Indonesian translation for Snipe-IT (1065 words) as proofreader #2
Project Details
The Snipe-IT is a Free open source project made for IT asset management. Snipe-IT can to track anyone who has laptop, when it purchased, the licenses of software, accessories are available, and other. I have joined to Snipe-IT a few days ago as an Indonesian translator to develop the Snipe-IT project into indonesian. We should do the same to develope the knownledge.
Links related to the translation
- Link related to Github
- Link related to Crawdin
- Link related to Snipe-IT activity
- Link related to My activity
Source Language
Translated Language
I have translated for the project into Indonesian and still 20% words yet to be translated
Number Of Words
1065 words
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1065
Proofread Words
I haven't any proofread words yet
Here is some screenshoots of my work
Previous translation on the same project
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
@husnulyaqien, Upvote for supporting you.
a good contribution. just keep going on contribution @husnulyaqien
Mantap brader @husnulyaqien
Thanks @nzirslm13.
Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
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I've read the utopian rules about translation before I contribute on this contribution. I translated more than 1000 words and i don't find the rules said that I have to translate more than 1200 words if there is duplicate strings or untranslatables.
It was an example for you and i didn't say its a rule please read it carefully!

Here is the rule you need to read it again to understand what i mean clearly;
I understood. Thank you, I just don't want that mod abuse their right on contribution. I know i'm as a newbie here but i'm not a kid who want translate the project carelessly.
I got your point but i didn't mention to ceraless or poor quality. But you have that right to gi to supervisers if you think that i or another mod abuse his position. My supervisor is @espoem so you can complain to him if you want. Good luck with your future contributions.
Ok. Thank you