The Cabal & "Deep State" Criminals Are Being Taken Down & Here's Proof. This Is The Most Important Document You Are Likely To Read In This Lifetime! Everything In This Document Can Be Verified As Facts.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

The Cabal & "Deep State" Criminals Are Being Taken Down Now & Here's Proof.


This Is The Most Important Document You Are Likely To Read In This Lifetime And It's All Good News.

This is NOT "fake news". Everything in this document can be verified with FACTS from THE UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT which is above and over-rules any illegal court or BAR association.

It took me a long time to put this together and I hope that based on the quality of the posts I share, people will take the time to read at least parts of this. I cannot think of ANY information anywhere on the web that is more powerful and important than this article. And no, I do not take any credit for the writing of any of this information. It's just my duty and obligation to pass it on to as many people as possible. It will be very interesting to see the response on this one, and how many will take the time to educate themselves before scrolling along. 🙏

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Yes it's a long document, and you may want to read it in sections, but you're definitely going to want to read it and educate yourself with the good news. It will right every LIE that has ever been purported onto the American people as well as the rest of the world govt's deceptions to the people. If you'd like to truly Wake UP while being very happy about what is currently happening behind the scenes, this will be one of the most eye opening and satisfying reads you will ever partake in.

I will attach the entire Word document link for those that would like to save, download, and share at the bottom of this post.

This is truly the news we have been waiting for and our reason for being on Earth at this time, to celebrate this monumental shift from slavery and lies into a new world of love, peace, and compassion for ALL.

🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡🐡

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All Interested Individuals and/or Public Servants


Sovereign Principals of Earth Acting Knowledgably

This is a peaceful correspondence, and is not meant to
mislead, bully, threaten or harass anyone but rather to offer
the following information and thoughts that may assist in the
safety and protection of yourself and your families moving
forward in this time of great change coming upon the earth.
That being said, having received this information, you are
charged with due diligence and personal responsibility in researching the
information provided and are henceforth-acting knowledgably.



We are Sovereign Principals and members of the Global Network Reset
Restoration Network Family. The Global Reset Network is currently 7.5 billion
people strong and growing stronger by the minute.
As members of the Global Network, we represent ALL of mankind. We are NOT a
sovereign citizen group or connected with them in any way.
As Sovereign Principals, we are creditors to the National Debt. As creditors to the
National Debt, we are under the protection of world treaties and the International
Council of Security / Universal Security Council.
As Sovereign Principals, we are charged with conducting ourselves in a manner
consistent with the five divine principals of the Universe of PEACE, LOVE, TRUTH,
FREEDOM, and JUSTICE. This mandates the telling of the truth.
The protection of ALL Sovereign Principals is of crucial importance and national
and international security. As Sovereign Principals, we are and will be the funding
sources for all future financial transactions after the Global Reset for the nations
and world as a whole.

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Moving Forward Requires an Open Mind
“The Old Global 501(C)3 System”

The old world 501(C)3 financial control system,
dubbed by some as the “The New World Order”, “The
Cabal”, “Shadow Government”, or “Deep State” has
collapsed and is in the midst of rapid free-fall.
This system otherwise known as “THE BEAST”, is a
corporate debt-based slavery system that has been controlling the minds and
hearts of mankind for a thousand years through a three part global control
system that includes:
(1) Economic/Financial Control through a debt-based monetary system
centered in the City of London England;
(2) Control through Religion by influencing the people’s thoughts and beliefs
and imprisoning their minds through manipulation of the Holy Scriptures and
Religious Institutions centered in Vatican City;
(3) Military Control centered in what is known as the United States of
America, the United States Military has been used by the system to
police the world and enforce the will of the system on mankind globally.
How the 501(C)3 Corporate System Affects You and Your Loved Ones
When you were born unbeknownst to them, your parents registered you with THE
BEAST, 501(C)3 System (i.e. Vatican Bank/British Crown/United States
Government) as a corporation by receiving and signing a birth certificate. In a few
years the corporation bearing the same name bequeathed to you by your parents,
received a taxpayer ID# called a social security number. The people are
considered chattel (cattle) in this scenario and sold on Wall Street as stock
otherwise known as human trafficking!!!!
This is so you, the living man/woman, can be used as collateral for the United
States of America Corporation to acquire debt. That’s right, YOU and your labor,
time, and energy is what backs up and supports the National Debt, the Global
Control Grid, and the many nefarious (evil) black budget operations such as

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“Project Paperclip”, “Project Mockingbird”, “MK Ultra”, “Operation
Northwoods/911”, and others.
Worthy Note: The Holy Bible teaches in 2 nd Corinthians 4:4 that Satan is the god
of this evil world. If you don’t understand this, then you will never grasp the
workings of the “New World Order”.

The Shadow Government and Deep State

“Unseen Forces Behind the Scenes - Controllers and Puppet Masters”
The people of the world are becoming increasingly aware that 99% of the Earth's
population is controlled by what many know to be the "elite" 1%. A Council of the
13 families that control the old global debt-based financial system consists of less
than 1% of the 1% "elite" and nobody on Earth can apply for membership.
Reportedly by their own words and actions, members of these families believe
they are entitled to rule over the people because they are the direct descendants
of ancient gods and consider themselves royal. The 13 “main bloodlines” are
reported to be:

  1. Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
  2. Bruce
  3. Cavendish (Kennedy)
  4. De Medici
  5. Hanover
  6. Hapsburg
  7. Krupp
  8. Plantagenet
  9. Rockefeller
  10. Romanov
  11. Sinclair (St. Clair)
  12. Warburg (del Banco)
  13. Windsor (Saxe-Coburg- Gothe)
    There are many behind the scenes controllers and puppet politicians in the “New
    World Order” system, the most prominent being the Vatican Pope, and the Queen
    and Royal Family of England. Other well-known alleged interconnected bloodlines
    include but are not limited to: Gates, Disney, Collins, Du Pont, Kennedy, Li, Onassis,
    Bundy, Astor, Reynolds, Russell, McDonald, Clinton, and Bush among others.

