Setting the stage for real change
When my wife approached me about earthships, living off grid and the legal system years ago, I had my serious doubts. Most people are surprised when I tell them that all the work I do now and write about profusely, all started from ideas that my wife brought to the table. I went through six months of frustration, anger and resistance before I managed to work past my own ego and actually 'see' what she was talking about.
Here is where life gets interesting. I decided to pursue these ideas and I also took the risks in order to protect her and the boys while we tested the viability of it all. I would never have done that if we had not reconciled our relationship and built a level of trust that transcends space and time. I saw it as my duty to sacrifice myself in order to protect my family. What I've come to learn from the experience is that the divine feminine has a sight, insight and intuition on matters of peace and prosperity that I did not have. Whether it comes from spirit or her own experiences of being a mother, the desire for peace is strong as most women feel fear throughout their lives.
Our squash exploded and is taking over the garden! Four feet high and 12-15 feet wide.
If I had over ruled her and used my superior strength and privileged authority to push forward my agenda, I would most likely not be with her today. But I did something that most guys think is crazy. I surrendered to the divine feminine and I allow her to guide and direct where we go in our lives. My job is to ensure that the risks we take don't end up putting our lives in jeopardy. That required me to do some serious work to evaluate risk and make contingency plans to ensure her safety.
Fifteen years later, we both sit on the other side, amazed at what we accomplished. Who would have thought that we could completely change our lives, walk away from everything we knew and live among the birds and the trees. My wife had a vision I don't have, but now see. I trust that vision and I work hard to not suppress it in any way.
The vision is pushing us for more change as we are working to go mobile. That may take a year or two, but it sounds like another wonderful adventure with more learning and experiences. It will require that we UNGRIP even more than we have, to push that envelope and explore just how deep this relationship with Creator actually goes.
Guys, most of us may not realize this, but women are scared ... a LOT. They don't show it often, but it is there. What will it take for us to realize how our own behaviours impact the feminine energy in our lives? What do you think will happen if we govern ourselves with honour and integrity so that the feminine energy could come out of her shell and express herself as Creator intended? What kind of changes will we see in our world if the divine masculine and feminine found balance with one another and learned how to work and play with one another? Do you think that it would make a difference?
Potato patch doing very well!
Can you say 'CHANGE THE WORLD'?
As a guy, my ego had to take a serious shit kicking in order for me to start listening. The challenge is that a lot of ladies embraced the masculine in order to survive and end up suppressing the feminine within. That is how scared they are and it is deeply troubling and very sad to witness. I had a friend feel safe enough around me to release her grip on the masculine and allowed herself to fully embrace the feminine. It was the most beautiful and amazing experience for her and for me. Imagine somebody feeling safe and secure enough to be completely free! When she talks, I listen! She is a very powerful feminine energy and frankly, that scares a lot of men. Most guys will try to suppress that energy. For me, I love being around that energy. I find great satisfaction and honour when the feminine feels safe and secure around me, especially when they surrender to it and let go! They soar like eagles among the stars.
I want to provide a safe container to allow that energy to be free. It is the biggest expression of love that I can find. When ever I have worked on projects that were driven by this energy, they have been amazing and life altering. The vision to change the world rests with the divine feminine being allowed to speak her peace and the masculine getting to work to make it happen.
In order for that to happen, we need to embrace non-violence in all forms. It is astounding just how violent society is, down to the words we use and even our body language. Is it any wonder that violence is the standard to modern institutions? They will do anything to prevent the divine feminine from feeling safe and expressing itself.
I've personally experienced the magic and amazing transformations that can result when we chose peace and provide a safe space for the feminine. Whether that is the feminine within each of us, or those who express the feminine outwards for others to experience. Peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love are the planters for the divine feminine to not only sprout and grow, but to flower and make this world beautiful beyond measure.
Time to get to work to build those flower boxes guys! Life on this planet depends on this work getting done! Institutions will crumble!
I've been invited onto @pennsif show tonight ( ). Please join us as we talk about these issues and more. All the details of the show can be found on @pennsif's blog that you can read here!
Thank you my love. It has been a wonderful adventure with you. The adventure continues because we both listen and share in a safe environment. The new space is about caring and taking care of each other. Time to heal wounds and be more loving toward all.
Our journey together had been all about learning the lay of the land. I would do it again with you in a heart beat. We wanted to learn how to do it right this time around and I believe we are doing that together. "I am all in".
I love you!!! I'm all in too!
Looking forward to you coming on The Alternative Lifestyle Show again today.
Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.
Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.
Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.
I look forward to being there. Starting in just over 20 minutes! For all those interested in the topics being covered today. 20 minute call! Otherwise you will be listening to a recording instead.
Thank you for this perspective. I appreciate what you bring to t he table and this one hits home for me as I am trying to do similar things with my special woman. I appreciate seeing how far you came and from where you came from. Blessings!
Your partner is indeed special and I can appreciate the challenge in finding the balance the relationship, provide a safe space and witness her thrive! It takes a special masculine energy to do that and I have no doubt that you have the capacity to hold that space for the both of you. <3 I look forward to being a witness to the relationship that is unfolding between the two of you.
'Divine Feminine' I like how it sounds when I say it.
