Picard : The Last Generation.
Well, that was about as perfect a ten hours of television that I guess I will see. The comparison with Mandolorian? Well, you know - if the two weren't side by side and cheek by jowl... I guess it might be a debate or a contest - the eternal Trek v Wars, battle beyond the stars.
Still, its great to see a show hitting all the notes.
Like, I GET IT. We want to tell different stories to different audiences. And we can. And we should. We should bend the rules and break the borders, tell new stories, invent new characters. But to watch both shows is to see one universe captured by an eternal black hole of continuity and reference and Easter egg, trapped on the event horizon of relevancy.
How will THIS link in to all the other things that it might need to link into? And the other? it still fills its hours and minutes with continuity and reference, but somehow it soars, born aloft on a tide of nostalgia, escaping again and again the crushing gravitational pull of necessity.
I remember when Mando was like that.
I remember when Picard wasn't.
I guess I just wish the world of television had not waited thirty five years.
Yeah. It was good.