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Some famous alleged elite/cabal members include world political leaders, singers,
rappers, and high profile Hollywood actors. Even powerful businessmen and
women and entire corporations/companies such as “Coca Cola”, The World Health
Organization”, “Red Cross”, “Food and Drug Administration” etcetera are alleged
to have Cabal ties.
It's not just entertainers and governmental bodies connected to the Cabal. Many
of the most powerful and well known fraternal organizations, think tanks,
fraternities, religious organizations and professions are in league with the Cabal.
Their goal is nothing less than total enslavement of the human race through mind
control, police state laws, population culling, and constant tracking (i.e. facebook,
google etcetera). All of this will be done to please the Dark Lord himself: Satan,
the head of the Cabal and the string-puller controlling all of the wealthy and
powerful men at his disposal. They, in turn, through these many organizations
and front groups, attempt to control the unsuspecting masses.
Sound confusing? It can be, given that virtually everyone in any kind of position of
power is thought to be a member of the Cabal. But do a little research, and the
connections start to look more than theoretical.
There are very real groups,
from the Catholic Church to
the Bilderberg Group, said
to have strong ties to the
Cabal, doing their dark
bidding. A few particularly
noteworthy groups are
known as “Free Masons”,
“Skull and Bones”,
“Trilateral Commission”,
“Council on Foreign Relations”, “Knights Templar”, “Bohemian Grove”, “The
Communist Party”, “The Fourth Reich”, “Satanists”, “The Vatican”, “Big Pharma”,
“Big Oil”, “Wall Street”, and “Hollywood” just to name a few.
The Thirteen “Elite” Families have very intimate roles with the American and
British intelligence cults. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, there is a behind

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the scenes network of control known as “The Shadow Government” and beyond
that a network of control known as the “Deep State”.
For further research search the internet for: “The Deep State and Shadow
Government” and/or visit


The B.A.R. and Statutory Court Connection

Non-Constitutional Statutory Courts are corporate franchise agencies working as
corporate administrators for the banking system to elicit slavery by consent of the
people by covert means.
Agents and Officers of the courts (Attorney’s Judges, Clerks, Bailiffs, etcetera) of
these administrative corporate agencies i.e. courts work for the corporation to
impose its corporate statutes, laws, rules, regulations and codes on the
unsuspecting public.
With millions of man-made statutes, it is impossible for the people to abide by all
of them. At any given time, a corrupt judge or attorney can pull out any number of
these statutes to target any individual it feels inclined to target. This is how a
corrupt corporate judicial system is able to control the people.
Attorneys are members of the foreign corporation known as the B.A.R. and owe
their allegiance to the crown of England (i.e. elite/cabal) as foreign agents. B.A.R.
stands for British Accreditation Registry. The American BAR Association (and its
State alter-egos) has, for all intents and purposes, taken over the entire federal,
state, and local governments.
Attorney’s prepare and monetize security instruments called bonds in
the form of court documents (i.e. summons and complaints, summary judgments
etcetera). A surety (you and your labor as energy/collateral) is needed to
monetize (convert into currency/money) the bond. When you respond by
appearing and stating your name, you accept responsibility to be surety for the
bond, when in reality you are the beneficiary. Motions are filed (creating the
illusion of justice) and in the end the bonds are monetized and traded as security
instruments on Wall Street. This is a covert (hidden) form of “human trafficking”.

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Under the Roman Curia is an arm of the 501(C)3 BEAST slavery system known as
the District of Columbia, a de facto legislative democracy which is centered in
Washington D.C.. Under the District of Columbia are the many agencies and sub-
corporations operating for the benefit of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
corporation. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a privately owned corporation
owned and operated by private bankers that formerly controlled the old world
banking system which has collapsed and is currently imploding in on itself.

Deception and Disinformation

We regret to inform you that if you are a municipal, judicial, political, and or law
enforcement employee, officer, agent, and/or contractor (realtor, process server,
ET AL, any franchise corporation thereof and/or any agency of the District of
Columbia (i.e. Washington D.C.) existing under the Roman Curia, you have been
deceived by one of the organized criminal factions commonly referred to as The
Order, The Cabal, The Shadow Government, or The Deep State to violate the
inherent sovereign and human rights of mankind i.e. the people.
Every single statutory court that engages in the enforcement of an
unconstitutional law is engaged in human rights violations. The officers, agents,
attorneys, clerks, judges et al employed by these courts whether knowingly or
unknowingly are participants in human trafficking and misallocation of funds
intended for the people by way of the securitization of court documents i.e.
divorce decrees, summary judgments etcetera.
Note Regarding Foreclosures/Corporate Land Grabbing: Foreclosures are
actions by the corporation(s) with the assistance of employees, agents, officers
(attorneys, judges, clerks etcetera) of the corporate administrative agencies i.e.
statutory courts to make theft of the peoples custodial homes and the land. Make
PROCEEDINGS and it is ILLEGAL. ALL foreclosures are gross human rights
violations and have been deemed by the highest court, that being the UNIVERSAL
WORLD COURT, to be null and void.
If you are an individual, law enforcement officer, broker, realtor and/or any other
corporate employee, officer, agents, and/or contractors that have participated in

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and/or is a party to the unlawful conversion and/or transfer of a foreclosed
property, you are in violation of orders from the highest court on this planet.
Provisions at the highest level have been made for the return of these properties
back to the original custodians as well as consequences for those who participated
in the organized theft of these properties.
We recognize that most of the world’s people are victims of years of
disinformation. However, if you are engaged in harmful acts against your fellow
man, including those acts involved in the creation, imposition or enforcement
of laws that are constitutionally non-conforming (statutory laws, rules,
regulations and/or codes) upon the people, and/or actions to ignore
orders/judgments rendered by the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT, you are in
RIGHTS, WORLD CONSTITUTION, recent Executive Orders imposed by President,
Donald J. Trump, and you are in contempt of the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT.
Furthermore, the special interest groups that have instructed you to take such
actions do not have the power, intention, nor authority to create, impose, nor
enforce such unconstitutional laws.
We understand that you were/are following orders and directions of the forces
that once controlled the world financial system. However, ignorance of the law is
no excuse. Even a child knows the difference between right and wrong. Take note
from the Nuremberg trials, “I was just following orders” did not protect those
soldiers from facing charges for war crimes against their fellow man.
All men are created equal with sovereign rights, and are entitled to life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness. Likewise, all men are equally and personally responsible
for actions against their fellow man, and for upholding international laws that
govern peace and friendship in this universe.

