Should I Be Offended?

in #tree7 years ago


I don't know about trees these days. Here I am, minding my own business. I look up and what do I see?
A tree giving me a finger!!!
What did I do?
I have been nice to you, tree!!!
Don't be so rude!!!!!

🌲 🌳 🌴 🌲 🌳 🌴 🌲 🌳 🌴 🌲 🌳 🌴 🌲 🌳 🌴

Well, in a sense, if someone would cut me like that, I might give them the finger too!!
This is a pruning method called pollarding which is widely used in France for their street trees.
From the cut, a whole lot of new sprouts will come up and create a new canopy in the summer. If you keep harvesting the new shoots, they are used for animal feed. Or let them grow a couple of years and you have a new supply of firewood.
This tree is in the chicken area. right now, being cut, it allows a lot of sunlight into their space. By summer, when it gets hot again, the new branches will give them plenty of shade.
One thing the chickens all told me - they don't like the noise of a chainsaw in their house. They were quite clear about that!!

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I was coming into this post all on fire thinking, "WHO DARES OFFEND OUR MARIANNE!?!?!?!"

You crack me up! I love your sense of humor. :)

🤪 . Love that you came on a fiery dragon to defend me!! Hugs!!!

That was good for a chuckle! I hope to see another photo of this tree in a few months!

For sure!! I will have one...

This is hilarious and I love the middle finger tree ... i agree they were definitely giving you the middle finger! Buahahahaah

Pollarding huh? I just learned something new. Could come in handy if/when we begin homesteading.

Yes!! When you are ready, I probably wouldn't use an elm - but there is lots of info on that in the Permaculture world...

Lol! That title got me. Well, if it is for such a purpose to creat a new canopy in the summer, I would be more than happy to see a tree giving me a finger. I do not mind at all. lol.

hahaha I don't mind either :)

Omg you crack me up 😂😂😂😂😂

Glad that I could get a chuckle out of you LOL

Click-bait title! hahahaha love the content! :)

I know!! Kind of by accident :) Usually I can't come up with catchy titles - one of my weaknesses as a blogger :)

I should've included your tree pic as the front cover of my 'Love for Greenery' pitch. I think those who've evaluated my project would deserve "a finger" for not maintaining a healthy & safe environment and for not paying me for what's promised. They have no love at all. Anyway, I've enjoyed this post and I'd give you a thumbs up. Enjoy your day!

Oh, I have to look at your project. Is it here on Steemit?

Yes, just click 'Love for Greenery' and you'll see 1 part of the whole pitch.


I'm actually planning to put in a willow fence and making good use of pollarding, both for new fencing and for willow branches for basketry and other crafts, as well as fodder for the goats.

And I understand that both black locusts and honey locusts are good for that in our area, which would be great as well, because both are deer resistant, and wonderful nectar sources for honeybees. Hoping to set up a few hives in the not-too-distant future.

yes!! those are excellent fodder trees I believe...

That's what I understand, though I understand that honey locust has some wicked long thorns, like blow out your mower tire wicked, so I'll probably using it more sparingly. ;-)

Geoff Lawton talks a lot about it. I believe there is a thornless variety available. If I remember right, the folks for Sow Edible Permaculture Podcast are talking about it as well. I have a podcast post up with a link to their podcast...

Cool - I'll check it out - thanks!

I've heard that there is a thornless variety, but haven't found it in our area as yet. But there is a street near us that has several that are mature, so I may go and take a few cuttings to see how they do.

We have a sinkhole just outside our barnyard, and it may be just the thing to keep any wandering animals - or kids - from accidentally falling in.

I've got seeds for Osage oranges, too, which are also as thorny as all get out, but I won't be using those near the barnyard, as I understand dome domestic animals can be harmed if they eat the fruit,

From what I understand, the thorns were used as nails. And yes, nothing close to the animals which could kill them. I know a lady who killed several goats with the Avocado tree she didn't want to give up :)

Wow . . . I had no idea that avocadoes were bad for goats, but it makes sense, especially if they really developed a taste for them.

As much as I love them, if I couldn't fence the goats out of the fruit drop zone, then yeah, I'd give up my tree.

I hadn't that the thorns were used as nails, but considering what I've heard about them, that makes sense too. Gives me some ideas, too. ;-)

:) It is not just the fruit of Avocadoes - the leaves kill goats as well :(

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