Vaccines Kill Children - Here's Proof!

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

These graphs visually illustrate that Vaccines Kill Children!

Unvaccinated Children = Lower Death Rates!

Studies from the World Health Organization & Centre for Disease Control (CDC) link Vaccinated Children under 5 years of age to more Deaths than Unvaccinated Children.

Vaccines are also linked to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS); various Degenerative Diseases, including Diabetes; and appears to cause General Immune System Impairment.

Evidence also points to the practice of Immunization as a Principal Factor in the massive increase in Neurodegenerative Conditions such as Autism.

Water, sanitation and food are responsible for disease decline - not vaccines!

The following graphs include dozens of different metrics and cover approximately two (2) dozen medical conditions!

I will write a few words above each graph. Let’s begin.

* World Health Organization Report

* Link between Gov’t Mandated Vaccines & Child Deaths

* 8 x First World Nations (water, sanitation, food unlikely to be a factor)

* Number Next to Nations Name = Number of Gov’t Mandated Vaccines

* More Mandated Vaccines = More Child Deaths

Sources: Under Age 5 Mortality statistics from: World Health Organization – World Health Statistics 2009 Report & Govt. Mandated Vaccines statistics from: Generation Rescue Inc. 2009

* CDC Mandates Flu Vaccines in 2002

* 590% Increase in Flu Deaths AFTER CDC Mandates Flu Vaccine (approx 18 Months) - Staggering!

* Gov’t Mandated Flu Vaccines = Massive Spike in Child Flu Deaths

Source: Under Age 5 Influenza Mortality statistics from: Center for Disease Control (CDC) Vital Statistics Reports covering Years 1999-2003 reported in Miller, N.Z., Vaccine Safety Manual, New Atlantean Press, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 2008, p. 97

* Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Vaccine Linked to SIDS

* 70% of SIDS Deaths are within 3 Weeks of Vaccination

Source: Torch W., Neurology - 32 (4 – Pt. 2) A, 1982, pp. 169-170.

* Vaccinated Children over 200% more likely to develop some Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Source: The Lancet - Vol. 345; 8957; 1995, pp. 1062-1063.

* Vaccinated Children showing more General Immune System Impairments

* Note more Antibiotics


* Note Aggressive Behavior, Difficulty Sleeping, Allergies, Lung Disease etc


* Links BCG (Tuberculosis) to Diabetes Rate Increase in Europe

* Green = Countries with Non Mandated BCG Vaccine

* Red = Countries with Mandated BCG Vaccine

Source: Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice - No. 6, pp. 449-454; (1997)

* Herd Immunity vs Insulin Dependent Diabetes

* Diabetes Incidences Increase as Herd (Vaccinated) Increases

Source: Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism, 16, pp. 495-508; (2003)

* Blue = MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella) Vaccinations

* Pink = Autism per 10,000 Vaccinated

* MMR Vaccine = More Autism

Sources: Kihei Terada et. al.; Alterations in epidemics and vaccination for measles during a 20 year period and a strategy for elimination in Kurashiki City, Japan; Kawasaki Medical School 2002 Mar; 76 (3):pp. 180-4. Correlated with: H. Honda et. al,; No effect of MMR withdrawal on the incidence of autism: a total population study; Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry; June 2005 (6); pp.572-579

* Red = Mercury Vaccine Exposure

* Blue = Autism

* Vaccine with Mercury = More Autism

Source: Adapted from Blaxil, M., Vaccine Mercury Burden & Autism Risk (US) IOM 7/2001

Source: Generation Zero

The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful. – Professor Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal


The test results above prove that vaccines can be linked to an increase in:

  • SIDS
  • Autism
  • Deaths
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Eczema
  • Diabetes
  • ADD & ADHD
  • Development Delays
  • Chron’s Disease & Colitis
  • Sleep Disorders & Aggressive Behavior
  • Convulsions & Collapses
  • Ear & Throat Infections

Google Vaccine Injuries and Vaccine Compensation - get informed and please get active if this topic is important to you, even if only occasionally! Show these graphs to others and help spread vaccine awareness.