Return to “God’s Law” - Omni-Law:
Ecclesiastical, International and Common Law

ALL men are subject to Ecclesiastical, International, and Common Law being those
laws that are common to man such as the UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSAL

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These laws can be summarized as being the five divine principals of LOVE, PEACE,
TRUTH, FREEDOM and JUSTICE given to man by the one and only creator of the
Universe YHWH who goes by many names, such as Buddha, Sabukha, Allah,
Confucius just to name a few. We caution you to not allow your personal religious
beliefs, opinions, and/or judgments to get in the way of this message, as ALL men
are allowed to worship under their own vine and fig tree.
The UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT, being the highest court on the planet renders
judgments in actions involving OMNI-LAW and is the only court that has the
authority to settle land disputes world-wide.
While all men are allowed to freely worship under their own vine and fig tree,
violators of these laws are accountable in their personal and private capacities
without corporate immunity.
Bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and
Seating of the Ad Hoc Judge to the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT
On July 24 th , 2007, a WORLD COURT Judgment in the amount of $875B in favor of
Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson for the theft of Henderson family property and resources
by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA became law. The credit was lent back to the
UNITED STATES to be used to settle the national debt with interest owing.
Subsequently, to avoid other lawsuits, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA filed for
bankruptcy and has been operating in bankruptcy with no credit and no legitimate
authority since 2010 and in fact since its conception.
Consequently, 198 of the World’s Sovereign Nations i.e. the people, joined Dr.
Henderson’s lawsuit as co-claimants and creditors of the UNITED STATES national
debt. These individuals are registered and identified as Sovereign Principals.
On June 28, 2010, Dr. Hendo I. L. Henderson was firmly seated in the position of
the Ad Hoc (Chief Justice) of the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT.
Dr. Henderson and other fiduciaries set up Trusts for the Redemption of Mankind.
These trusts include: “The Melchezidek Trust”, “Sovereign Civil People’s Rights
Trust”, Bathsheba and Esther Trust” and the “Rhoda Trust”.

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On March 1 st , 2013, Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson introduced the Master Sequester to
the United States Congress. On September 7 th , 2013, the Master Sequester became
law and all assets of the corporation were placed under sequester (frozen) until
settlement of the debt to the Sovereign Principals as creditors. The UNITED
STATES CONGRESS cannot avoid payment owing to the creditors nor nullify the
Master Sequester.
Subsequently, an In-Omnibus- spending bill was introduced to the United States
Congress, Congress passed the bill and it became law. The In-Omnibus law
provides guidelines to Congress as to how the creditors funds were/are to be
spent (all spending is added to the total balance owing plus interest to the
creditors). Total balance owing on the debt is now in the Trillions.
Malachai 3: 10 - Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be
meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I
will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that
there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Over the past 8 years the United States Congress has been spending assets
belonging to the creditors. Ultimately, in the end all tithes must be returned to the
storehouse. We are at now in those end times and the United States of America is
accountable for each and every life it has harmed.

Universal World Court and World Treaties

The UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT was created for and charged with oversight and
enforcement of OMNI LAW and the Judgment of Mankind.
The Divine Purpose and Mission of the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT is guided by
the five Divine Principals of the Universe of LOVE, PEACE, TRUTH, FREEDOM, and
JUSTICE to Up-lift Humanity; governed by the “Rule of Law” to free the world of
war and poverty and thereby bring prosperity to all mankind.
John 8: 32,36, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free
…. If the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
The bible tells us when the Son of Man returns, we will know him by the works of
his hands. The Redeemer is upon the earth as The Honorable, Dr. Hendo I.L.

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Henderson, Ad Hoc Judge/Chief Justice of the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT, and we
know him by the works of his hands (see Timeline… attached hereto).
Worthy Note: The Crown i.e. Queen of England answers to the Chief Justice of
the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT, Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson. Therefore for those
who are inclined to believe they are not subject to the UNITED NATIONS
mistaken. ALL MEN ARE SUBJECT to these laws with NO EXCEPTION!!!!
Treaties being the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, on July 4 th , 2016, the UNIVERSAL
WORLD COURT gave to the world the following:
Dr. Hendo I. L. Henderson. The World Treaty is the agreement of peace and
friendship among 198 Nations.
COVENANT TREATY OF AMEXUM - The Covenant Treaty of Amexum was co-
signed by Chief Justice, Dr. Hendo I. L. Henderson, and the Honorable Judge, Edwin
Leno Wilson Jr. (el), members of the International Council of Disciples,
Scribes, and Native American Chiefs. The Covenant Treaty of Amexum holds and
governs the Title Deed to the World.
WORLD CONSTITUTION - The original constitution penned by Colonel Richard
Henderson is the model for the World Constitution of people’s rights for the 198
Sovereign Nations of the World.

Trial For Human Rights Abuses

As the Highest Court on the Planet, the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT receives
letters of complaint and intent for violation of OMNI-LAW. Over a period of 3 ½
years, the court took statements from the global community and gathered
evidence of HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS worldwide in an open and transparent
forum. If you missed it, perhaps you were not paying attention.
At the conclusion of trial, the Court concluded that consistently, the same entity
was involved in the people’s complaints of human rights abuses worldwide, that
being the corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

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Writs of Injunction Issued

Between January 2017 and March 2017 the Court issued WRITS OF
pending cumulative investigative reports.

