The Grand Debate- Should You Feed Your Pets Vegan Diets?

in #vegan7 years ago

Hello, strange looking people on earth. I come in peace. Today in the Vegan Discord Channel someone asked what we thought about feeding our carnivorous pets vegan diets. At first, this was a bit confusing but I think this is just a matter of learning more and making the right choice. So what is the right choice?


Let's get into that but first, let's have a reminder of what it means to be a vegan.

Veganism is an ethical stance against all forms of animal oppression and abuse regardless of the reason.

Now many people eat a vegan diet but they are not vegans. Because veganism transcends diet and encompasses all aspects of our lives, even our pets.

Most people I know love cats and dogs... I love dogs to death. Cats are carnivores by nature and dogs are omnivores. Even though there are many other types of pets, these are the main two in places like USA and Jamaica. These animals primarily eat meat.

Naturally, we as pet owners will want to give them the best food for their nutrition. And since we are not going out killing animals ourselves we will most likely buy pet foods. So the question then becomes

  • Is it okay to purchase foods for our pets containing animal products?

I just read a whole bunch of articles about this but I have concluded that there is only one perspective needed to make a choice here, and that's the perspective of the victim.

If food products contain animal compounds it means that animals are being oppressed and abused for its production. Do they want to be oppressed and abused? Do they feel that you and your pets are more important than them? Of course not, they could not care less about any of that. As far as these victims go they just want you to hurry up and figure out your crap then leave them alone lol. And for this reason, you have absolutely zero excuses for supporting their oppression. In light of this, the only solutions are as follows:

  • Don't have pets, or give up the ones you already have.
  • Only own vegan pets.
  • Convert the pets you already have to vegan.

I would personally cross off the first option because a world without pets is like hell. And if you had pets before you became vegan how could you ever give them up?

It may also be hard to only own vegan pets especially if you have pets that already aren't.

So, by process of elimination, we must make the efforts to convert all of our pets to vegan. No excuses.

There are countless articles online testifying how all animals can live on a vegan diet and you can check out for some good info on this. I will also leave some links below for you to check out. I will also leave a link to the PETA website but I in no way promote nor support them because they are psychopaths who harm animals and exist just for profit. But the info might be useful for you. So please check them out.

I'm not going to make this article much long as I keep on forgetting my points that I want to make. So I am going to leave you guys to think about the rest while I go get some fuel for my jet. But we are not here to judge, we are here mainly to move the world towards a more compassionate place and to do that we must keep on learning and growing.

I love you all.. except if you are ugly stupid if you don't like dogs or melons and if voted in the last election. But otherwise, I love you.

Healthy Vegan Dogs

Vegan Cats & Dogs

Vegan Pet Recipe

More on Diet

Top Vegan Pets

Will your pets be healthy?

Additional reading

Much respect.

King Anima.


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Totally agree!
Vegan pet food is not available in the place I live (and ordering is too expensive). So my option is not to have pets... (when I got married and we moved together to a new apartment, our old pets were left with our parents).

But if I happened to have pets, without having vegan options, I would probably buy those sub-products, which are not consumed by humans and would be otherwise thrown away. What do you think of that?

Thank you for stopping by. We are on the same wavelength. The thing is, if you are buying animal products at all you are fueling the business that is making them. Calling them sub products is also kinda messed up since it once was an animal. It's not sub-products. One thing that I think is okay is accepting leftovers from your pals at work who are going to buy animal products anyway. Just collect the bones. I don't believe you are contributing to any harm that way. And good point about the vegan pet food. I never thought of that before. It completely slipped me. I will have to do some research and find some places online that you can buy them from. I a sure you must be able to buy them online, at amazon even. Thank you for bringing that to my mind.

yeaah, contributing to the industry is the last thing I wanna do. (But that's what I advise to people who would otherwise by whole peaces of meat!).
Yes, getting leftovers from people who'd just throw it away is a great idea! Or taking it from the restaurants, what they would also throw. But executing this all seems so difficult. That's why no pets for me yet...

I'm also trying to make my dog vegan, but my parents aren't vegan so it's really hard lol, but if I get my own pets in the future I would make them vegan (:

I totally get that. My dad isn't vegan but he would surely hear me out if I still lived with him.

My mom might listen as well but she is a bit different. There are somethings that we can't control so we just have to speak our truths and leave them there.

Yes indeed, really too bad they won't try it out, I only got vegan snacks for him so far hehe.

If you want to, do it. If you don’t, don’t. It’s as simple as that. My dogs don’t eat vegan exclusively even though I do. I couldn’t possibly care less what anyone else thinks about that either. That’s what I’ve learned after 10 years of this stuff. 😜

I get you. the matter isn't about ur dog primiarly though, it's weather or not it's right for us to support the oppression of other animals for our pets...

There’s a book about it called Obligate Carnivore that I’ve heard good things about. I was just trying to give my two cents. I used to fool myself into thinking that with enough coercion, anyone could see the vegan point of view. That’s not true. I’ve come to accept that what some people think it’s morally unjustifiable to some doesn’t even get a second thought by most people. I think each and every person can choose to do what they think is best and leave it at that.

I agree with you to some degree. In the end we have to leave all people to come to this on their own time. Although that is not ideal

Awesome perspective... I never had carnivore pets in my life so I can't relate to the emotional troubles...

I think that stray cats and dogs are valuable parts of city ecosystems because they manage rodent population better than we could ever do with poisons. Just letting your pets go sound like a good idea to me, double ethical plus (no killing of cattle, no poisoning of rodents)!

I'm going to write a more detailed post about stray pets soon with study links, see you on Discord!

I just got back.. will chat more to you on discord.. I never kill rodents. I want a pet rat actually...

I'm gonna go to sleep now, gotta turn the biological clock to daytime again haha!
I didn't think you did. I had mice as pets before... A friend from highschool had 2 rats always with her on class peaking from her cleavage every few minutes... HHahaha!
Around here rodents are a big problem in some cities, they're the size of small cats and not scared of people that much. The prob is, they transmit a long list of diseases so the whole city is sprayed with rat poison annualy. :( Maybe, just maybe, we could solve the problem with natural predators such as birds of prey... That's why I said that about stray pets, in some studies they have shown effective aswell. The cats aren't really picky about killing tho', they would decimate wild bird populations...

Check this out!

I'm off to bed too man. I don't believe rodents will be around areas that are clean. I don't think clean evirons, homes or cities can habour rodents so for me the solution is to keep the place clean and not have so much garbage and filth around. But humans call animals that play in the filth we create filthy.

That's some permacultural thinking right there! The problem is the solution! :)
Bravo to you sir :)

your kind words are most kind

Even lions can be vegetarian. All animals are on their own path of spiritual evolution.

yes indeed. All animals are on their own paths.

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