Vegan Transition tips

in #vegan7 years ago


Blindly diving into veganism is a crucial mistake, that can easily affect one's health and overall opinion of the effectiveness of the vegan diet. The vegan diet is uncharted territory for most, one can easily be dissuaded by the perceived complexity, lack of nutrition and taste, all of which are matters that can be easily avoided with a little prior research. Recipes, listings and sources of important /vital micronutrients and general nutrition tips are all topics that should be inquired. Consultation with a licensed dietary and/or health practitioner is advised, their guidance is extremely valuable, they will be able to provide dietary advice tailored to your specific biology.

Sources of information:

Websites-,,,, (Whilst not a strictly vegan website, PubMed is valuable source of information), (Whilst not a strictly vegan website, Healthline is valuable source of information)

Documentaries- The Game Changers, Earthlings, Cowspiracy

Important nutrients-,

Food listings-,

Recipes- Minimalist Baker, Vegan Richa, Oh She Glows and the various Steemit bloggers

General nutrition tips-

“Veganise” fan favourite meals.

Transitioning to veganism doesn’t necessarily mean one must leave behind their most prized and beloved meals. Flavoursome meat and dairy substitutes are surprising to many, plentiful, and rival, if not best their animal-based counterparts. Dairy can be replaced by nut and soy-derived varieties and meat can be substituted with soy or gluten based mock meats and various blends of vegetables. Some examples of common peer beloved meals, that can easily be “veganised”, are Nice creams, vegan cheeses, curries, lasagnas, pizzas and burgers.

Delve into vegan cookbooks/ food bloggers and experience vegan dining.

Most common query when transitioning, is the thought of what can one eat, without sacrificing taste. Thankfully quality vegan cooking isn’t hard to come by, if unsure of whether the vegan diet can satisfy one’s exquisite taste, venture to local vegan eateries or eateries that at least provide a few vegan options and additionally, explore the internet for the many wonderful vegan food bloggers and chefs.

Meal plan.

Prepare meals that can be easily produced in bulk and can be reheated/consumed at a later date without issue. Curries, rice dishes, noodle dishes, salads, pasta dishes, soups and much more, are perfect lunch and dinner time meals, that can provide nourishment and taste for days. For a great, readily available in-between meal snack, trail mixes are a must try, mix a container full of various different grains, seeds, nuts and dried fruits of your liking, you won't be disappointed.

Supplement important nutrients, if wholefoods fail to meet requirements.

Often when transitioning to a vegan diet without adequate forethought, optimal nutrition can be neglected, primarily protein and essential micronutrient intake. As it may be difficult to track adequate micronutrient intake and as some are rarely sourced from vegan foods (B12 and D3), It may be advised to consume vegan supplements in conjunction with a wholefood based diet. Listed below are the most crucial and often neglected nutrients by a plant-based diet. I have divided the nutrients into two categories, the first being the nutrients most likely to need supplementation and the latter group being the nutrients that are less likely to need supplementation, as adequate intake can be reasonably consumed through whole foods

Most likely needed:

B12- supplement, fortified foods, nutritional yeast

D3- lichen based supplement

Omega 3- ALA in some foods, supplement

Iodine- cranberries, seaweed, potatoes, iodized salt, supplements

Creatine- body produces roughly 3g, supplementation is the only vegan method of consuming additional creatine.

Less likely:

Magnesium- nuts, seeds, legumes, supplements

Zinc- nuts, seeds, legumes, supplements

Protein- nuts, seeds, legumes, milk substitutes (soy, coconut and nuts), meat substitutes (tofu, tempeh, seitan), nutritional yeast, protein powders (soy, pea and rice)

Iron- leafy green vegetables, legumes, seeds

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