“Hawaii Writ of Injunction/Cease and Desist Order”

On January 25 th , 2017, the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT (UWC) issued WRIT OF
INJUNCTION/CEASE AND DESIST ORDER in the matter of in the matter of Cheryl
Representative, House District 11, Hawai’i State Capitol, Room 427, Honolulu,
Hawai’i, [email protected] and HAWAI’I STATE JUDICIARY,
Administrative Offices of the Courts, Ali’iolani Hale, 417 South King Street,
Honolulu, Hawai’i, 96813-2943.
Note: MARK ZUCKERBERG ESTATE ET AL is inclusive of all affiliated
corporations i.e Facebook/The United States of America/State of Hawaii Et Al.
The International Security Council/Council of Security is charged with
enforcement of the orders coming out of the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT. Those
in opposition and in violation are accountable for their trespass against the people
and the land.
Said WRIT OF INJUNCTION states in part: “By ORDER of this Court, Any future
offers to acquire land in Hawai’i is immediately stayed until a full investigation is
made by this Court. The action is an equitable remedy in the form of a court order that
compels the party to CEASE & DESIST all acts of acquiring and purchasing land.”
“If the party/parties fails to comply with this injunction they will face criminal and
civil penalties, including possible monetary sanctions and imprisonment. There can
also be charges of contempt of court.”


“I, Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson, ad hoc Judge of the Universal World Court, place all
Trustees/Libellees on Notice that Bearer is not now, nor has ever been subject to

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the absolutely bankrupt, ‘de facto jurisdiction’ and its so-called ‘Laws and Criminal
Justice System’. The United States Department of State and the UNIVERSAL WORLD
COURT have been duly Notified of this Notice Pursuant to International law under
international conventions and the World Court, these Sovereign Principles, shall
enjoy full immunity from criminal and civil jurisdiction pursuant to your Title 18
sec. 112 of the Internationally protected Persons Act of 1976. These Sovereign
Principals shall be treated with the utmost respect, and all steps shall be taken
to prevent collateral attack on his/her personal freedoms, physical mobility,
commercial interest, and residual property” .…………………………
“You are hereby directed to immediately CEASE and DESIST any and all efforts to
tax, extort, detain, search, arrest, prosecute, jail, collect from, disclose on,
evict, etc. intended to raid this beneficiaries account. All statutory judgments are
NULL and VOID regarding Bearer and his/her estate and all derivatives thereof Ab-
Initio Nunc Pro Tunc.”
“By the authority of the Universal World Court, in accordance with this NOTICE of
my correspondence with the Universal World Court petitioned on my behalf, I Dr.
Hendo I.L. Henderson, ad hoc judge of the WORLD COURT, place all
Trustee/Libellee’s on Notice that this person has never been subject to the absolutely
bankrupt, ’de facto jurisdiction’ and ‘so called Laws’ and ‘Criminal Justice System’, Ab
Initio Nunc Pro Tunc. You are hereby directed to immediately CEASE and DESIST
any and all efforts to prosecute, jail, collect, foreclose, evict, etc., intended to
raid this beneficiaries account of this beneficiary. HANDS OFF! He is the
beneficiary, and sovereign principal, not the surety. He owes no debt, nor taxes to
anyone, now or in the future. All Statutory judgments are null and void
regarding his estate and all derivatives thereof.”
“This Notice is of substantial importance to Trustee/Libellees as it involves you in
your private capacity in violation of constitutional law. This Notice is in compliance
with the New Order of the World, (N.O.W.) as it is now at the attention of the new
World Court in conjunction with the Master Sequester House Joint Resolution 85 Sec.
101, introduced to the 13 Congress by Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson, Principal of the
Sovereign Peoples Rights Trust, Elect Steward of the Melchezidek Trust on March 1,
2013; Federal Emergency Management Agency, recorded by Texas Representative
Carter. It passed the House on October 4, 2014.”…………………..

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Violations and Contempt of Court

In a blatant expression of contempt for the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT, State of
Hawaii, with it’s continuing of business as usual, imposition and enforcement of
unconstitutional laws, rules, regulations and codes, the continued transfer and
brokering of real property, and persistent human rights violations against the
People and The Sovereign Principals of Hawaii, State of Hawaii/Maui County Et Al,
is in violation of the foregoing WRIT OF INJUNCTION /CEASE & DESIST ORDER
and thereby subject to the penalties for violation thereof.
Cumulative Investigative Reports

On November 4 th , 2017, the people of Hawaii submitted a comprehensive formal
investigative report on human rights abuses by the corporate UNITED STATES OF
that report is Inspector, James Benish’s “CODEFORE INVESTIGATIVE REPORT”.
This report has been published on-line for review at
Other reports include but are not limited to a forensic audit of the FEDERAL
RESERVE BANK by a team of forensic accountants known as the White Hats, the
many victims of the world’s wars, victims of human rights abuses, including but
not limited to innocent victims of covert CIA mind-control programs, genocide,
economic and domestic terrorism, war crimes, human and sex trafficking, child
pedophile and satanic sacrifice rings. The list goes on.
Luke 12:2 (KJV) For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed;
neither hid, that shall not be known.
Philippians 4:6 (KJV) Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Statement of Fact

“All Men are to Be Free with Sovereign Rights”

On August 21, 2017, President Trump, CEO of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,
the seventh trumpet of Revelations sounded his horn to set the world free as he
proclaimed that all men are to be free with sovereign rights, and no man or
country has the right to deny any man this right of divine authority. Until the free

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Blacks and slaves are free, no one is free. The last are now first; with the LAW of
Moses; a more perfect law written on our hearts.
World Decree

On September 23rd, 2017, The UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT, Honorable Chief
Justice, Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson, and the Honorable Judge, Edwin Leno Wilson, Jr.
rendered “Final Judgment and Formal World Decree of Individual, National
and Universal Sovereignty”, whereby:
“It is declared, affirmed, and decreed that all nations no matter how small or how
great will respect the sovereign rights of all other nations.” ….
“It is the decree of the Universal World Court that diverse nations will cooperate to
protect their own national sovereignty, preserve their national security that will
promote their financial prosperity, physical safety, and spiritual beliefs.”
“It is the decree of the Universal World Court that diverse nations will embrace the
sovereignty of other nations that will promote security, prosperity, and peace for
other nations and for the world as a whole.”
“The pillars of peace are sovereignty, security and prosperity supported by the five
divine principals of love, truth, peace, truth, freedom and justice shall prevail as the
single most unifying force on the face of the planet.” …….
WORLD COURT with “NO EXCEPTION”. Violators are subject penalties for
contempt of court including arrest, and/or sanctions.
Final Judgment