Thank you for listening to your wife and more - for making the sacrifices to actually make her ideas a reality.
It'll be an adventure to see you guys mobile - having fun and spreading your philosophy everywhere you go.
Your garden looks awesome
Thank you. <3 Divine Feminine has a nice ring to it eh! :) I look forward to you being able to bask in the energy and feel safe doing it. I'm sure the journey will be full of challenges and lots of learning. We will do what we can.
I look forward to the show tonight. You are right. There is so much violence in our daily lives, form both actions and words. I didn't really come to terms with it until I moved into a macho society, that preaches one thing and practices quite another. It has taken a lot to be accepted in this kind of world without succumbing to the violence. It has been quite a journey up to this point and it looks like the adventure will continue far into the future.
Indeed my friend. We are FAR away from resolving these issues. It transcends governments, corporations or any institutions in existence. The solution rests within the hearts and minds of man. Few have the courage to venture into that expanse to heal the trauma and stand with the integrity required to make it work. I will write till my breath leaves my body on these issues. I feel like a broken record repeating the same stuff over and over and over again. I look for different ways to say the exact same thing. I will not stop.
Great 😊. I feel men will destroy the world if we dont get a bridle on the violence. Sometimes I feel that Hollywood is trying to hint to us as well with renditions like Lagertha and Joan of Arc. Poweful! I do not at all mind feminine energy, it does not scare me. I do know how to bask in it, but what saddens me the most is how is see in America, the corporate media pits a men vs women campaign in their social engineering agenda. They are futher pushing the feminine energies into a dark place. Maybe the ones who know can still enjoy...we need to awaken many. I can think of the saying of many a strong man had an equally as strong woman propping him up from behind. Most modern men don't understand how powerful women are no matter what their "status" is
I agree. I would go further to suggest that when we engage in violence we are abandoning the masculine as that energy is not violent. Instead we have wrongly associated violence with masculinity when in fact it is evil. I think most people (men and women) have no idea what divine masculine or feminine actually looks like or FEELS! We have a long way to go, but we are making progress. Ending the violence is the first step so that we can all heal and explore what these energies are. Everyone engages in violence. Not just men. ;)
I suppose your right. I would LOVE to feel the feminine energies from Lagertha, although that due to her rough may be with the spear 🤔😑. All silliness aside, the feminine energy is a wonderful energy. I liked the part about putting our ego aside. How destructive is the ego!? Ive seen actions performed through ego, although meant for good...usually manifests in a bad way. I have a great curiosity about the female ego all of the sudden 🤔.
It is not a matter of putting the ego aside. It is about acknowledging the ego, taming it and allowing spirit to govern it rather than the body. It is a delicate dance. Most people try to kill the ego, but it is a part of us, just like an arm or a leg. Have you read my book 'Graduating Life with Honours'?
I have not , but this is not the first time i have heard the title mentioned here. So much i have to think about. Good to know the ego does not have to go 😊. I would hope i learn to balance my own. Lately, before i became heavily involved on steem, i had noticed that there is a part of my ego that overshadows my better attributes sometimes ..and i dont like it. It feels like the bad kind of ego. I had decided to try and be more humble and caring. Im genuinely caring, but i think humility and caring are a good was hoping to strengthen one with the other..if that makes sense 🤗.
it makes perfecct sense. The two work very well together. What a wonderful step to take. Have fun with it.
Thank you !! 😊. Nothing beats a personal journey that betters ones self AND can act as a witness for others to see that change comes from within. Happy to be on the journey 😊
Well said. Have an awesome day. :)
A lot of men (especially in my part of the World) don't really listen to their wives. It's interesting to find a man that does and actually gives her credit for it. Thank you for being an inspiration
I actually think that those who don't listen are insane. They can see and sense more than we can. Why would we ignore that? It seems crazy to me now. I listen intently when my wife shares what she feels and sees. It has saved our ass many times over, especially considering the work that we have done to UNGRIP. I'm very grateful for the insights that she contributes to the whole process.
Your wife was right! It's good to live in your house, breathe fresh air and eat natural products. So we will maintain our health and longevity. The photos turned out wonderful. I especially liked potatoes. We potatoes are already withered. There is no rain, a bad harvest.
Thank you so much. @wwf and I work hard to work together. It really is a balance for both.
Sor sorry to hear about your potatoes. It is hard to provide for your family when there is no rain. We have in the past had to water the gardens just to be able to provide for the year.
Our garden is the best we have ever had. I'm astounded at how well we did this year with growing food. We had lots of rain this year too. That helps. I will see what I can do to send more rain your way. Yes, my wife was right! She was right all along!!!!
And we have not had any rain in the Baltics since the beginning of May. Thank you for your reply. Good evening.
That is a beautiful and inspiring story @wwf; appreciate you sharing it here. If more in the world were as brave and aligned and you and your wife, this would be a much better place for us all!
Bright Blessings!
I agree. It is going to take a lot of healing, communicating and reconciling relationships. But I'm confident it will happen. Things are going to get very ugly before people surrender to this way of life, love, peace and freedom. But it will happen. I was just sharing with my wife yesterday that I wonder if we would see it in our life time.
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