How Powerful Is TV and The Theta Flicker Rate For Mind Control?

in #tv6 years ago

Our Brain processes 5 different types of frequencies. Alpha, Beta, Delta theta and gamma. The Beta wavelength is the common conscious brain wavelength that is used during our waking hours. This would be the alertness for the conscious mind when at school, work, play or general thinking. Beta wavelengths are generally between 12 to 30 Hz.

Theta wavelengths are when we are in deep sleep or in the realm of our subconscious mind. It is this wavelength of 4 to 7 Hz that our body heals and when we are impressionable. For decades the CIA and other government agencies have been interested in mind control. Think of the implications if you could successfully manipulate ones thinking? From the 1930's through the 1950's Mind Control substances were researched heavily. This was the era of the psychotropic drugs. You remember the days of LSD ( Lysergic acid diethylamide) and PCP (Phencyclidine). Well the research of these mind altering drugs and the funding came to an abrupt end by the early 1960's. Why?

Well, the answer lies with the research of the Soviet Union. Wladimir Velminski wrote a book called Sovieticus: Brain Waves, Mind Control, and Telepathic Destiny and the Taylorist methods to Soviet industry. The Soviet Union scientist discovered that you could effectively control mental behavior through various flicker rates or frequencies seen by the human eye. Yes, you could program the mind through flicker frequencies that a human saw through their eyes. These controlling frequencies were using the Theta frequency rate and were not detected by the participants conscious mind.

When several Soviet Scientists defected to the U.S.A., they brought with them decades of flicker rate mind control technology. In a sense, they were decades ahead of the U.S.A. since flicker rates was by far more effective than chemically altering the brains chemistry and passing through the blood brain barrier. So out with the funding of psychotropics and in with the flicker rate research (better known as Television).

There is a reason why the United States had the DTV act (Digital Television Transition) on June 12, 2009. It was on this date that the country switched from analog TV transmission to digital TV. To help with the cost of this change over to digital transmission, the coupon-eligible converter box (CECB) act was passed and launched on January 2008. Each U.S. household was able to request between $40.00 to $80.00 of a prepaid debit card to cover the costs of a converter box for your home TV. This cost the U.S tax payer upwards of over $1 to $2 Billion dollars.

My question is this? Since when does the government care whether or not we are able to watch reruns of a 1980's sitcom or that Sundays Football game at a tune of costing them $ Billions of dollars? Is it because our current TV programming system layers frequency transmissions of 10Hz to 30Hz Beta with that of the undetectable 4Hz to 7Hz of the Theta? I am just asking. To me, it is evident that mind control technologies have come a long way. Layering TV transmissions with sub conscious programming would be the best way to "mind control" or manipulate a population effectively. By any chance , have you gone to a restaurant and seen TV's on the wall? How about a waiting room while your car is being repaired? Ever go to a gas station to fill up and a TV screen is playing above the gas pump? Well, I have. I can not get away from the TV. I am sure there are hundreds of Airports with no TV's playing. NOT.

Are you getting the point? Can you connect the dots? I got rid of my TV 24 years ago. As I have always said, it was one of my best top 3 decisions of my life. Try getting rid of TV? Can you? 99% of the population is addicted to TV. Do you think it is good to have any kind of addiction? Is being addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco good for you? How about caffeine? In reality any addiction is not good. That means that that addiction runs your life not you. Every addiction you have is like a permanent monkey on your back. People are addicted to TV. How long can you go without TV? How many people turn TV on within the first 5 minutes of being home? Have you ever tried to get someones attention when they are watching TV? Try telling someone it is dinner time while they are watching TV. It is like they are in a trance and you have to physically get their attention to hear what you are saying. That is because they are being downloaded with Theta messaging and are in a subconscious trance.

I suggest you look into this topic further unless you like to be mind controlled without your permission. If you enjoy flicker rate technology being used on you and your family, than by all means keep watching TV. Below are some good reference materials regarding brain wavelengths and flicker rate mind control. It kind of reminds me of the movie "They Live" a 1980's science fiction classic.

images from:,,,


Love that movie. Starts slow as hell but what a great flik! I ran across something not long ago speaking on how wavelengths we use now mess with the water molecules within our bodies and that the wavelengths that mess with the oxygen molecules had just been opened and released for use? Have you heard of this? If so, and you want to comment on it, what do you think? Great post by the way as usual.

Yes the frequencies do effect water and other molecules in our body. Wait until they roll out the 5G Network. Not good. This is part of the reason I have researched and developed my structured water. There is much unknown about the water molecule. Most people only have access to "Bulk" water. Energized water is key to productive Carbon based performance.

I'll have to learn more about structured water but I do own a stainless steel distiller that I've used for years to distill my drinking water. We are mostly water so why put dirty water in. The old adage you are what you eat is so true. I've heard you can structure your water by pouring over a funnel of marbles? True? I have learned though that water is the universal solvent and it does not hydrate it cleans. One can drown from consuming to much water. Thoughts? Good post.

Watch my Matt Beasley Crypto News interviews. I talk a lot about my water in those interviews. The funnel and marbles is the elementary first step in he process. That is where i started 13 years ago. Water does hydrate if it is restructured. All of humanity is slowly dying due to dehydration at the Nano level. My water is nano and penetrates the cells for hydration.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! I'll check out those interviews brother!

liquid crystal colloids?

You are getting close. The article is on the right track. There are more secrets that appear if you continue down this path. Very good so far. You are the farthest along so far.

thank you! i'm excited to learn more

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