“Order for Enforcement and Protection”

On December 24 th , 2017, The UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT rendered its FINAL
JUDGMENT & ORDER “Enforcement of the Rule of Law for the Protection of
Sovereign Principal’s Right to Property Free From Abuse of Human Rights
and Corruption From Transfer of Property Without Due Process of Law”

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The International Security Council/Council of Security has primary responsibility
for the maintenance of international peace and security and is charged with
enforcement of ALL JUDGMENTS coming out of the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT.
The International Security Council/Council of Security consists of 5 billion plus
soldiers from the nations of, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, and France. These
four nations are charged with the protection of the other 194 Sovereign Nations
including all sovereign principals under treaty with said Nations. The United
States has removed itself from participation as one of the original five nations
charged with the protection of the world.
Consequently, the Four Beasts of Revelation are The Leopard = The Asian World
to include China, Japan, Korea etcetera; The Lion = Germany and the Whole of
Europe; The Bear = Russia and its allied nations; and last but not least, The Dragon
with the Head of a Man = The United States of America also known as Babylon.
Iran and the Muslim nations will wait until the 4 Beasts fight. After
the final battle of Armageddon, the Dragon will be plundered and beat down,
never to rise again.
Revelation 18:11 (KJV) - And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn
over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:

War Powers Act

The people are protected under the WAR POWERS ACT. In summary, according to
the WAR POWERS ACT, if you will do nothing to help in this time of global and
national emergency, then you are to cause no harm.
Formal Indictment

Based upon overwhelming evidence and statements from first-hand witnesses, on
January 10 th , 2018, the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT issued a formal indictment
rights abuses that span the globe, the likes of which would horrify the good people

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of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the whole world if they could see it for
themselves. All interested parties have been served with notice of this indictment.

Human Rights Council Meeting
March 23 rd , 2018 Deadline

On February 25 th , 2018 UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL convened in
Geneva, Switzerland to allow for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to respond to
the charges and review evidence presented by the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT.
The deadline for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to respond to the charges
levied against it, was March 23 rd , 2018, the last day of the HUMAN RIGHTS
COUNCIL meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. The Human Rights Council is preparing
their final reports and the nations are getting ready for the final battle.
Amendment to the United States Martial Law Handbook
It is significant to note, that on March 1 st , 2018, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
President, Donald J. Trump amended the UNITED STATES MARTIAL LAW
HANDBOOK allowing for civilian arrests of criminals with the assistance of the
UNITED STATES MILITARY such as the National Guard.

December 21 st , 2017 Presidential Executive Order
Declaration of State of Emergency for Human Rights Violations
On December 21 st , 2017, in compliance with INTERNATIONAL LAW, the WORLD
President, Donald J. Trump, issued an Executive Order.
In Summary, per said Executive Order, it is illegal for any corrupt organization to
receive, hide, block, or transfer any asset of persons involved in serious Human
Rights Abuse and/or Corruption.
This order effectively calls for the blocking of the transfer of property and assets
of those who have been accused or charged with Human Rights Violations or
violations of the World Constitution and; Gives the United Nations Security
Council/Council of Security authority to enter the UNITED STATES to make

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arrests of those charged with Human Rights Abuses and the World Constitution.
Read it for yourself.
By declaring the foregoing, President Donald J. Trump has initiated a state of
emergency for human rights violations, which will have the effect of bringing the
people out of a system that was created in 1913 which was then modified in 1971
where the central bankers and developing deep state got larger and bigger and
more powerful and took over pretty much everything.

2018 IN-OMNIBUS Spending - What does it mean?

According to the XX2 Report: “President of the United States, Donald J. Trump
recently approved a 1.3 Trillion In Omnibus spending bill presented to him by
congress. This is a spending bill not a budget. In essence, Congress allocates money
to be spent.
Congress put this bill together not to help the American people. It was put together
to help private groups, certain entities, and its all being shut down and cut off by the
balanced budget and emergency deficit control act of 1985 that President Trump
Once congress allocates money and they are charged with oversight as to how the
money is spent. They don’t spend the money and have no say how it gets spent as
long as it’s spent legally. Once the President is given the money with instructions to
spend it, he has a number of choices to make in spending it. There are some rules
that he has to follow and some of the money is interchangeable. Congress and the
president are co-equal branches with equal functions. Congress allocates, and the
president spends.
There are other factors involved here. One of them is that the president has declared
a Human Rights Emergency via the Presidential Executive Order of December 21 st ,
2017, and has notified congress that he is invoking the balance budget and
emergency deficit control act of 1985. This opens up new options.
Congress is powerless to stop spending under an In-Omnibus Spending Bill. Despite
the language of the bill, it is trumped by the state of emergency that President
Trump declared on December 21 st , 2017. The president has national security as his

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primary responsibility and it is within his constitutional authority to use whatever
funds and declarations he needs for that job.”
Death of the Dollar - Introduction of the Gold Backed Yuan

Final Stages – Reset Confirmed

According to reports coming out of the global media, on March 26 th , 2018, China
introduced a 100% gold-backed yuan to the world financial market. This will
effectively kill the dollar as the world will no longer trade with worthless debt
notes known as United States Dollars when there is a gold-backed currency
This is the final stage of the economic implosion of the Central Banking System,
Shadow Government and Deep State i.e the BEAST 501(C)3 System..
Representatives and Servants of the People

“Breach of Trust”

With all that is going on in the political stage today, it is clear, any trust the people
have had in their public servants has been irreversibly subverted.
The highest function of government is to educate the public so they can self
govern. The people are not looking for leaders. We are leaders. We are giving our
chosen representatives the chance to act like leaders before they are removed
from their positions for treason, fraud, or incompetence. Their actions have
defined their ability to function in a position of public trust.
If our chosen representatives are to lead and our public servants are to remain in
their positions of service in this age they must first prove themselves worthy of
leading and honor their oaths of office to defend the people against enemies both
foreign and domestic. If leading is important to them, then it is time to remember
that anyone who is making decisions that affect the lives of others are accountable
for those decisions and as such are required to govern themselves accordingly.
If our chosen representatives and/or so-called peace officers exhibit an
unwillingness to intervene in matters that ensure the safety and protection of the
people as beneficiaries of the public trust and the peaceful transfer of power from

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the shadows to the stage it is witness that they are unfit to lead and/or to be in
positions of public service in any capacity.
Final Preparations are Underway for the Fall of Babylon
“Implosion of the Shadow Government and Deep State”

Mathew 10:26 - Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not
be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
Revelation 16: 15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth
his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. 16 And he gathered them
together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. 17 And the seventh
angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple
of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. 18 And there were voices, and thunders,
and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were
upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 19 And the great city was
divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in
remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his

New Order for the World - Order Out of Chaos

As the 8 th Trumpet of Revelations, Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson, shall bring order out
of the chaos. Welcome to the New Order of the World.
Revelation 21: 4 - And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall
be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain:
for the former things are passed away.