Children are dying and becoming permanently injured everyday due to vaccines. This is an enormous heartbreak and burden on who knows how many families? I have friends that have experienced this firsthand which is why this is one of my pet topics.

I don’t want any more children and families to have to go through what my friends have gone through. Far less importantly, I don’t want my taxes subsiding Big Pharma to covertly kill and injure children. Enough is enough!

It’s time that we had fair, transparent and intelligent conversations and debates at the local, national and global level. It’s time for Big Pharma, Gov’t and MSM to stop driving one-way agendas and manipulating data and test results. It’s time for more scientists to seriously investigate vaccine deaths and injuries and be brave enough to share their findings with their colleagues and the wider community at large.

Please spread the word and thank you for reading my post.

Till next time..

Yours in Health, Peace & Truth

Thank you to Dr Raymond Obomsawin Ph.D. for preparing this study.

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@sco just published an article finding some MAJOR MISTAKES in your argumentation. I would encourage you to read it and then answering to the arguments. Here is a link: Investigating the truth behind steemtruth’s “truth” - Part 3: Vaccines kill children?

I dont wan't this to be driven by hate or anything, I just want you to take part in what you want yourself:

It’s time that we had fair, transparent and intelligent conversations and debates at the local, national and global level.

If you stick to your words, you will read his article, think about it and answer to it!


Thank you for alerting me to this post Martin and for giving me an opportunity to respond. I will go through the post and respond in due course. This will take some time so please give me that time. I will respond. Please do not ask me for updates. You will hear from me within a week at the latest.

Great :) I don't want to hurry you, good research takes time. I think we all prefer a well-thought answer after one week to a rushed one after one hour!

This is horrible ..
Day after day, we discover that we are completely drugged by these regimes that seek interests at the expense of peoples
Increasing taxes. Media fake ..

Sadly big Pharma and their bought and paid puppets in national governments doubled down on the lies and cover ups a long time ago so many more children are going to be vaccine damaged before anything ever changes.
Great information @steemtruth Resteemed of course, everyone needs to read and absorb this post.

The number of vaccines given to children these days is disgusting. There's no good reason for it.

26 doses the first year of life.
60 countries better in IMR what does that tell you? more doses more deaths


The British Medical Journal
Only 6% of drug advertising material is supported by scientific evidence

Doctors trusting drug thugs for their information

Via the spreading of vaccine awareness we can save lives, including kids from the harmful and in some cases deadly side-effects of vaccines! More and more people are beginning to question the lies and propaganda that the medical profession and their governments keep telling them.

Thank you once again @tremendospercy

Just a side-note: As long as people are being extorted by non-voluntary taxes, there is no free market and it will always end bad..

My family and friends are really enjoying John Bergman on YouTube. I think you'll find his presentations very positive for what they cover and in a similar format. He demonstrates with examples and repeatedly encourages critical thinking .

Good side note and thanks for the lead to John Bergman. I will definitely be checking him out.

Good call on John Bergman @jamesc most people don't realise that the key to the vast majority of our health lays within the gut. Indeed within our bodies we carry a vast sum of diseases and it's the health and balance of said gut that keeps them at bay. From this perspective the problem is that many modern medicines destroy this essential gut balance i.e they alleviate symptoms at the expense of long term health.

This is so true. After a DPT vaccine in 1998, I tasted metal in my mouth for 2 weeks afterward -- a sign of impending shock according to one doctor -- then my health just fell apart. I developed an autoimmune condition which doctors couldn't identify. Everything I ate wrecked my gut. It has taken me YEARS to recover my health. I'll never get another vaccine again.

Perceptual ....not only does a healthy gut prevent disease, good nutrition is vital for recovery if you do become ill -- and of course you need a healthy gut to process that nutrition.

Hey @sungazer and yes the problem is that because our guts become unbalanced that by the time we reach a certain age the vast majority of us are suffering from varying degrees of leaky gut. As such (like you say) a large percentage of what we eat is simply passed through our system and our bodies are unable to absorb the nutritional content of the food we eat. In essence you can have an amazing diet but will only receive a fraction of the benefits. From this perspective, I highly recommend buying kefir grains and producing your own kefir.

