paradigm shift, that will never change. Anything you do online will always be stored somewhere, whether it be simply meta data or incriminating evidence, no one is safe and nothing you ever do online is safeguarded

70% of jobs will require computer skills in the US by 2020. Real computer skills come from your ability to research and stay focused on your task at hand. So many jobs I hear of countless repetitive work that is either keeping you at the computer sitting too long or lack of service and quickness holds you back. Either way, I think we should be focused on the important ways in which we use the computer. That can never be lost but I'm sure we can do without all the time-consuming apps. Youtube, Google, and even Instagram can be very useful for research and information if used properly. When I'm on the computer, it's researching my field, my interests, making connections with others, and using all it's fantastic tools that come with production, presentation, and analyzation of whatever you want to create. Thank you for posting about this topic!

This battle was won but I feel the war is still going on. Thanks for your partake in this battle of freedom :)

The idea that net neutrality could be abolished is terrifying to me.

Personally, I believe that net neutrality is extremely important and that doing away with it will be harmful in the long run. That being said, I don't fully agree with title 2 either. I would like to keep the internet under title 2 as a temporary fix and then see tailored legislation that is acceptable for the modern era to maintain net neutrality while also allowing competition between internet service providers.

This is the best Debate and has taken me out of my extremist anarchy view.

Net neutrality protects individuals from evil companies and governments.

It took me a minute to get over the bling, but this guy knows his shit. Great debate for net neutrality and why it needs to stay. Who is he?

Richard Heart. he has the same winning debate against Roger Ver regarding B-Cash

Who enforces the net neutrality?

The FCC(Federal Communication Commission)

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