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RE: Vaccines Kill Children - Here's Proof!

in #vaccines7 years ago

Trust me on this one, I used to be part of the anti-vaccination crowd back when I was rather impressionable in my late teens and early 20s. I understand that there can be adverse reactions -- a close friend of mine is an example of having an anaphylactic response -- but the "evidence" used to demonize scientists and medical health professionals as a part of some grandiose conspiracy is blatantly false. I also understand how the false sense of knowledge from these crowds can be so alluring, complete with the sensation of acceptance within a community where everyone is a part of the same self-validating ideological circle-jerk.

Of course the FDA lists the possibility of side effects -- shit happens in the real world and the medical community likes to be prepared. Vaccines are constantly in development to ensure that we can make safer and more effective immunizations; no one said vaccines were 100% effective -- only you did. I'd take the negligible risk of adverse reactions over the much higher probability of spreading diseases that carry debilitating consequences.

Also lol@"There's DNA fragments!"
There's DNA in the food you eat, and your own cells, and the bacteria in your mouth employ it as a structural component of dental plaque. Fun fact: Everyone is a mutant of some kind and DNA is everywhere. Humans got their ABO blood group proteins (the glycosyltransferases for the more literate) from bacteria in a horizontal gene transfer event estimated to have occurred around a million years ago. Might sound spooky to those who don't know any better, but it's really not. Stop with the scare tactics that exploit scientific ignorance to hawk a false narrative -- that is, unless your own scientific ignorance has been exploited to get you to join a cause, in which case you are excused. You may not know any different, but some of these people know not to perpetuate such flawed logic and call it "truth".

DNA does not work that way.jpg


Keep up the good fight brother. This has proven to be thankless work, except for your upvote on earlier comments in this post.

Its called insertional mutagenasis and it is when foreign DNA fragments are injected directly into tissues as this peer reviewed scientific study explains.

In addition eating DNA and injecting DNA are two very completely different things. Many of the potential risks listed under adverse reactions for many of these vaccines often list the very illness trying to be prevented therefore they know that in some individuals it actually gives them the illness thereby spreading it, not preventing it.

In addition autoimmune diseases are springing up following vaccination in previously healthy individuals as a result of insertional mutagensis.

This is old information but it is clear that its unpopular to share among people who seem to take it so personal that vaccines are not 100% safe nor 100% effective. The risks are too great and if you can ignore reading the vaccine package inserts but then proclaim them as safe you are being exactly what you are accusing of others...

This guy is troll and can’t put up a good argument. When a commentor is demeaning and starts throwing fallacies like a’s not worth the energy it takes to respond....

Unless you want to speak to the lurkers that are reading comments. I speak to the lurkers...

This is such a bad argument i actually giggled

I’m going to be writing an article on how to argue badly for a few laughs

Trust me on this one, I used to be part of the anti-vaccination crowd back when I was rather impressionable in my late teens and early 20s

I know, he's being rather rude and condescending about it but I guess my hope is that if we can try our best to stop this "us" and "them" rhetoric we can share more truths. You are right some are simply trolls so wrapped up in their own perspective they cannot even consider information that may challenge that perspective but I guess I continue to respond thinking of my children... I've heard so many mothers say... I wish I had known there were risks before my daughter got her 6 month vaccines and suddenly had uncontrollable pretty regular seizures. I'll share and I'll try. At some point people see its not 100% for vaccine safety or effectiveness and just seeing that is a step I feel. Thank you @reddust

I don’t think we should play Russian roulette with a persons life because it may save another’s life. I don’t mind a good argument but when faced with bad arguments wrapped in scientific jargon I just can’t stand it and have to walk away....they as in opposing views are trolling.

I’ve been in too many debates over the years, mostly Buddhist debates...when I saw certain signifiers in the opposing arguments I realized the author is being trolled and decided to shut down my side of the argument.

But I did a thing or two from this thread. I need to brush up on my argument skills and learn the standard pro-con vaccine arguments.

I found a website that gives both sides of the most common vaccine arguments.

I bought a couple ebooks that teach the art of argument so I can argue effectively and learn something too. I’m not here to win an argument ... I’m here to learn how to communicate

Cute. I actually know a thing or two about DNA, recombination, and mutagenesis; you know, being a biochemist and all. The fetal tissue part is what really gets me, what with the appeal to morality and all. I'm pretty sure scientists make vaccines to kill babies -- that's gotta be it!

Thanks for trying out!

Wait so if you know a thing or two about DNA why would you even compare eating DNA to injecting it. You know they are completely different... and what do you mean the fetal tissue really gets you? Do you mean you are unaware that vaccine manufacturers use live human tissue to grow human viruses for vaccines? And that in order to find compatible fetal tissue several fetal tissue samples were tested until viable host DNA was found? And besides that how can you proclaim vaccines prevent diseases which have "much higher probability of preventing diseases with debilitating consequences" when they in fact can give the recipient that very disease when the recipient's immune system does not respond as intended. It is true not all vaccines are created equal as each have very different rates of adverse reactions and effectiveness. But as someone who is educated in biochemistry, shouldn't you be looking at ALL of the facts especially if they don't all add up?

