Just finish Dark season 3
Few days ago I've written a post about the release of this TV series by Netflix after a couple of years since the last episode of the previous season.
As I already stated in my previous post, a series so complex like this one, and because this long waiting time, like around two years if I'm correct, was preferably to re-watch the whole thing from episode 1 season 1, But of course I could not wait, because the MY curiosity after the last episode was too big and I just wanted to watch it ASAP.
In these last season there were just eight episodes so we didn't take so long to watch them.
I can say that so far I like it even though as I said, I could not understand exactly the plot because it was too confusing and I will take my time to review properly after I watch it again, and I will hopefully be able this time to get the clear picture.
Even if talking about clear picture about dark is quite a joke.