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RE: Setting the stage for real change
I suppose your right. I would LOVE to feel the feminine energies from Lagertha, although that due to her rough may be with the spear 🤔😑. All silliness aside, the feminine energy is a wonderful energy. I liked the part about putting our ego aside. How destructive is the ego!? Ive seen actions performed through ego, although meant for good...usually manifests in a bad way. I have a great curiosity about the female ego all of the sudden 🤔.
It is not a matter of putting the ego aside. It is about acknowledging the ego, taming it and allowing spirit to govern it rather than the body. It is a delicate dance. Most people try to kill the ego, but it is a part of us, just like an arm or a leg. Have you read my book 'Graduating Life with Honours'?
I have not , but this is not the first time i have heard the title mentioned here. So much i have to think about. Good to know the ego does not have to go 😊. I would hope i learn to balance my own. Lately, before i became heavily involved on steem, i had noticed that there is a part of my ego that overshadows my better attributes sometimes ..and i dont like it. It feels like the bad kind of ego. I had decided to try and be more humble and caring. Im genuinely caring, but i think humility and caring are a good was hoping to strengthen one with the other..if that makes sense 🤗.
it makes perfecct sense. The two work very well together. What a wonderful step to take. Have fun with it.
Thank you !! 😊. Nothing beats a personal journey that betters ones self AND can act as a witness for others to see that change comes from within. Happy to be on the journey 😊
Well said. Have an awesome day. :)
You too!