Traffic Koans [Day 23]
This is Day 23 of the 30-day Traffic Koans contest. Details on how to enter can be found here:

A man walked towards the baggage counter to check his bags. From a distance, he saw that there were still a number of free slots, so he didn't rush it.
When he got to the counter, he smiled, lifted his bag and waited for the woman at the counter to hand him his claim stub.
"Yes?" the woman asked.
"Hi, yeah, I just want to check in my bag."
"I'm sorry but there are no more slots."
"What are you talking about?" the man asked, confused. He pointed at the empty spots behind the woman. "There are free slots right there!"
The woman looked behind her and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't see anything."
Irritated, the man thought about greasing the wheels with some cash. He needed to get in, but to do so, he needed to check in his bag.
"How much does it take to get my bag checked in?" he asked begrudgingly.
"200," the woman answered.
"That's insane! That is just blatant robbery! Costs more than a parking slot!"
"What can I tell you? Take it or leave it."
The man took it, and he left the woman 200 bucks richer.

Now, this one is something that's not as prevalent as well. Or, one that I certainly hope doesn't persist in other countries. Here in the Philippines, it's not uncommon to see parking attendants running around the lot. They offer services like detailing and washing your car while it's parked. But, in order for them to draw you in, their go-to strategy is to help you get a parking spot, or at least help you park.
I don't know why, but this always felt to me like you're trading your soul in to the devil for some reason.

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Anyway, picture the scene: you're rushing to get to a meeting and you enter a parking lot that says it has 150 free slots, but when you get to the bottommost floor, you have yet to find a single free slot. You drive around aimlessly until you see a cordoned off section that has a lot of free space. It could be the valet parking, you think, so you move along. Out of nowhere, a spritely woman dressed in the colors of the parking lot wave at you and ask if you need help parking. Because you're in a terrible rush and have no other options, you accept her offer. You follow her down a path that leads to the cordoned off area. In it you are able to find a comfortable space you could slot your vehicle into.
Once you get out, she hounds you to pay her an extra fee on top of the exorbitant amount you have already paid for parking. You wave her off with a smile, saying that you don't need your car washed. She walks away dejected, and you stand there securing the locks of your vehicle.
There is a special place in hell for people who take advantage of other people. Ever experienced something similar? Regale us with your tale down below :D
To know how to enter, check out the link below
Vote @lukestokes.mhth | @steemgigs as Steemit witnesses!

Hm, now this one is new to me, I have definitely not had this happen. That doesn't mean there aren't places where it does.
What I do feel is taking advantage is toll booths. The thruway, which is by far the most convenient and fastest means of getting from one city to another, charges an arm and a leg. Supposedly it's for maintenance of the highway. And while I know that they do have to maintain considering the traffic on it, the amount of money they make in a single day is probably more than enough to pay for an entire year worth of maintenance.
Ugh toll booths! Don't even get me started with those. If the organizations that control toll booths used the funds the right way, we would all be driving on roads so smooth, we wouldn't even feel like the wheels are touching the ground. Either they charge less or they become transparent about their expenses. I mean, I get that they have to pay their people, but come on. What they do is the very definition of... highway robbery. OH NOOOOOO HEEEEE DIDN'TTTTT. Yes. Yes, I did
Thanks for sharing your two cents, my friend! :D
"There is pay."
That's usually a good thing. But in this circumstance, it means, no only are you obligated to do the work, you're also obligated to find the customers. You're on the hook for any unsold product, and you only get a fraction of the sales price. So the only way to keep your head above water is to swindle your friends.
This is what desperation looks like.
Yeah, I totally get that you have to make a living, but come on people, at least have the decency to not take advantage of people. It's easy to just do your job well and hope for the best. I don't think they're on the hook for any unsold product.
Thanks for stopping by, man! I appreciate it :D
But sincerely i won't really say those parking attendants are trading their souls to the devil because i think it might be the economics status of the country that make them to look for how to survive in such place but that hotel attendant should be reported and arrested because that's simply exhaustion of money.
Nice a follower and a lover, steem on.
Yeah, that was an exaggeration. People who are used to my humor know that it shouldn't be taken seriously. I apologize if it came across that way. I'm just saying that we're all on the same boat.
Economic status shouldn't be an excuse. Sure, some have it tougher than others, but it's one thing to survive and it's another thing to be morally bankrupt. Everyone works hard to make a living, and even though we all don't have equal opportunities, that shouldn't be an excuse to take advantage of others. I really hate it when people use it as an excuse for their misdeeds. After all, it's free to be a good person.
Thank you for saying it's a nice post even though you didn't upvote. I'm not sure who you said you followed, but from the looks of it, it wasn't me. I'll still take a look at your post though if that was your intention for commenting.
Thanks for sharing :-) @jedau I am following. Best of Luck !
Thanks for the follow! I hope you get the chance to join the contest :D