Misleading information in steemnova in game documentation
The reference implementation of steemnova can be found at
In game documentation of technologies, buildings and so on while being on a moon
You will find this link by clicking 'Technologie' in the left menu under the topic 'Wirtschaft'.
The mentioned menu does give you a clickable list with explanations of available technologies, buildings and so on. In this list the prerequisites to build something are given in a additional column. The allready achieved prerequisites are colored in green, the ones yet missing are colored in red, while for buildings without prerequisites the column is left empty. The listed buildings are independent from the current player position.
This is leading to the irritating listing of Mines and Basistationen on planets and moons, both having no prerequisites. So a new player is wondering why he is not able to build mines on a moon and basis stations on planets.
Additionally from the moon view there is the Terraformer listed as possible to be build with the prerequisites 'Nanitenfabrik 1' and 'Energietechnik 12'. It is currently not clear if this is a mistake in the shown information or if it is really possible to build one on a moon.
The proposal is to :
- include information that mines can not be built on a moon and basis stations can not be built on a planet
- make the shown information dependent on the location from where the payer is currently viewing.
- remove the information about the prerequisites for a Terraformer while being on a moon and/or remove the possibility of building a Terraformer on a moon.
Mockups / Examples
The player would have a clear viewpoint about what is possible at the location he is currently interrested in and would not get confused about the possibilities, maybe leading to suboptimal decissions. Additionally the game would become more responsive if the shown information would be adapted to to the current user position.
Seems legit to add description in the second column for buildings that they require "to be build on the planet/moon"