That makes so much sense -- about the leaky gut. And yes, kefir. I have dairy goats and am going to use the raw milk for making raw butter, raw cream, and raw cheese -- my first set of kids just weaned, so now I have milk. The last time I tried kefir, I had autoimmune/histamine issues with it, though it is possible it's because I was at the time feeding GMO grain to my goats --- which I no longer do. I got rid of the goats because I believed it was the dairy itself making me sick. Then a couple of years later I bought some raw goat milk from a woman who fed her goats only pasture, non-GMO hay, and lots of veggies and leftovers from their garden. I drank her milk all summer and experienced excellent results. So then I got some baby goats, and started all over again. I made my first batch of raw cheese yesterday, and will get some kefir grains next time I go to town for supplies. Fingers crossed!

There's no profit to be had from healthy people.

I strongly agree to this! I have a daughter who is 4 months old. During her 1st month,i observed how strong her lower limb is,she often kick and tried to stand on my stomach while carrying her. I really have a big doubts on giving her a vaccines since i heard and read some articles against vaccines, other part of me believes that she also need it coz that’s what i’ve learned as I am a licensed nurse, and so i did letting her pedia to gave her vaccines which is BCG, after a month they gave her first shot of Penta vaccine (consist of DPT,HiB,polio,HepaB). Reaction as expected is Fever.

After 3rd and 4th week of my observation, i decided to STOP letting her Pedia giving her 2nd dose of Penta. As i observed my daughter,that her lower limb is so weak than before,she can’t hardly kick nor stand compare on her first month. I realized that i can no longer put my child at risk by giving vaccines,and just continue my breastfeeding journey. A lot my friends questioned my decisions. But that’s a mom instinct.And now i’m so thankful to God that she’s so active,smart and healthy.

A lot of my friends questioned my breast feeding, can you imagine that? I am sorry for your poor daughters suffering and relieved she has recovered. I didn't give vaccines to my children until they were older and I breast fed my kids as well, this was back in the early 80s. They were never sick until they started getting their vaccines after the age of 5 years old.

really!? Can’t imagine they did questioning u about feeding, babies are meant to be fed from mothers milk! Not cow’s milk..🙄
Sad really, we can’t pleased them, even we want them to be educate. Whenever they’ve questioned us and we answered them along with proofs,they rather chose not to believe..😩

Most of the mothers in my community worked and I think they would of loved to nurse their babies. Think they felt envy and guilt.... But during that time no one could afford to stay home. I made a choice to stay home and live lean so my babies could get a healthy start.

I was raised on a farm and all our bottle feed calves and sheep were weak and had poor health. I didn’t want that to happen to my kids. The money I saved on formula and childcare actually made staying home affordable.

I salute u for that! That’s why i also stopped working as a nurse and rather use my nursing skills to takecare of my family since it would be more helpful. I did also tried to make some research to do natural remedies to improve more about our healths..My collegues think i’m crazy coz i’ve spent a lot of money to study and earn my degree in Nursing and i chose not to believe in conventional..for me it’s not bad to believe and learn between conventional medicine and natural medicines.. coz right now its really useful for us family.F9897E10-E2B0-44C0-A657-9D75399A4CE7.jpeg

I share this pic to you. I told them not to spend their money to flu vaccines but rather chose to spend more in vitamins..

You youngest is not circumcised and barely has any vaccines at all and will not get any more. He is, without a doubt, the healthiest of the four children. It's no mystery.

Wow that’s great!👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
My mom told me when we were a kid,they completed our vaccines. They never missed in our doctors appointment. And guess what, they always rushed us in the emegency room and spent 2-3weeks of confinement in the hospitals...

When I was a kid, I only got a couple vaccines. These days they are completely out of control of course.

My Grave's Disease went undiagnosed for years because my parents had no idea what they were doing nutrition or health wise.