Intent and Purpose - Invitation to Participate

We recognize a debt cannot settle a debt and the law does not require
impossibilities, thereby, it is NOT our intent to reciprocate crimes perpetrated
against us. Rather, we humbly ask that you join us as we unite in one heart, one
mind, and one spirit, as brothers and sisters under the five divine principals of

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We ask that you honor the Son of Man and the Judgments coming forth from the
UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT. We ask that you observe and honor the THE UNITED
RIGHTS of ALL men to free with unalienable rights granted them by their creator.
However, time is of the essence as the time for redemption has passed. The end
of the old debt-slavery based financial system that has been cloaked in secrecy, for
millennia, founded on greed, tyranny and oppression, and enforced by
intimidation, and fear imposed upon the people under the illusion of superiority
and false claims of authority are upon us. The financial institutions of the world
are no longer under the control the previous dark ruling perpetrators/criminal
factions perpetuating their anti-freedom and anti-human agenda.
The 7.5 Billion righteous people of the world will not allow the personal agendas
of anyone to regain control and continue to create wars and division throughout
the planet. We are speaking to those in positions of authority when we say, your
continued support of these secret so-called authorities representing special
interests that are not in alignment with the freedom of mankind is no longer
Men trained to fight in battle carry guns, lay back waiting for orders while the real
heroes are the everyday men and women, who with no training, put themselves
and their families at risk every day to face tyrants that patrol our streets with guns
and clubs, pollute our environment and food supply, enslave our children’s minds
with lies through the public school systems and CIA controlled media propaganda,
enslave us with unconstitutional laws and unjust judicial systems, and murder us
with deadly drugs they label as medicine or pharmaceuticals.
Tyrants who have placed themselves in positions of so-called authority in the
political, judicial and law enforcement systems are nothing more than bullies who
have made themselves look bigger and more important by pressing and holding
down the people through fear and intimidation, and likewise inhibiting the true
potential of mankind.
This is a time for all to participate in the uplifting of humanity. A time to create a
world where our children are safe, and all mankind is free and equal with
sovereign rights.

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“The one unlimited resource we have on this planet is the human brain and we are
not taking advantage of the five billion poor and the brains and the ethics …. bottom
line here is we are at the very beginning of a thousand years of peace and
prosperity.” - Robert David Steele, Former CIA Officer

Statement(s) From The Honorable Chief Justice,

Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson

Based on where we are at right now many of the nations have agreed on what they
need to do to move forward in peace, love, truth, peace, freedom and justice.
The people are classified as Sovereignty of the Universe based upon every last one of
those individuals being a sovereign principal. And as we have reached out to the
many nations over the past 30 plus years, to make sure that these nations will come
forward and they will not only take a census in each nation or community, but that
they will take a census to know that there are individuals and to know that those
individuals have a number which now has been estimated to be 7.5 Billion people
and growing.
We do know that because of this system which is in place, to protect all of mankind
and to especially protect those that are classified, that have been indexed, identified
as those that are known as the people who have come forward to recognize
themselves as sovereign principals based on being an individual on the planet. To
truly be counted.
The United States of America once upon a time, was speaking on something they call
the 1%. It has become known to the rest of the world that America has become a
total 1% of everything that is going on on the planet. When we look into human
rights, America has been found to be the 1% that has never yet been truly counted
because it has no 100% of their people backing them. So they’ve only been counted
as 1%. They have also been a 1% when it comes down to something we know as the
sexual predators, those that are pedefiers, based upon those children around the
world. They have been the 1% that have spoken out against it at the Universal
World and what is known as the United Nations. So they have been the 1% in
everything that would move the world forward in a righteous manner for a new
beginning. They have been only 1% accountability of anything that has taken place
and now it is beginning to show by the destruction of their nation and by the chaotic

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way in which their nation is even running itself right now. And even though there is
a lot of denying from their would be higher ups, if we might even give them that title,
their higher up organizations, their higher up positions, even though there has been
a lot of denying, it is evident and obvious to all the nations around them that see
exactly why they are 1% all that they have ever allowed themselves to be
accountable for in any situation.
Nothing more needs to be implemented to bring to the nations peace, love, truth,
freedom and justice. - The Honorable, Chief Justice, Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson
Message to Hawaii from The Honorable, Chief Justice

Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson

To those who are in Contempt: “Hawaii is scheduled for major ethnic cleansing.
If Hawaii does not Cease and Desist, it will be annihilated in the final days coming
upon the earth.”
To the Righteous People of Hawaii: “When I come, there will be dancing in the
Definition of Ethnic: relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant
national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition.
Global Reset and the New Financial System

As it is written, the unrighteous shall destroy the unrighteous, and no nook, nor
cranny, nor rock shall be left unturned until every spark of its evil existence has
been annihilated never to rise again.
The old debt-based slavery system is bankrupt without any possibility of recovery.
All assets of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation are under sequester,
and it has defaulted on its obligation to pay off the Sovereign Debt to its Creditors,
the Sovereign Principals, on March 31, 2016.
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA including but not limited to its political
subdivisions, franchise states, cities, counties, its instrumentalities and
municipalities et al is irrevocably bankrupt.

