Detaching our bodies from spirit is dangerous for both!
We have a pandemic that is now more clear than ever before. I'm not speaking about viruses making people sick or some nasty bacteria bug killing millions. Nope. The pandemic has to do with something far more dangerous. I speak of a group of people who have managed to completely detach their body from spirit and have allowed ego to go completely rouge with no moral or ethical compass to govern their actions or behaviours.
These individuals completely depend on the state to dictate their actions even when the moral and ethical decay reaches such a stench that people are in a panic on how to fix it all. Their slave cage crumbles around them and they fight to built it back up, justified because their feudal master says it is okay. Violence, greed, slavery and tyranny legislated into existence and justified 'legally'.
I have witnessed how people seem to have no problem engaging in behaviours that hurt, enslave or even kill others out of fear, ignorance, greed, power and a whole range of other justifications just because the state passed some sort of 'law'. Some of them are even capable of showing no compassion, empathy or concern for their spiritual brothers and sisters or our spiritual relatives that share space with us on Mother Earth.
Daniel's answer to the King [public domain] - Briton Rivière 1892
How can a one year old child be in court without parents for an immigration hearing in the US? What about the people being killed in Nicaragua, Gaza and all the other areas of the world? Look at the news and you will see this pandemic spreading far and wide across the entire planet.
The problem is worse as the gap grows between those who stay connected to spirit and able to express compassion and empathy, verses those who engage in violence by using fictional constructs to justify control, manipulation or even murder. The gap has turned into a chasm and if we are not careful there will be no way to bridge that gap to help those on the other side.
How do we close that gap and help all those people?
First step is to acknowledge those that actually want to heal and be helped. Most of them don't, but some do. Those that don't are headed down a path of self destruction as spiritless life does not resonate with the spiritual evolution and revolution that is taking place on this planet.
We are in the middle of an awakening where all the evil acts that were done in secret shadows are coming to light. It may seem the world is deteriorating, but in fact it is actually healing. To heal we need to examine the darkness within, acknowledge it and heal it. The sad part is that the spiritless people want to pick up their pitch forks and kill the bastards rather than help them heal from their spiritless walk in life.
If we can encourage, support and embrace spirit centric life instead, we can heal and turn this around. A spirit centric life demands that we heal ourselves, find the courage to walk our path despite the dangers and influence others to do the same out of compassion, patience, freedom and love. Walking this journey brings qualities of being gentle, quiet, unaggressive; benevolent, kind; courteous, humble, unassuming. These words define what meek is all about and why being meek is so important in our spiritual development.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5
I really do believe we are witnessing prophecy unfold. Not just prophecy in scripture, but I've heard many indigenous peoples from all around the world talking about how even their prophecy is unfolding as well. We are indeed in a time of great change and one of the core components of that change has to do with our choice to live a spirit centric life or detach spirit and surrender completely to fictional constructs which feeds an unhealthy ego and leads us into violence, darkness and destruction.
The meek will have fought their internal demons, gone through many hardships, learning through those experiences, humbled themselves, reconnected to spirit and surrendered to the spiritual path. They refuse to participate in the constructs that knows only violence, abuse, control, greed and slavery. Instead they walk a path to influence others to consider spiritual centric ways of life and teach strategies on how to do the healing and return to natural law, mother earth and Creator.
It matters not which ceremonies or path one takes to get there. They are all beautiful, peaceful and spiritual. What matters most is that we don't engage in the ceremonies of evil as they force a wedge between body and spirit. Their ceremonies cut the ties that bind body to spirit. The goal of evil is to disrupt the process that is unfolding on this planet. A spiritual revolution will destroy their empires and so evil works hard to ensure that does not happen.
They will lose, but sadly will take many with them. I urge everyone to consider these points and work on strategies to help all that we can to reconnect. We started the Tawatinaw Initiative for Peace and Independence (TIPI) to help people connect to spirit centric life and help others on their healing journey. I know many others who are doing the same. The call went out to the tribes and many have answered the call. We are not doing this in competition but rather cooperation. I know of some tribes who are working together for a common purpose and goal.
That is spirit making its move on this planet. It demands that every single spiritual being on this planet, whether they have two legs, four legs, wings, fins or even crawl on the ground to stand up and take action. The meek will indeed inherit the world as the spiritless will no longer be allowed to live here as this planet is going through a spiritual upgrade. Resonate with that upgrade and people will make it through. Healing, compassion, empathy, love, patience and non-violence are just some of the meek qualities required to pass through to the other side.
May spirit guide us all and work hard to bring as many people with us as we can. I love you.
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In this part of the world, we see much turmoil and violence, there is evidence of persons who have the ability to pass through to the other side. More and more we see that people seek to heal and find the peace they crave. They are reconnecting with their spirits. It will be a long journey for most. But we do observe the pandemic spreading. Hopefully, we can cause a small ripple effect and keep it from spreading further.
Highly rEsteemed!
Me siento muy identificada con lo que dices, sobre todo en esta parte que me permito citar "I have witnessed how people seem to have no problem engaging in behaviours that hurt, enslave or even kill others out of fear, ignorance, greed, power and a whole range of other justifications just because the state passed some sort of 'law'. Some of them are even capable of showing no compassion, empathy or concern for their spiritual brothers and sisters or our spiritual relatives that share space with us on Mother Earth"
Y justamente me identifico por que lamentablemente en mi País Venezuela sufrimos de esa pandemia... el poder he enceguecido todo juicio moral y justo, destrozando a todos y todo... sin embargo trato de conectarme con mi interior y hacer crecer mi luz interna con mis pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones... Trato de mantener en conexión mi cuerpo, alma y mente, por que así soy mas coherente con el mundo que espero formar.
And I just identify because unfortunately in my country Venezuela suffer from that pandemic ... the power I have blinded all moral and just judgment, destroying everyone and everything ... however I try to connect with my interior and grow my inner light with my thoughts, feelings and actions ... I try to keep in connection my body, soul and mind, because that way I am more coherent with the world that I hope to form.
It takes work and doubly more challenging in the face of violence, corruption and chaos. But I have faith that people like yourself will find ways to overcome and be the change we want to see in the world. We confront ourselves and grow. That is the most challenging step to take. Keep up the great work.
Si es así! Que el Universo siempre nos guíe en este camino...
No tengo dudas de que el Creador nos guiará. Todo lo que se requiere es fe y que escuchemos y veamos los signos en el camino. La paz sea contigo.
So beautiful. Many people have found ways to shut out their humanity. We should take measures to spread messages like this in other to prevent more and more corrupted souls. This piece is golden
I love you too! Thank-you Creator ❤❤❤
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