I still remember eating table sugar all the time too, and then I wondered why I had acne, was always sick, and my teeth were rotting no matter how many fluoride treatments I got. har har

When you were a child, did they crush up aspirin in sugar water when you were sick? LOL The stupidity.... it's mind boggling. I'd have a high fever, but they'd keep feeding me table sugar. Genius! ;-)

imagine why most of the countries implement the vaccines faster than any projects,and why is it mandatory to all their people,even government is under big pharma!so powerful and corrupt!

Yep, there's a lot of profit in death and sickness. :(

Thank you for this post because todays people don't know so much thing about vaccines actually they know it wrong. Vaccines pass is not new but it is kind of unsuccessful process and the aim is gaining money for drug companies.

You should worry not only about vaccines but also for other drugs you should suspicious for them also.Especially childhood vaccines may have crucial and permanent damage

It is a huge money maker for local doctors. Every vaccine they give you, they can charge for. I don't know what the mark up is, but I suspect it is a lot. A clinic sees 100 kids a day, and they all get multiple vaccines... $$$

Drug thugs make false claims all the time!
They have secret meetings like the Simpsonwood secret meeting.
They keep things confidential like SIDS.
They need customers not patients because a cured patient is a lost customer.
It is crazy out there! it is like one big experiment and we are the guinea pigs.

Agreed. There's no golfing money to be made from healthy people. You can't charge 800 a visit for a healthy person. Healthy people don't need a "doctor."


Thanks for sharing the truth and spreading awareness about vaccines. Insightful and well written post! Much appreciated!

Thank you very much!

You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. The benefits of vaccination extend beyond prevention of specific diseases in individuals. They enable a rich, multifaceted harvest for societies and nations. Vaccination makes good economic sense, and meets the need to care for the weakest members of societies. Reducing global child mortality by facilitating universal access to safe vaccines of proven efficacy is a moral obligation for the international community as it is a human right for every individual to have the opportunity to live a healthier and fuller life.
By not taking vaccines you're not only a hazard to yourself, but to the society, threatening future generations.

Spreading fake news and propaganda on steemit is just dumb. Please try to read up on the subject from valid sources. Here's a bunch you could read up on:

I'm sure you guys would say that the "World health Organisation" is corrupt and stupid. But before taking such conclusions, if you're serious about your view on vaccines, go through their references. They listed numeric of sources backing up what they write about vaccines.

Examples: Plotkin SL, Plotkin SA. A short history of vaccination. In: Plotkin SA, Orenstein WA, eds. Vaccines, 4th edn. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2004: 1-15.

Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety. 3–4 December 2003. Wkly Epidemiol Rec 2004; 79: 16-20.

Zhou W, Pool V, Iskander JK, English-Bullard R, Ball R, Wise RP, et al. Surveillance for safety after immunisation: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) – United States, 1991–2001. MMWR Surveill Summ 2003; 52: 1-24.

Christenson B, Hedlund J, Lundbergh P, Ortqvist A. Additive preventive effect of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines in elderly persons. Eur Respir J 2004; 23: 363-8.

Keep pushing your agenda while accusing others of the same. I assure you that nothing good comes from talking ridiculous shit about the STEM community and medicine while simultaneously relying on them to generate revenue from this type of content. Without big-bad science you wouldn't have a platform to preach from, and let's be honest, you're in this for the money by posting this on Steemit while hurling accusations of others being greedy.

"It’s time for Big Pharma, Gov’t and MSM to stop driving one-way agendas and manipulating data and test results"

Declared in confidence after manipulating data to push a one-way agenda. Trite.

Please don't use the "Science" tag for this again, as this is most certainly a perversion of it. Do you wonder why this material gets flagged? Wonder no longer.

I could make much more money writing lighter content and earn more money than I do now, but I don't. You don't know me or what my motivations and intent are so please don't pretend that you do by linking my posts back money.

It has never been about money for me (sure it's helpful but it is not a primary driver). If you'd read my Why I'm on Steemit - Reason 4 blog you'd see that I have made plenty of money in the past and that I plan to give almost everything that I make away while I am still alive so that I can direct how it is spent.