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The new transparent digital banking system is 100% confirmed. There will be a
global reset and wealth redistribution where those who were first shall be last and
those who were last shall be first. Many will find themselves bankrupt after the
official reset.
We are in the transitional window where we as mankind can claim our freedom.
We are willing to accept responsibility to care for each other and create a thriving
environment where all living organisms can co-exist in balance and harmony
under the five divine principals of LOVE, PEACE, TRUTH, FREEDOM and JUSTICE
given us by the almighty creator YHWH.
It is imperative for your future and the safety and well being of your families that
you acknowledge there is but one creator of all things, that you honor his son, the
Honorable, Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson, and that you honor and acknowledge all
judgments coming out of the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT.
It is imperative for your future and the safety and well-being of you and your
families that you respect the sovereign rights of all people as has been ordered by
As members of the Global Network Reset Restoration Network Family, we are no
one, and everyone. We represent all of mankind, as we are all brothers and
sisters. It is our wish that all men be redeemed. We ask you to consider these
matters carefully and with urgency. There is no need to contact us or to have
further discussion as the matters have already been settled by the authority of the
most high.

The End of Global Tyranny, Oppression, and Slavery

On March 23 rd , 2018, the final outcome of the UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS
COUNCIL was that the nations would come and work together to fix the situation
based on Human Rights Violations and the participating nations have prepared
their final reports. Now the nations are moving their diplomats and ambassadors
around from their host locations. Many of them are being moved around because
their positions will soon be obsolete as we prepare ourselves for physical war.

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At the International Court level, International Courts, International Criminal
Courts and the Supreme Courts around the world are putting together
Ambassadorships that will go out and hold accountable those that are in violation
of Human Rights: Human trafficking, sex trafficking, child pedophying, and all of
those things which have been brought before the Universal World Court’s
attention that are illegal.
The nations are now coming together to rid the entire world and the universe of
these crimes. Nations such as the United States of America have been formerly
charged with human rights violations.
Those nations that have in the past as well as the present, gathered themselves
together to protect those nations that have been charged with human rights
violations likewise will be brought before the courts and given a fair trial. They
will be given the legal opportunity to present what they believe to be the truth
from their standings. This standing must be a true standing based upon the fact
that all of the other nations that surround them have already given their written
reports of what they have observed over the years about what is and what is not.

Redemption of Mankind – Melchizedek Trust

In-Omnibus Law

In the year 1999, the Melchizedek Trust, brought to the World by the Honorable,
Dr. Hendo I.L. Henderson was recognized by the International Criminal Court (ICJ)
as being the trust for the redemption of mankind. By the year 2002, the Trust
made it’s way around the world and has been recognized by all nations based
upon the fact that by a vote of 14 to 1 in favor, all of the judges of the International
Criminal Court of Justice recognized that the Melchezidek Trust had to be the
Trust that redeemed all of mankind on the planet.
The Trust provided that the human rights of all men, to include the women, and
the children who are the victims of pedophilia and sex trafficking, and who have
been cruelly and rudely treated in this world be respected.
Everyone is trying to claim a piece of the World Trust by filing he and she’s own
personal complaint. The complaints have already been answered. Everyone has
been given the free opportunity to redeem himself based upon setting everyone

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on the planet back to net zero. That means everyone will regain he and she’s
credit, which was given to them by YHWH, the God of the Universe.
Thereby, no one is in debt to anyone based upon being set back to net zero. But it
seems that we still have people paying bills, we still have people worrying about
loosing land, we still have people even brokering land, and giving away land.
Even some of the nations leaders are giving away land knowing that they cannot
give away that, which has already been inherited. The people already own the
land and thereby, it has to be returned to them in these days starting the end for
the new beginning.
Our class-giving days are over based on the fact that we are now implementing
everything that has taken place. The IN-OMNIBUS LAWS went to the United States
and were received and understood by then President, Barack Obama. The laws
were then given to the rest of the world by 2010. Definition of IN OMNIBUS: “In all
things; on all points”

Come Forward and Be Counted
The Global Peace Index

For the safety and protection of your families, and your future participation in the
thousand years of peace and prosperity for all that is on our doorstep, it is
imperative that you (1) Immediately identify yourself to the global community
and come under the protection of the Global Peace Index; (2) That you Honor and
Respect the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT and its Judgments; and, (3) That you
conduct yourself according to the five divine principles of the Universe of LOVE,
PEACE, TRUTH, FREEDOM and JUSTICE moving forward.
Many of those who classify themselves as leaders being, congressmen and women,
senators and senettes, heads of states and other such titles have already identified
themselves. They themselves carry dual citizen passports and international ID’s.
Even though many of your so-called leaders have identified themselves and
thereby have agreed to live by the five divine principals of the Universe, they have
failed to tell the TRUTH to the people. In this regard, as fiduciaries of the public
trust, they are responsible for the many lives that will be lost as a result of their
failure to speak the TRUTH.

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We must at all costs look out for all people, for all men are created equal and
endowed with the inherited right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is
for this reason that we, the Global Network Reset Restoration Network Family
have stepped up to the plate to assist our brothers and sisters. We are ready,
willing and able to help you in the process of identifying yourself i.e. indexing
under the Global Peace Index.
2 Samuel 24:2 - The king said to Joab the commander of the army who was with
him, "Go about now through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, and
register the people, that I may know the number of the people."

For assistance with the indexing process you may contact the Sovereign Civil
People’s Rights Indexing Staff by e-mail at [email protected]​m and/or Hawaii
Ambassador to the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURT, Cheryl Sue Marshall by e-mail at
[email protected] or by phone at 808-633- 6503. The foregoing
statement is accurate and true and can be validated by contacting Sovereign Civil
People’s Rights website:

As you can see everything is in place to put a permanent end to the tyranny
imposed on the global world by the fourth beast i.e. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
otherwise known as the biblical Babylon, and we all know how the story ends.
No man is an island, Entire of itself, but rather a piece of the main and a part of the
whole. Any man's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.

Inspired by: John Donne

The people of the world need to take immediate action. Consider carefully, act
decisively and pray that you and your family are worthy to escape ALL of the trials
and tribulations that are coming upon the earth.

