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RE: Creation Truth Short - Age of the Earth

in #truth7 years ago

You have chosen "your own reasons" to base your beliefs on.

You have chosen "your own moral standards" to measure yourself by.

Sober up!

It's really funny and ironic that you would say things like that. LOL

This is probably my last reply, there is no point in talking with somebody that views logic as a delusion and/or an evil. I'm really sorry that you have to sink to such intellectual lows to keep convincing yourself you are not wasting and have not wasted your time. But that's your choice and at least you seem to be happy living with it. Your judgment day babble doesn't scare me one bit just like I'm not scared of the Boogie Man from under the bed :P This type of silly scare tactics don't tend to work on adults...

God Himself has sent a strong delusion upon your heart so that you will never escape the darkness that covers you until you end up damned and punished eternally, because you refuse to love the truth.

Well if God is sending the delusion than he is a total asshole. Good that such a bastard of a creator doesn't actually exist :P I would also ask how would you know that that's really the case, but I see that you have nothing to justify your claims, that's why you keep repeating the same empty statements without explaining why they are true and why anybody should believe them. I certainly don't... I've asked you numerous times how do you know your unsubstantiated claims are true and all you seem to do is repeat that they are true as if repetition is an argument or is supposed to be convincing.

I am a man just like you!

So how do you know that I am wrong and you are right then?

Here's a HIM that exists:

And here's an animated one:

Cheers and all the best, mate!



I guess you think that you can just choose not to believe anything that you don't want to believe, and you won't suffer consequences for your decisions. The intelligence of your reasoning is unbelievable to me!

You are willing to just throw away yourself without diligently seeking the truth of the eternal consequences that you will suffer. Do you take all matters in your life that lightly? And you deluded atheists think that you are intelligent, and "religious" people are foolish? "Ignorance gone deceived!"

It is not for my personal benefit that I am conversing with you, but it is sure tragic to see a person like you so dishonest with yourself to ignore the truth in your own conscience of The Creator's existence, and the proof of His existence in all of His creation. You really need to sober up. You have the mentality of a child. You take life way too carelessly, and you will suffer the consequences eternally for your careless heart. Whether you are afraid or not is irrelevant to the consequences. Faith nor Fear don't change the consequences of decisions.

Three last questions for you. I just want to know what you "demand" of God or of man that warrants why you are willing to suffer eternal consequences for your beliefs.

  1. If The Creator (He doesn't exist to please His creation) would cater to your demands, what would want from Him that would convince you He is Who He claims He is in the Scriptures of Truth?

  2. If man could (You are responsible for what you believe. You can't blame anyone for the lies you believe.) prove The Creator existed, what would you want from a man that would convince you that nothing didn't produced everything?

  3. Have you seen this movie? "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (full movie)" Are you willing to see how God sends(allows) strong delusion upon people like you that hate truth.

I watched the movie and I liked it, but I love truth. You obviously don't.

"If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself." (John 7:17)

I admire your persistence, and thank you for the conversation. Of course, you don't have to respond anymore.

Love you as a brother!

I don't take this question lightly, that's why I investigate with rigor and that's why I require all claims to be supported by evidence. What's non-sober or immature about that? I hope you will take the time answering this question of mine, not like most questions I've asked you in this thread that you haven't bothered answering.

You really need to sober up. You have the mentality of a child.

I really laughed when I read that coming from a person that wants to scare me into believing a fairy-tale :P

Let me answer you specific questions unlike the way you have answered mine.

Q1: Any direct evidence will do. Is there any direct evidence?

Q2: Direct evidence. It doesn't matter what you want to convince me of, the only thing I require is direct evidence.

Q3: What? First, that's not a question, second, if you cared about truth you wouldn't be making empty assertions, you would be looking at and for evidence much like myself. The fact that you don't care about evidence shows that you don't actually care about truth.

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