If you'd read Billionaire Secretly Gives Away His Entire $8 Billion Fortune Away in 34 Years – True Story! you'd know that the actions of men like Chuck Feeney inspire me to help others.

Please don't use the "Science" tag for this again, as this is most certainly a perversion of it.

I didn't realize that you were the person in charge of the 'science tag' on Steemit. It must be a great responsibility and burden for you to carry the weight of determining what constitutes science. Should I pay homage to you and obey your wishes or should I continue to blog about the darker-side of science that more and more people are now questioning?

The graphs and findings in this post were assembled by a scientist with a PhD. Who are you to define and frame what is and isn't science? Greedy men have had a strangle hold on the sciences for over a hundred years. They determine the curriculum, who gets funding and who doesn't and generally dominate and control the narrative just as you are trying to do now.

You are free to blog about any topic that you wish and so am I. That's the wonderful thing about free speech. Only those with an agenda or something to hide are afraid of free speech and transparent and open debates like these.

Shit dawg, I didn't know you were so virtuous and that scientists were so evil, but also somehow necessary to corroborate your minimalist MS Paint figures with psychedelic graphics to really make them pop!

And a scientist with a Ph.D? That's almost as good as Dr. Oz with an MD! Plenty of people who have a Ph.D are out to lunch, much like your post is. There is something in the sciences called consensus, and you should become familiar with it before you go hurling accusations and vilifying people who have dedicated their entire lives to reducing human suffering.

You've rehashed the same trite conspiratorial drivel for 3 posts this week now. The science community is getting real sick of your posturing as a truth-sayer, all while degrading them. I'm not the ambassador for the science community, but I'm certain they would agree with the sentiment that it's time to call it quits. There is a reason your garbage analysis gets flagged; it's a fucking public safety issue.

Unfortunately the science community is not in consensus. There are studies on both sides showing both the benefits and risks when you are willing to see the whole picture. You will quickly discover there is not a 100% guarantee that vaccines will work or that they are even safe for you and your family. As a mother of three, having witnessed "adverse reactions" myself in my children and others and then reading the vaccine package inserts you will find information that will really astound you.

If you have children or ever decide to have children these kinds of matters are not something you can just accept from the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry without first being very thorough. It is a fact that out of all developed countries the United States has the highest infant mortality rate and we also have the highest number of doses of various vaccines given before the age of 2. Every year they seem to add another one as well.

There are so many factors from toxins to genetics but I really urge you to dig deeper. You will be shocked when you start to see the truth. Here are a couple vaccine package inserts from the FDA. Just take a look at the "adverse reactions" aka "possible side affects" aka "contraindications" and the fact that vaccines like the MMR and chicken pox vaccine must be grown on living human tissue, tissue that was taken from fetuses should be cause for concern. We are taking viruses and bacteria mixed with DNA fragments and injecting them with a whole slew of preservatives including aluminum and formaldehyde. We cannot accept without knowing first ....

For the MMR

and for the Dtap

Trust me on this one, I used to be part of the anti-vaccination crowd back when I was rather impressionable in my late teens and early 20s. I understand that there can be adverse reactions -- a close friend of mine is an example of having an anaphylactic response -- but the "evidence" used to demonize scientists and medical health professionals as a part of some grandiose conspiracy is blatantly false. I also understand how the false sense of knowledge from these crowds can be so alluring, complete with the sensation of acceptance within a community where everyone is a part of the same self-validating ideological circle-jerk.

Of course the FDA lists the possibility of side effects -- shit happens in the real world and the medical community likes to be prepared. Vaccines are constantly in development to ensure that we can make safer and more effective immunizations; no one said vaccines were 100% effective -- only you did. I'd take the negligible risk of adverse reactions over the much higher probability of spreading diseases that carry debilitating consequences.