Ezekiel 33: 8-9 “If I tell the wicked man that he shall surely die, and you do not
speak out to dissuade the wicked man from his way, he (the wicked man) shall
die for his guilt, but I will hold you responsible for his death. But if you warn
the wicked man, trying to turn him from his way, and he refuses to turn from
his way, he shall die for his guilt, but you shall save yourself.”
Respectfully and sincerely written with confident humility.

Page 27 of 26
We, the People as Sovereign Principals


We are NOT here to take responsibility for your actions, personal research,
choices nor the content of research material. Personal discretion is advised when
viewing the following links and attachments provided for research purposes:
Former CIA Officer exposes the Deep State:
Affidavit of Investigator James Benish regarding “Fear and Mayhem i.e. Corruption
in Hawaii”:
Questions and Answers
Timeline of Events – “Bankruptcy of the United States of America”
The Book of OBADIAH – “A warning to the U.S.A. and the European Nations”.

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Wow - the sheer volume and complexity of this post totally overwhelmed me. Supporting you in principle for the love and thought and time you have invested, but personally just feeling responsible for my own vibration at this point in time. Gratitude for your passion, Jeff.

Thank you Marike. It is a long post but it's certainly moving in the right direction and I fully support the people that are doing this kind of incredible and much needed work.

Your right it is a long read .
I appreciate your time in researching this and passing it on for others ,but personally I just don’t think there will ever be a utopian society where the whole world will change consciousness on mass .
I’m happy to see what my place is within all and even though I also send various reports about the manipulation and predetermined events creating wars ,suffering ,separation ,disease ,illness .death ,government and people in the shadows ,I also know that I care not one hoot as energy is energy and it’s just some cosmic dance of realignment .
Every one has there own vibration ,that’s all that is happening
So yes the human aspect wants to reach out to,others and lead them to peace happiness ,contentment ,stillness ,silence ,unimaginaginal extasy etcetc and we should forget out human side in all of this .
Each of the elite families could be a life time study just on its own and its fascinating insight to how history has been shaped fro:these families and their blood .
Simple we are all masters of our own destination as well as “only a pawn in the game “
We are lucky in many ways that we can observe the chaos from relatively safe human environments and there might or might be a higher reason for that and no I am not saying to accept just what we have and it’s all fate or destiny
Again it’s beyond our use of language to fully explain what is happening and it’s been like that since time that “masters “of the deeper meaning of existence has stayed silent and the students asked why that was so
The clock has turned and more secrets have been revealed to the masses and the results are there to see
Personally my connection is to the land mass of uk and the influence they have had in the distortions and the manipulation of basic low level human desire and qualities .
Each person from each continent could give their shadow family connection so poosiblynthe 13are more but of course in our western mind they are the Influntial .
It’s just a distraction to sitting down quietly and vibrating along with the attachment of human companions ship
Let’s all wish for a more peaceful world and show our love to the thousands and millions of people who are under a more forceful and violent attack on their living .
That’s all for now
Thanks for sharing Geoff

Thanks @lifeisgood7 for taking the time to check it out and share your thoughts. It's deep stuff, however this is the largest body of work that I have seen that is factual and lines up with everything I have been following for the past 10 years. I believe we are about to witness one of the biggest shifts in history and I for one am all for it. We may all be in our own realities, however so many game changers that I know and follow are on the same page with this, and it appears that we are all linked in the "collective" so I feel pretty confident about this happening. 🙏 People are Waking UP, albeit slowly and that's very good news.

Now that I have fully read and digested this article. Grounded and carried out my due diligence, followed up with many of it’s statements and claims.

I can confidently say that my automated upvote is solely in support of Jeff as an individual and his passion for humanity.

It is NOT in any way an endorsement or agreement with the information provided within. I have neither registered with GLOBAL PEACE INDEX or am I willing to recommend my family or friends to do so.

Sovereign principles have no obligation or requirement to be registered or counted under any authority regardless of the outcome of the UNIVERSAL WORLD COURTS proposed details.

Specifically in association with the criminal actions of Donald J Trump and THE UNITED NATIONS military deployment organization.

I agree to some details covered in the article. Specifically addressing the structure of the cabal, it’s misuse of corp-orate maritime law and the deep state land grabbing and enslavement agenda.

These are indeed critical times and I have been a researcher in the spiritual and esoteric battle within the noosphere and for energetic dominance over humanity for some years. Parasitic inter-dimensional harvesting is a very real threat to our spiritual evolution. Which is parallel to the imminent danger of the destruction of our environment and eco-systems.

Yes there are absolutely huge moves being made to out the Kabbalist Satanist from higher influential and political positions. However one must be cautious of jumping out of ones frying pan into a greater fire.

There are a number of red flags throughout the text that I would respectfully debate if invited to do so.

Points of interest may be the Kzarian Mafia and Neo Zionists, as well as other groups like the Melchezidek linage as well as external god worship, YHWH or Yahweh and question anyone quoting KJV and who they may serve.

Otherwise in honoring all paths I fully acknowledge every way is a way and will gracefully step aside. I do feel this comment is positively intended and also a supportive clarification on my position.

Wholeness is balance. There is not one without the other for all is connected and all is self.

Be love and beloved 🙏❤️

I have been a researcher in the spiritual and esoteric battle within the noosphere and for energetic dominance over humanity for some years. Parasitic inter-dimensional harvesting is a very real threat to our spiritual evolution. Which is parallel to the imminent danger of the destruction of our environment and eco-systems.

Holy schizophrenic nonsense. You need help, bro.

Thank you for writing this, it dovetails with my Starcast perfectly!

@sovereignalien. Was it not good enough to support and upvote? Or are you just commenting to advertise your page? Doesn't make sense to me.

Sometimes the upvote button doesn't respond from my browser. 🤷‍♂️
I followed you, and if you checkout my posts it might make more sense to you.
You have been upvoted per your request. 👌

Thanks @sovereignalien. It didn't show on my end hence my comment. Was not meant to be condescending at all. I was a bit confused when I saw your comment and username. We sometimes get people that aren't supporting et ask us to come and support their page. It's quite amusing.

I'll be stopping by to give you some support and check out your article. Thanks again 🙏

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