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RE: Thoughts On The State Of Steemit & Why Humility Is The Path To Wisdom

Thank you my friend .. in terms of honesty, I just don't want people to ever think that I'm speaking from some kind of ivory tower, I'm not perfect .. but each day I try to be a better man .. but still I acknowledge that we are all stumbling our way through life. All I have is a perspective and a good intent behind that perspective .. some like it/some don't (such is life) but I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't follow my own path.

In terms of the echo chambers that you allude to .. yes I couldn't agree more. As I have previously written about, its my belief that the algorithms that have been unleashed upon the net are dividing the populace into categories and in turn are quite literally nudging people towards the extremes of their belief systems, in turn rewiring the social construct of our society. People are increasingly cocooned within their personal digital nirvana and as such this is feeding self-righteous arrogance .. because anyone that doesn't agree with you must be thick, or a sheep .. right?

This for me is the single biggest problem society faces, mob rules, without a clue.

Yes I couldn't agree more .. it is both insidious and extremely dangerous to any semblance of a cohesive society, sadly I fear it is also deliberate. Thanks again for the great comment @shepz1

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