Also lol@"There's DNA fragments!"
There's DNA in the food you eat, and your own cells, and the bacteria in your mouth employ it as a structural component of dental plaque. Fun fact: Everyone is a mutant of some kind and DNA is everywhere. Humans got their ABO blood group proteins (the glycosyltransferases for the more literate) from bacteria in a horizontal gene transfer event estimated to have occurred around a million years ago. Might sound spooky to those who don't know any better, but it's really not. Stop with the scare tactics that exploit scientific ignorance to hawk a false narrative -- that is, unless your own scientific ignorance has been exploited to get you to join a cause, in which case you are excused. You may not know any different, but some of these people know not to perpetuate such flawed logic and call it "truth".

DNA does not work that way.jpg

Keep up the good fight brother. This has proven to be thankless work, except for your upvote on earlier comments in this post.

Its called insertional mutagenasis and it is when foreign DNA fragments are injected directly into tissues as this peer reviewed scientific study explains.

In addition eating DNA and injecting DNA are two very completely different things. Many of the potential risks listed under adverse reactions for many of these vaccines often list the very illness trying to be prevented therefore they know that in some individuals it actually gives them the illness thereby spreading it, not preventing it.

In addition autoimmune diseases are springing up following vaccination in previously healthy individuals as a result of insertional mutagensis.

This is old information but it is clear that its unpopular to share among people who seem to take it so personal that vaccines are not 100% safe nor 100% effective. The risks are too great and if you can ignore reading the vaccine package inserts but then proclaim them as safe you are being exactly what you are accusing of others...

This guy is troll and can’t put up a good argument. When a commentor is demeaning and starts throwing fallacies like a’s not worth the energy it takes to respond....

Unless you want to speak to the lurkers that are reading comments. I speak to the lurkers...

This is such a bad argument i actually giggled

I’m going to be writing an article on how to argue badly for a few laughs

Trust me on this one, I used to be part of the anti-vaccination crowd back when I was rather impressionable in my late teens and early 20s

I know, he's being rather rude and condescending about it but I guess my hope is that if we can try our best to stop this "us" and "them" rhetoric we can share more truths. You are right some are simply trolls so wrapped up in their own perspective they cannot even consider information that may challenge that perspective but I guess I continue to respond thinking of my children... I've heard so many mothers say... I wish I had known there were risks before my daughter got her 6 month vaccines and suddenly had uncontrollable pretty regular seizures. I'll share and I'll try. At some point people see its not 100% for vaccine safety or effectiveness and just seeing that is a step I feel. Thank you @reddust

Cute. I actually know a thing or two about DNA, recombination, and mutagenesis; you know, being a biochemist and all. The fetal tissue part is what really gets me, what with the appeal to morality and all. I'm pretty sure scientists make vaccines to kill babies -- that's gotta be it!

Thanks for trying out!

Wait so if you know a thing or two about DNA why would you even compare eating DNA to injecting it. You know they are completely different... and what do you mean the fetal tissue really gets you? Do you mean you are unaware that vaccine manufacturers use live human tissue to grow human viruses for vaccines? And that in order to find compatible fetal tissue several fetal tissue samples were tested until viable host DNA was found? And besides that how can you proclaim vaccines prevent diseases which have "much higher probability of preventing diseases with debilitating consequences" when they in fact can give the recipient that very disease when the recipient's immune system does not respond as intended. It is true not all vaccines are created equal as each have very different rates of adverse reactions and effectiveness. But as someone who is educated in biochemistry, shouldn't you be looking at ALL of the facts especially if they don't all add up?

Cause and effect do you understand the difference ?

Does pimple pus prevent pimples ?

Cow pus prevented small pox ?

Poison prevents poison?

Toxoids prevent toxins ?

You've spammed this same comment multiple times on multiple posts now. Do you seriously think immunology can be reduced do your haphazard analogies? It is evident you have no understanding as to how the immune system functions and will only appeal to information that fits your confirmation bias.

I believe it is you who does not understand cause and effect.

P.S. Your Steemit name is a tragic irony.

