RE: Detaching our bodies from spirit is dangerous for both!
Me siento muy identificada con lo que dices, sobre todo en esta parte que me permito citar "I have witnessed how people seem to have no problem engaging in behaviours that hurt, enslave or even kill others out of fear, ignorance, greed, power and a whole range of other justifications just because the state passed some sort of 'law'. Some of them are even capable of showing no compassion, empathy or concern for their spiritual brothers and sisters or our spiritual relatives that share space with us on Mother Earth"
Y justamente me identifico por que lamentablemente en mi País Venezuela sufrimos de esa pandemia... el poder he enceguecido todo juicio moral y justo, destrozando a todos y todo... sin embargo trato de conectarme con mi interior y hacer crecer mi luz interna con mis pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones... Trato de mantener en conexión mi cuerpo, alma y mente, por que así soy mas coherente con el mundo que espero formar.
And I just identify because unfortunately in my country Venezuela suffer from that pandemic ... the power I have blinded all moral and just judgment, destroying everyone and everything ... however I try to connect with my interior and grow my inner light with my thoughts, feelings and actions ... I try to keep in connection my body, soul and mind, because that way I am more coherent with the world that I hope to form.
It takes work and doubly more challenging in the face of violence, corruption and chaos. But I have faith that people like yourself will find ways to overcome and be the change we want to see in the world. We confront ourselves and grow. That is the most challenging step to take. Keep up the great work.
Si es así! Que el Universo siempre nos guíe en este camino...
No tengo dudas de que el Creador nos guiará. Todo lo que se requiere es fe y que escuchemos y veamos los signos en el camino. La paz sea contigo.