The only thing that doesn't add up is your conflation of recombinant DNA vaccines with live attenuated vaccines, and the lack of understanding of what a virus is. Of course researchers need living tissue to grow a virus -- viruses require live cells to hijack their function to propagate themselves; they're not a free-living and independently self-replicating organism. Also, embryonic tissue sounds easy to vilify (because baaabies; oh no!), but I reallly think you're misunderstanding how mammalian cell culture works, or the use of embryonic tissue at all. This is starting to sound like an anti-Planned Parenthood thread now.

Easy to think none of this adds up when the information is presented in a vilifying and sensationalist manner that doesn't show the whole picture. That is what conspiracy theorists do, and that's what you're appealing to over objectivity, while claiming to acknowledge all the "facts".

You have been mislead, and yet are convinced it is others who are incorrect.

Thank you so much for writing exactly what I wanted to say. I'm no biochemist, but what you are saying makes a whole lot of sense. To be actively fighting back the people who don't agree with science despite the fact that you account is only one month old is very courageous of you. I wish there were more people like you on steemit that could fight back (or at least more people who understand why this "vaccines cause autism" thing is completely false). Also another thing that's stupid in the original person's post is a vaccine study from 1991-1997. This outdated data is one of the reasons why people believe that vaccines are harmful. In fact, he only posted a small part of the data. It just happened as a coincidence that the rates of autism were increased. Thank you again for all of your hard work!

Its really unfortunate @joshglen and @molecular-wizard if you have never read the 20 plus adverse reactions from each vaccine insert, you wouldn't even know that with them the list includes things like childhood arthritis, childhood lymphoma, encephalopathy which by the way includes seizures and long term neurological damage. I am not ignorant to the facts and I do not deny that for some, the intended immunity is achieved but the FACT is thousands are vaccine injured every year and if you are unwilling to weigh the risks and the benefits equally despite the fact that the pharmaceutical industry continues to dismiss the risks then you are not looking at the whole picture. I have many friends who work in the medical industry and we have many conversations about this but the fact is and they agree, there are risks and people are being vaccine injured and though they feel the benefits out weigh the risks, I personally do not but to claim that this is "conspiracy" to share and spread awareness about the risks... is only continuing the pharmaceutical corporate sponsored marketing strategies. I hope you will reconsider how you choose to approach this in the future for the sake of science and truth. We could all benefit from being more open minded about the truths of both sides.

I do understand that there are adverse reactions that could be caused. However, if you have read the insert and/or packet of information that the doctor's office has given you, you would see that the incidence of such serious reactions is extremely unlikely and low. The most common thing would be either pain in the area or a fever, and anything more than that is highly unlikely due to the statistics of each vaccine. Yes, some have more problems than others, but the ability to be immune (or even partially immune) far outweighs the risk of some of these adverse reactions, the majority of which are both mild and short term.


you get injected DNA regularly. viruses and other viroids inject DNA into cells. If you get at last once flu or cold your cells in throught have been regulary injected by orthomoxoviridea. if somone get hepatitis B liver cells remain infected for life infected with Foreing DNA.

Cause and effect do you understand the difference ?

Does pimple pus prevent pimples ?

Cow pus prevented small pox ?

Poison prevents poison?

Toxoids prevent toxins ?

You've spammed this same comment multiple times on multiple posts now. Do you seriously think immunology can be reduced do your haphazard analogies? It is evident you have no understanding as to how the immune system functions and will only appeal to information that fits your confirmation bias.

I believe it is you who does not understand cause and effect.

P.S. Your Steemit name is a tragic irony.

Understand immunology? Like what antibodies do not determine immunity?
"Effective" means that a vaccine is injected (vaccination) into the patient, and the patient develops an antibody. Vaccination does not mean that the patients develops an immunity.
Scientists prove that the antibodies from vaccinations

To prove this, scientists from HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, M.I.T., massachusetts general, san raffaele institute (Italy), and other institutes, co-authored and published on how they removed all antibodies from mice, leaving only B-Cells, which successfully fought off lethal viruses. This debunks vaccine manufacturers who say that vaccines are necessary to convey immunity. This
suggests that repeated vaccinations could be the reason why some vaccinated people lose their natural immunities, as their body tends to unnaturally rely on temporary, antibody-based immunities.
Immunity 2012 Mar 23; 36(3): 415-426:

there is more to the immune system than just antibodies

I will repeat myself as many times as drug commercial repeat themselves about all the damn side effects just to get a hard on

I remember my first book on health and nutrition like 25 years ago lol

Oh those drug deficiencies

hypocrite. you will get help in myocardial infarction emergency from a doctor but not and advice from a cardiologist for vaccines.

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