Understand immunology? Like what antibodies do not determine immunity?
"Effective" means that a vaccine is injected (vaccination) into the patient, and the patient develops an antibody. Vaccination does not mean that the patients develops an immunity.
Scientists prove that the antibodies from vaccinations

To prove this, scientists from HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, M.I.T., massachusetts general, san raffaele institute (Italy), and other institutes, co-authored and published on how they removed all antibodies from mice, leaving only B-Cells, which successfully fought off lethal viruses. This debunks vaccine manufacturers who say that vaccines are necessary to convey immunity. This
suggests that repeated vaccinations could be the reason why some vaccinated people lose their natural immunities, as their body tends to unnaturally rely on temporary, antibody-based immunities.
Immunity 2012 Mar 23; 36(3): 415-426:

there is more to the immune system than just antibodies

I will repeat myself as many times as drug commercial repeat themselves about all the damn side effects just to get a hard on

I remember my first book on health and nutrition like 25 years ago lol

Oh those drug deficiencies

hypocrite. you will get help in myocardial infarction emergency from a doctor but not and advice from a cardiologist for vaccines.

Regarding Adverse Reactions: You would save a lot more people by taking guns and cars off the street then ending vaccine mandates. If people walked more that would help individual and public health.

Well unless you know someone who has ended up with an auto immune disease following a vaccination, in rare cases coma and seizure occur, and then the fact that each vaccine has differing effectiveness rates is really the root of it. Each vaccine should be looked at separately and then their cumulative effects as well. Some will still choose a vaccine despite the risks but those risks are largely ignored and rarely communicated to parents of children or even adults themselves. When they start pushing shots like the HPV on our youth when it has not been proven effective against STD cancers and it has been causing infertility, comas, paralysis, seizures and death I have a serious problem with that, especially when news outlets shy away from covering those stories.

I cannot disagree with approaching each vaccine seperately, yet for the last 24 hours of debate on this article, the Anti-Vax opponents have changed arguments everytime I brought specific evidence to their arguments that support a different conclusion then their own.

I do not know any specifics about HPV vaccines, but I do know the risks were communicated early and often and I was never within the suggested demographic for that particular vaccine.

Anti-Vaxxers are on an anti-business tangent in their general coverage oft his matter, yet none have been able to answer if ending public funding for vaccines will actually provide a benefit. Their style and adherance to formal argumentation is squirlley enough I have to ask if this is not a politically motivated campaign to divert funding to military efforts instead.

Please read the rest of my comments on this post in the frame of strict critical thinking and argumentation rules.

Ok I'll take a look when I have a minute. I know that when we are emotional it is hard to be logical. The fact that some states are beginning to take away the freedom to choose or decline a vaccine has definitely caused quite an emotional response especially regarding children.

I certainly don't want government officials harassing me for my personal choices especially when we are not given the full scope of risks involved with vaccines. Corporations are designed for the sole purpose of earning profits and marketing strategies can create a very one sided perspective on the matter.

For example a representative for "medical research" whose pay check comes from a pharmaceutical company will be paid to produce research that emphasizes the benefits over the risks. The risks are often briefly mentioned and dismissed assuring one it is perfectly safe (despite the looooong list of adverse reactions). If you have never heard of "shedding" it would go to show how much information they keep out of the mainstream.

Shedding is when a vaccine strain of a virus spreads to others from an individual who was recently vaccinated... rather than protecting and preventing the illness it can sometimes spread it and there are a number of peer reviewed studies that support this. If you are interested in this aspect of vaccines here is a link for many of those studies. Anyway I will look at your other comments and thank you for being up for a more respectful conversation about this...


Thanks for posting this comment, I'm really disgusted by anti-science posts like this that manipulate statistics to push their anti-vaccine agenda.

Also: Correlation does not imply causation.

Explain how infectious diseases decline when vaccines are introduced when correlation does not imply causation ?

posts that attract friends,

Haha and trolls! ;)

why laugh, some funny yes.

This is totally new to me
Never knew this.
I thought vaccines were supposed to prevent some diseases.

Thank you for sharing

The main thing they do is weaken your natural immune system. That's by design too.

Inject diseases get diseases .
To take the result of a disease and claim it will prevent disease was and is absurd.

Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production.

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