RE: Setting the stage for real change
Great 😊. I feel men will destroy the world if we dont get a bridle on the violence. Sometimes I feel that Hollywood is trying to hint to us as well with renditions like Lagertha and Joan of Arc. Poweful! I do not at all mind feminine energy, it does not scare me. I do know how to bask in it, but what saddens me the most is how is see in America, the corporate media pits a men vs women campaign in their social engineering agenda. They are futher pushing the feminine energies into a dark place. Maybe the ones who know can still enjoy...we need to awaken many. I can think of the saying of many a strong man had an equally as strong woman propping him up from behind. Most modern men don't understand how powerful women are no matter what their "status" is
I agree. I would go further to suggest that when we engage in violence we are abandoning the masculine as that energy is not violent. Instead we have wrongly associated violence with masculinity when in fact it is evil. I think most people (men and women) have no idea what divine masculine or feminine actually looks like or FEELS! We have a long way to go, but we are making progress. Ending the violence is the first step so that we can all heal and explore what these energies are. Everyone engages in violence. Not just men. ;)
I suppose your right. I would LOVE to feel the feminine energies from Lagertha, although that due to her rough may be with the spear 🤔😑. All silliness aside, the feminine energy is a wonderful energy. I liked the part about putting our ego aside. How destructive is the ego!? Ive seen actions performed through ego, although meant for good...usually manifests in a bad way. I have a great curiosity about the female ego all of the sudden 🤔.
It is not a matter of putting the ego aside. It is about acknowledging the ego, taming it and allowing spirit to govern it rather than the body. It is a delicate dance. Most people try to kill the ego, but it is a part of us, just like an arm or a leg. Have you read my book 'Graduating Life with Honours'?
I have not , but this is not the first time i have heard the title mentioned here. So much i have to think about. Good to know the ego does not have to go 😊. I would hope i learn to balance my own. Lately, before i became heavily involved on steem, i had noticed that there is a part of my ego that overshadows my better attributes sometimes ..and i dont like it. It feels like the bad kind of ego. I had decided to try and be more humble and caring. Im genuinely caring, but i think humility and caring are a good was hoping to strengthen one with the other..if that makes sense 🤗.
it makes perfecct sense. The two work very well together. What a wonderful step to take. Have fun with it.
Thank you !! 😊. Nothing beats a personal journey that betters ones self AND can act as a witness for others to see that change comes from within. Happy to be on the journey 😊
Well said. Have an awesome day. :)
You too!