What happens if Trump is convicted?
So let's assume that Trump is convicted and his appeals are exhausted. If he is sentenced to jail then how do we do that. And no this is not a "just treat him like everyone else" because he has Secret Service protection for life. It seems to me that he would really need that protection in a dangerous place like prison. Do the agents follow him around in prison?
I heard one person argue that the solution to that he gets house arrest. How does that work? Does he get to pick one of his lovely homes and then have to stay there with SS protection? is there a designated non-luxury home he has to stay at. It seems to me that it will be hard to use house arrest on Trump if punishment is part of the reason for the sentence.
Finally, the ultimate weird situation is what if he is convicted and sentenced but wins the presidency. He obviously cannot do the job of president while under some sort of house arrest. Or does the house arrest become the White House? Or does he serve his time after his second term?
I am not making an argument here. If Trump is convicted and sentenced then we are truly in uncharted territory here. This does not mean that we undergo due process and have the trials for his accusations. But this is a more complicated situation than people may have considered.